Dive into a mismatched narrative of a caveman who struggles to light a fire...
Clowns Create is a new series where Tom and Ian exercise their funny brains and imagine a Clown Act from scratch using nothing but quick wit and accumulated knowledge from the Cheeky Podcast series.
These episodes are aimed to inspire and entertain listeners for their own creative projects, while we come up with both terrible and hilarious ideas.
0.19m Intro
1.28m The Action Triangle
2.41m Things we try to Include
3.35m The Brainstorming Begins
9.04m Discovering Motivations and Problems to solve
22.48.m Outro
24.00m Joke of the Day
- Show
- PublishedJune 5, 2021 at 12:00 PM UTC
- Length25 min
- RatingClean