The BumpCast

Shannon Bally: Mom and Podcaster
The BumpCast

On this podcast, I’ll take you through each week of your pregnancy with some tips and tricks to help you out, interviews from mamas who have been there, tips from professionals who work with pregnant mamas, and some insight into what’s to come. Enjoy this incredible journey as you grow a miracle!

  1. Week 41 Are You Still Pregnant?!


    Week 41 Are You Still Pregnant?!

    Congratulations Mama and welcome to week 41 of your pregnancy. This week your baby is the size of a watermelon, measuring around 20.4 inches long and about 8 pounds. Or more. Or less. There really is no way of knowing until he or she makes their debut.   I know that some of you may have reached week 41 and I want to make sure you know what is going on with you this week!     Chances are, you are totally over this whole pregnancy thing and just want to meet your sweet baby already! All the experts are going to tell you that you should get as much sleep and rest as possible right now, and while I don’t disagree, I also know that this advice can be frustrating and impractical to a mama on the cusp of meeting one of the most important people in your life.   Since you have gone past your anticipated due date, your doctor or provider will want to monitor you extra closely. You may be scheduled or another ultrasound, non stress test and or a biophysical profile just to check in on your little one.   A few tips on trying to naturally induce labor include: eating spicy food, having sex, acupuncture, and lots of walking! Remember to stay hydrated, even if you feel like you visit the toilet so much you may as well move your bed into the bathroom.   So why are you overdo anyway? Well, a family history of going past the 40 week mark can be part of the cause, but of course, your original due date may have been miscalculated, also.   Whatever the reason may be, it’s not important to discuss your thoughts about induction with your provider. They may or may not be on board with your personal plan to serve an eviction notice and there are a few ways they can assist in speeding up the process.  Also, remember that a due date is really just an estimate.   Stripping membranes which can be painful, can be done in the doctor’s office.   You can take medication to help dilate your cervix.    Or the provider can “break your water” or rupture the membranes with a thin plastic hook. This one is usually only done when you’ve been in labor but haven’t progressed past a certain point for hours. With my first pregnancy, I was induced and in the hospital in labor for 12 hours but didn’t progress past to the point my water broke. The on-call doctor said he would break my water when he was out of surgery delivering twins via c-section for another family, and before he came back, my water broke on it’s own.   There are a lot of things I would change about my first birth experience if I had the chance, but my best advice to you is to be your own best advocate. I also recommend having a support person with you that can advocate on your behalf (and that of your baby) in case you aren’t able to, and also to remind you about your birth plan or wishes for your labor and delivery.

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  2. Week 39 and Hip to Heart with Jodi Congdon


    Week 39 and Hip to Heart with Jodi Congdon

    Congratulations, mama, and welcome to week 39 of your pregnancy! This week your sweet baby is the size of a pumpkin. Measuring about 20 inches long and weighing in at about 7.3 pounds, baby just keeps growing, despite being so crowded inside your 39 weeks pregnant belly.   It’s almost eviction day.   I pulled a few common late pregnancy symptoms from, so if you’re looking for more information on any of these, head over to their website.   One symptom of late pregnancy is your bloody show - a discharge that’s as thick as mucus and sometimes has a tinge of blood in it. Many people consider this to be a sign you’ll go into labor soon, there’s no exact science to it, so it’s hard to say when showtime will be.   A few other symptoms you may be dealing with now include: Pelvic pressure. While getting into position for birth, baby may be sitting so low that that your lower torso feels heavy and uncomfortable. Lightning crotch. Because baby’s so low, his or her movements can hit some sensitive nerves, giving you sharp sensations in your pelvis—yep, like a lightning bolt!  This week our interview is with Jodi Congdon from   Jodi is a birth and lactation educator and doula. In this interview we discuss Expectations and time management when nursing as well as answer listener questions about nursing with breast implants - it can be done!   Connect with Jodi at: Facebook: Hip to Heart Instagram @hiptoheart

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  3. Week 35 and International Births with Rebekah Nolt


    Week 35 and International Births with Rebekah Nolt

    Congratulations, mama! Welcome to week 35 of your pregnancy!   With only 5 short weeks left until you meet your baby, you are probably feeling a lot of emotions and exhaustion but could also be experiencing some nesting symptoms now. Baby is about 18 inches long and weighs just over 5 pounds. She’s mostly in there putting on fat and waiting out the next 5 weeks with you. Most babies are in the head down position now, but if you see your doctor and they say baby isn’t head down, don’t worry too much. There’s still time!!   You should also go back and listen to the episode where I interview my fabulous Chiropractor, Dr. Michelle Arietta - Which is the week 5 episode – for some tips on how a chiropractor can help get you ready for baby to make her appearance.   If you are catching the nesting bug, here is an article from Parent Guide News with some tips on what you should be looking at.   Rebekah is from SC, is married to her high school crush and they have three children together. She also has 8 years of experience in missions and women's ministry in West Africa. During this time - she went through two pregnancies and gave birth to her first two children in Africa. She's also been successful in multiple MLM businesses for almost seven years and she loves to see women destroy the lies in their minds that hold them back from reaching their full potential. Through all these experiences, nothing makes her come alive more than coaching and encouraging other women to embrace their gifts and fulfill their God-given calling! As a serial entrepreneur, she brings a wide variety of experience to the table and she loves to pass on what she's learned to help others be successful.   Connect with Rebekah:

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On this podcast, I’ll take you through each week of your pregnancy with some tips and tricks to help you out, interviews from mamas who have been there, tips from professionals who work with pregnant mamas, and some insight into what’s to come. Enjoy this incredible journey as you grow a miracle!








