The Book of Life: Jewish Kidlit (Mostly)

Heidi Rabinowitz
The Book of Life: Jewish Kidlit (Mostly)

The Book of Life is an interview-format podcast about Jewish kidlit, mostly, with occasional coverage of Jewish YA/adult books, music, film and web, established in December 2005. Host: Heidi Rabinowitz Sponsors: Feldman Children's Library at Congregation B'nai Israel of Boca Raton, Florida & the Association of Jewish Libraries

  1. 1 DAY AGO

    Night Owls: Jewish Paranormal Romance Adventure!

    SHOW NOTES: TRANSCRIPT: Night Owls is an paranormal YA romance adventure about Clara and Molly, two estries who run an art house cinema in the Village in New York City. In case you're wondering, estries are Jewish owl-shifting bread-eating female vampires! This book is my new favorite, and I'm not the only one. This debut novel won gold from the Sydney Taylor Book Award AND the National Jewish Book Award! The story is fun and fast paced, it's eery and emotional, and it's got characters I want to hang out with even if they would probably be dangerous to know.  LEARN MORE: A.R. Vishny's website Buy or borrow Night Owls Conversation about American Girl dolls: A.R. Vishny's Hey Alma article, Dolls of Our Lives podcast, and The Book of Life's 2009 interview More about the plays "Indecent" and "God of Vengeance" Fantasy cast: Julie Benko as Clara, Micaela Diamond as Molly, Itay Tiran as Ashmedai, Swell Ariel Or as Anat, and Ninet Tayeb as Gila (Boaz is uncast). See images of the fantasy cast! CREDITS: Produced by Feldman Children's Library at Congregation B'nai Israel Co-sponsored by the Association of Jewish Libraries Sister podcast: Nice Jewish Books Theme Music: The Freilachmakers Klezmer String Band Newsletter: Facebook Discussion Group: Jewish Kidlit Mavens Facebook Page: Instagram: @bookoflifepodcast Twitter: @bookoflifepod Support the Podcast: Shop or Donate Your feedback is welcome! Please write to or leave a voicemail at 561-206-2473.

    38 min
  2. FEB 11

    Finn & Ezra's Bar Mitzvah Time Loop

    SHOW NOTES:  TRANSCRIPT:  Finn & Ezra's Bar Mitzvah Time Loop by Joshua S. Levy is a 2025 Sydney Taylor Honor Book, and I'm thrilled to interview my friend Josh as part of the Sydney Taylor Book Award Blog Tour. February 10-14, 2025, winning authors and illustrators will be interviewed on various blogs, podcasts, and Bookstagram accounts, and of course the interviews will remain available for you to enjoy at any time. Check for links. Be sure to listen past the credits to hear our extended conversation about Doctor Who! LEARN MORE: Buy / borrow Finn & Ezra's Bar Mitzvah Time Loop Joshua S. Levy's website Josh's 2023 appearance on the podcast to talk about The Jake Show List of Jewish time travel books Buy / borrow Josh's favorite Jewish book: As a Driven Leaf by Milton Steinberg Buy / borrow Josh's other favorite Jewish book: Eternal Life by Dara Horn Buy / borrow Heidi's movie recommendation, About Time 2025 Sydney Taylor Book Award Blog Tour Get more Jewish kidlit news & calls to action in The Book of Life Substack newsletter CREDITS: Produced by Feldman Children's Library at Congregation B'nai Israel Co-sponsored by the Association of Jewish Libraries Sister podcast: Nice Jewish Books Theme Music: The Freilachmakers Klezmer String Band Newsletter: Facebook Discussion Group: Jewish Kidlit Mavens Facebook Page: Instagram: @bookoflifepodcast Twitter: @bookoflifepod Support the Podcast: Shop or Donate Your feedback is welcome! Please write to or leave a voicemail at 561-206-2473.

    29 min
  3. JAN 27

    2025 Sydney Taylor Book Awards, Revealed!

    SHOW NOTES: TRANSCRIPT:  The winners of the 2025 Sydney Taylor Book Awards, recognizing the best Jewish children's and young adult literature of the year, were announced on January 27, 2025 at the American Library Association's Youth Media Awards event. Aviva Rosenberg is the current chair of the Sydney Taylor Book Award committee, and she joined us to discuss the 2025 winners of the award. LEARN  MORE: Sydney Taylor Book Awards ALA's YouTube channel, where you can watch a recording of the announcement Heidi's unofficial 2025 Sydney Taylor shortlist Get more Jewish kidlit news & calls to action in The Book of Life Substack newsletter 2025 SYDNEY TAYLOR BOOK AWARDS Scroll down to see all the winning titles listed, with links to any past podcast appearances by the authors on The Book of Life.   FYI, the Sydney Taylor Book Award Blog Tour will take place in early February, and I will be interviewing Joshua S. Levy about Finn and Ezra's Bar Mitzvah Time Loop. Details will appear soon at   Picture Book Winner: An Etrog from Across the Sea by Deborah Bodin Cohen and Kerry Olitzky, illustrated by Stacey Dressen McQueen, published by Kar-Ben Middle Grade Winner: The Girl Who Sang: A Holocaust Memoir of Hope and Survival by Estelle Nadel, Bethany Strout, and Sammy Savos, illustrated by Sammy Savos, published by Roaring Brook Press Young Adult Winner: Night Owls by A.R. Vishny, published by HarperCollins Podcast interview with A.R. Vishny forthcoming - watch this space  ~~~ Picture Book Honors Joyful Song by Lesléa Newman, illustrated by Susan Gal, published by Levine Querido Podcast interview with Lesléa and Susan about Joyful Song: June 2024 Rising by Sidura Ludwig, illustrated by Sophia Vincent Guy, published by Candlewick Amazing Abe: How Abraham Cahan's Newspaper Gave a Voice to Jewish Immigrants by Norman H. Finklestein, illustrated by Vesper Stamper, published by Holiday House The Tree of Life: How a Holocaust Sapling Inspired the World by Elisa Boxer, illustrated by Alianna Rozentsveig, published by Rocky Pond Books Middle Grade Honors Across So Many Seas by Ruth Behar, published by Nancy Paulsen Books Podcast interview with Ruth about Across So Many Seas: May 2024   Finn and Ezra's Bar Mitzvah Time Loop by Joshua S. Levy, published by Katherine Tegen Books Podcast interview with Josh about The Jake Show: August 2023 Just Shy of Ordinary by A.J. Sass, published by Little, Brown Books for Young Readers Podcast interview with A.J. about Ellen Outside the Lines: June 2023 Young Adult Honors Trajectory by Cambria Gordon, published by Scholastic Press The Forbidden Book by Sacha Lamb, published by Levine Querido Podcast interview with Sacha about When the Angels Left the Old Country: January 2023   ~~~~ Picture Book Notables Mr. Katz and Me by Marc Kornblatt, illustrated by Nanette Regan, published by Apples & Honey Press Everybody's Book: The Story of the Sarajevo Haggadah by Linda Leopold Strauss, illustrated by Tim Smart, published by Kar-Ben Podcast interview about the Sarajevo Haggadah, with Geraldine Brooks about People of the Book: April 2008   Sharing Shalom by Danielle Sharkan, illustrated by Selina Alko, published by Holiday House Middle Grade Notables  Max in the House of Spies: A Tale of World War II by Adam Gidwitz, published by Dutton Books for Young Readers Podcast interview with Adam about Max in the House of Spies: July 2024   Things That Shimmer by Deborah Lakritz, published by Kar-Ben Podcast interview with Deborah about the Friends for LQ Auction: August 2023   Benji Zeb Is a Ravenous Werewolf by Deke Moulton, published by Tundra Books Podcast interview with Deke about Benji Zeb: November 2024   Young Adult Notables The Ballerina of Auschwitz: Young Adult Edition of The Choice by Dr. Edith Eva Eger with Esme Schwall, published by Atheneum Books for Young Readers Inkflower by Suzy Zail, published by Walker Books Australia ~~~~ 2025 Sydney Taylor Manuscript Award Winner:"When You Write Back" by Hanna R. Neier The Sydney Taylor Book Awards are sponsored by Jo Taylor Marshall,  daughter of All-of-a-Kind Family author Sydney Taylor. I interviewed Jo Taylor Marshall on The Book of Life in January 2024 CREDITS: Produced by Feldman Children's Library at Congregation B'nai Israel Co-sponsored by the Association of Jewish Libraries Sister podcast: Nice Jewish Books Theme Music: The Freilachmakers Klezmer String Band Newsletter: Facebook Discussion Group: Jewish Kidlit Mavens Facebook Page: Instagram: @bookoflifepodcast Twitter: @bookoflifepod Support the Podcast: Shop or Donate Your feedback is welcome! Please write to or leave a voicemail at 561-206-2473.

    47 min
  4. JAN 18

    One of a Kind: The Life of Sydney Taylor

    SHOW NOTES:  TRANSCRIPT: Sydney Taylor was the first author to write kids books that served as windows into Jewish life, not just mirrors. Her All-of-a-Kind Family series was game changing. These were the first books about Jewish characters to become popular with readers of all backgrounds, and they are still popular today. Jo Taylor Marshall, Sydney's daughter, sponsors the Sydney Taylor Book Awards that recognize the best Jewish kidlit each year. And now, Richard Michelson has written a picture book biography of Sydney Taylor. It's called One of a Kind. This book has inspired the Association of Jewish Libraries to create a Sydney Taylor portal on their website, to curate information and resources relating to Taylor, her writing, and the Sydney Taylor Book Awards. The project is in the works, and I'll be sure to let you know when it goes live. I spoke with Jo and Rich at the 2024 Association of Jewish Libraries conference in San Diego, where we were celebrating the 120th birthday of Sydney Taylor. If you'd like to hear more from Jo after listening to this podcast, you're in luck! I recorded an oral history with her for the Association of Jewish Libraries. And don't forget to subscribe to my new newsletter on Substack to join my community of Jewish kidlit fans. Get show notes, transcripts, Jewish kidlit news, and occasional calls to action right in your inbox! LEARN MORE: Buy / borrow One of a Kind: The Life of Sydney Taylor by Richard Michelson Richard Michelson's website Oral history with Jo Taylor Marshall The "All-of-a-Kind Family Companion" from the Association of Jewish Libraries The Sydney Taylor Book Awards The Sydney Taylor Shmooze mock award blog The Book of Life Podcast Substack Newsletter CREDITS: Produced by Feldman Children's Library at Congregation B'nai Israel Co-sponsored by the Association of Jewish Libraries Sister podcast: Nice Jewish Books Theme Music: The Freilachmakers Klezmer String Band Newsletter: Facebook Discussion Group: Jewish Kidlit Mavens Facebook Page: Instagram: @bookoflifepodcast Twitter: @bookoflifepod Support the Podcast: Shop or Donate Your feedback is welcome! Please write to or leave a voicemail at 561-206-2473.

    18 min
  5. JAN 2

    The Bubbe of Them All: Kar-Ben Publishing

    SHOW NOTES:  TRANSCRIPT:  Appropriately, as we kick off this podcast's 20th anniversary year, in this episode we are going to think about change and continuity. We say goodbye to an old friend, Joni Sussman, who is retiring after twenty years of leading the Jewish children's publishing company Kar-Ben. And we'll say hello to a new friend, Fran Greenman-Schmitz, who will be taking up the reins at Kar-Ben.  I've been in this business a long time, so I remember when Joni started at Kar-Ben! This is her fourth live conference interview on the show, and of course it's Fran's first. Joni is the winner of the Sydney Taylor Body of Work Award, for her many contributions to the field of Jewish kidlit. To give you some context, the oldest publisher of Jewish books in English is the Jewish Publication Society, founded in 1888, but Kar-Ben is the oldest publisher to exclusively focus on Jewish children's books. It was founded fifty years ago, in 1974 - so happy anniversary to Kar-Ben! Now there are half a dozen presses that exclusively publish Jewish children's books, but Kar-Ben is the Bubbe of them all. I spoke with Joni and Fran at the 2024 Association of Jewish Libraries conference to hear all about this exciting time of transition. LEARN MORE: Kar-Ben Publishing website "Kar-Ben's New Publisher Is on a Mission" Publishers Weekly 9/17/24 Joni Sussman's past appearances on The Book of Life 2010 - Book Expo: Jewish Presses 2015 - Diversity in Jewish Kidlit 2019 - The Book of Life Live Show NEWS!  The Book of Life is now on Substack!  Sign up to receive show notes, transcripts, Jewish kidlit news, and occasional calls to action in your Inbox!  SIGN UP HERE CREDITS: Produced by Feldman Children's Library at Congregation B'nai Israel Co-sponsored by the Association of Jewish Libraries Sister podcast: Nice Jewish Books Theme Music: The Freilachmakers Klezmer String Band Facebook Discussion Group: Jewish Kidlit Mavens Facebook Page: Instagram: @bookoflifepodcast Twitter: @bookoflifepod Support the Podcast: Shop or Donate Your feedback is welcome! Please write to or leave a voicemail at 561-206-2473.

    20 min
  6. 12/25/2024

    Cheering On Jewish Books

    SHOW NOTES: TRANSCRIPT:  HANDOUT:  VIDEO WITH SLIDES: For Hanukkah 2024, I got you a Jewish Book Advocacy Kit! Let me explain. My local public library invited me to give an online talk in honor of Jewish Book Month. As I thought about what to say, I remembered great advice from my friend, author Liza Wiemer, about all the small simple things that anyone can do to support Jewish literature - and bingo, I had my topic. Here's an edited recording of that talk I gave, with practical, actionable tips, and suggestions for Jewish books you'll love. If you'd like to see my slideshow, you can watch the same talk on YouTube. And be sure to check out this very useful presentation handout. For even more books you'll love, check out my annual unofficial Sydney Taylor Book Award shortlist to see what I think is the best Jewish kidlit of 2024! Happy Hanukkah, Happy New Year, and Happy Reading! CREDITS: Produced by Feldman Children's Library at Congregation B'nai Israel Co-sponsored by the Association of Jewish Libraries Sister podcast: Nice Jewish Books Theme Music: The Freilachmakers Klezmer String Band Facebook Discussion Group: Jewish Kidlit Mavens Facebook Page: Instagram: @bookoflifepodcast Twitter: @bookoflifepod Support the Podcast: Shop or Donate Your feedback is welcome! Please write to or leave a voicemail at 561-206-2473.

    23 min
  7. 12/01/2024

    A Very December 25th Hanukkah

    SHOW NOTES: TRANSCRIPT: Happy Hanukkah! Christmas and Hanukkah overlap this year, with Hanukkah beginning on December 25, so it's a good time to think about the juxtaposition of these two holidays. Hanukkah is a minor holiday but its proximity to Christmas brings it extra attention. Let's talk about that! GUESTS: Henry Herz, editor of The Festival of Lights: 16 Hanukkah Stories Joanne Levy, Festival contributor and co-author of Let It Glow Erica Perl, Festival contributor and author of The Ninth Night of Hanukkah LEARN MORE: Henry Herz's website | buy or borrow The Festival of Lights Joanne Levy's website | buy or borrow Let It Glow Erica Perl's website, Instagram | buy or borrow The Ninth Night of Hanukkah Reading (and gifting) recommendations: Joanne suggests The Latke Who Couldn't Stop Screaming by Lemony Snicket, and Red and Green and Blue and White by Lee Wind.  Erica suggests Meet the Latkes, Latke's First Hanukkah, and P is for Pastrami by Alan Silberberg, The Greatest by Veera Hiranandani, and What Jewish Looks Like by Liz Kleinrock and Caroline Kusin Pritchard CREDITS: Produced by Feldman Children's Library at Congregation B'nai Israel Co-sponsored by the Association of Jewish Libraries Sister podcast: Nice Jewish Books Theme Music: The Freilachmakers Klezmer String Band Facebook Discussion Group: Jewish Kidlit Mavens Facebook Page: Instagram: @bookoflifepodcast Twitter: @bookoflifepod Support the Podcast: Shop or Donate Your feedback is welcome! Please write to or leave a voicemail at 561-206-2473.

    39 min
  8. 11/24/2024

    Celebrate Jewish Book Month 2024

    SHOW NOTES: TRANSCRIPT: Here's a bonus episode for you, in honor of Jewish Book Month, which is marking its 99th year.  Arielle Landau, the program coordinator at the Jewish Book Council, joins me to talk about the Council's special campaign to Celebrate Jewish Books, and how YOU can participate! Watch my Instagram @BookOfLifePodcast and Facebook for daily Jewish Book Month recommendations, November 24-December 24, 2024. In light of the state of the world, this year's theme is books that model ACTIVISM. LEARN MORE: Jewish Book Month Celebrate Jewish Books Campaign "Cheering On Jewish Books" video by Heidi with practical tips for supporting Jewish lit Article by Heidi in The Forward about Jewish Book Month Arielle's favorite campaign partners: The Yiddish Book Center One Table The Book of Life Lehrhouse CREDITS: Produced by Feldman Children's Library at Congregation B'nai Israel Co-sponsored by the Association of Jewish Libraries Sister podcast: Nice Jewish Books Theme Music: The Freilachmakers Klezmer String Band Facebook Discussion Group: Jewish Kidlit Mavens Facebook Page: Instagram: @bookoflifepodcast Twitter: @bookoflifepod Support the Podcast: Shop or Donate Your feedback is welcome! Please write to or leave a voicemail at 561-206-2473.

    14 min
out of 5
18 Ratings


The Book of Life is an interview-format podcast about Jewish kidlit, mostly, with occasional coverage of Jewish YA/adult books, music, film and web, established in December 2005. Host: Heidi Rabinowitz Sponsors: Feldman Children's Library at Congregation B'nai Israel of Boca Raton, Florida & the Association of Jewish Libraries

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