Food occupies a central place and sometimes disproportionate place in our lives. Researchers have noted that we make over 200 food choices a day, many without much deliberation. And so whether our thoughts about food center around having too little or too much, whether we have a distorted view of food or a healthy view of food, food and eating is something we all have to partake in in order to survive. And so the question I think we must ask ourselves is will food, the table and hospitality be used as a space for growth and for transformation, not only for ourselves, but for others as well. As a person seeking to follow Jesus through loving God and loving my neighbor, I see time and time again, food being used in the Bible to communicate some really deep truths. From the very beginning, God places humanity in a garden full of amazing and diverse foods for us to eat. But it's not too long before food becomes the avenue through which sin, destruction and brokenness enter into the world and affects all of creation, including ourselves. But God doesn't leave humanity to figure out a way back to him. He seeks to restore that relationship. And when he wants to communicate salvation, he seems to always use food. Think about it, the Passover. Images of the messianic age showing up in the prophets, to the Lord's Supper, and at the very end, at the final book of Revelation, we see the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. In all of these, food play a prominent role in how God communicates His salvation. But then let's think about while Jesus was here on Earth, and what do we find Jesus doing time and time again? He eats. He loves to eat. He loves to tell stories about food. He loves to be with people in their homes and at their tables regardless of any human created identity markers. And so as I've read and I've studied and I've talked with others, I have come to see food, the table, and hospitality as a deep expression of God's love for us and our love for one another. As we prepare food, as we share food, as we eat together, there is this space that is created where foes can become friends and transformation occurs not only for our guests, but more importantly for ourselves. And in an age defined by factions and tribalism, what better way to break down these barriers than through sharing a meal together? That's what I want to explore in this podcast, The Biggest Table. Through stories, through biblical, theological, and psychological reflection, I want to explore the table as a means of experiencing God's transformative love. I hope you will join me on this journey as we discover in new and fresh ways what it means to be transformed by God's love around the table and through food and taking that transformation for more and more people to partake in themselves. Welcome to The Biggest Table.