The Church Answers Podcast

The Church Answers Podcast
The Church Answers Podcast

The Church Answers Podcast with Thom Rainer is fast-paced, to the point, and sometimes witty. It addresses one question about church life and leadership in just ten minutes. Buckle your seatbelt and take a ride into the world of congregational health in a fun and fascinating way.

  1. 2 DAYS AGO

    The Four Most Common Acts of Stupidity That Get Pastors Fired * Flirting dangerously with sexual boundaries. By the time the physical sexual affair takes place, the pastor has already crossed several sexual boundaries. There is no such thing as a harmless flirtatious comment or text to someone of the opposite gender who is not your spouse. Pornography is not a lone act that hurts no one else. Ongoing counseling that hints of meeting each other’s needs is never good. Close work relationships can become too close. Don’t think it can’t happen to you. * Plagiarism. Don’t ever copy that first sermon. You might think you can get away with it, but it becomes a pattern. If you found a great sermon by Alistair Begg, so will those who are listening to you. If you discovered some incredible sermon sites with fully prepared messages, so will those in your congregation. I get messages on social media where members and staff share with me that their pastors are plagiarizing. They know. Don’t do it. And don't be tempted to let AI do your sermon. There are AI detectors just waiting for someone to get lazy. * Financial stupidity. A church credit card can be very helpful. A church credit card can be very dangerous. Don’t even think about putting a personal charge on your credit card. And don’t say you read the book Never Eat Alone to justify having a meal on the church every day. If you have any doubt about a financial matter, err on the side of total caution.  * Social media madness. I am sorry, pastors, but social media is not a place for you to vent, to get into political battles, or to join a bandwagon of critics. There is simply no upside to such madness. Avoid sarcastic and bombastic comments. Don’t take on a church member on X or Facebook. Don’t be the constant critic. And never, ever, ever make unsavory or sexual comments. And if you think it’s unfair that you can’t do what others do, get another job. The office of pastor and other church leadership positions demand that you demonstrate total integrity. You are to be above reproach. Resources: Chaney & Associates * Upward Sports * Christian Money Solutions * “Never Eat Alone” by Keith Ferrazzi (affiliate link) * “40 Things I’ve Learned in 40 Years of Ministry” by Thom S. Rainer * The Hope Initiative * FREE Research Report: New Surprising Insights Episode Sponsor: Lead Your Church. We'll Handle the Numbers.  We have decades of experience serving churches across the country.  We’re church accountants who speak your language and understand your mission. Gain clear financial insights to guide your ministry decisions with confidence.  Tailored solutions for churches of every size and stage.  Smart tools that save time and simplify finances so you can focus on ministry.  Stewardship matters. Your time is precious. We help with both.  Learn more today at   a href="https://www.upward.

    36 min
  2. 2 DAYS AGO

    Seven Personality Traits Guests Like in a Pastor Initially, when you ask church guests what they like about a pastor, they will respond with a comment about the pastor’s preaching. But if you go just one more level in the conversation, these church guests will also talk about the favorable personality traits of the pastor. Most of these traits fall under the category of  “relational skills.” Here are some of the most common personality traits noted in exit interviews with church guests. Each of the traits is followed with a representative guest comment: * Down-to-earth. “I hadn’t been in church in over seven years. When I visited this church, I was shocked at how the pastor seemed to be a regular guy. When I used to go to church, pastors presented themselves as high and mighty. Not this pastor.” * Other-centered. “The pastor is always asking about how others are doing. He really seems to care about how other people are doing.” * Sense of humor. “There is no doubt the pastor takes his ministry seriously; he just doesn’t take himself too seriously. He seems to have a lot of fun.” * Humble. “The pastor at the church I’m visiting is one of the most humble people I know. He never talks about himself unless it is self-deprecation.” * Relational. “The pastor says he is an introvert, but he sure has good relational skills. The two times I spoke with him were very enjoyable conversations.” * God-centered. “Pastor Frank is a man of prayer. You can just tell he walks with God.” * Not defensive. “I heard someone criticize the pastor after worship services. I was amazed at how he responded kindly and gently. I would have hit the person!” Resources: Chaney & Associates * Upward Sports * “The Levity Effect: Why it Pays to Lighten Up” by Adrian Gostick and Scott Christopher (affiliate link) * The Church Answers Podcast: #253 Breaking the Stigma: Why Church Finances Shouldn't Be a Mystery (Multisite Churches Must Listen to This) * The Church Answers Podcast: #254 From Chaos to Clarity: Simplifying Church Finances for Growing Ministries * The Hope Initiative * FREE Research Report: New Surprising Insights Episode Sponsor: Lead Your Church. We'll Handle the Numbers.  We have decades of experience serving churches across the country.  We’re church accountants who speak your language and understand your mission. Gain clear financial insights to guide your ministry decisions with confidence.  Tailored solutions for churches of every size and stage.  Smart tools that save time and simplify finances so you can focus on ministry.  Stewardship matters. Your time is precious. We help with both.  Learn more today at

    33 min
  3. FEB 5

    From Chaos to Clarity: Simplifying Church Finances for Growing Ministries Thom and Jess interview Steve Chaney, founder and CEO of Chaney and Associates, the premier CPA firm for churches of all sizes. In this episode, they discuss how churches can streamline their bookkeeping processes to focus more on ministry and growth. Warning signs that a church's financial systems are too complex or outdated for its needs. How a church can determine the right solution for its bookkeeping needs. How streamlined finances can lead to greater ministry impact. The challenges in transitioning from volunteer bookkeepers to professional services. Resources: Chaney & Associates * Upward Sports * The Hope Initiative * FREE Research Report: New Surprising Insights Episode Sponsor: Lead Your Church. We'll Handle the Numbers.  We have decades of experience serving churches across the country.  We’re church accountants who speak your language and understand your mission. Gain clear financial insights to guide your ministry decisions with confidence.  Tailored solutions for churches of every size and stage.  Smart tools that save time and simplify finances so you can focus on ministry.  Stewardship matters. Your time is precious. We help with both.  Learn more today at             We are excited to be partnering with Upward Sports in 2025. Upward Sports is the world's largest Christian youth sports organization, partnering with local churches to use sports as a powerful outreach tool to engage the community. To remind our listeners, Upward offers a variety of league options, including basketball, cheerleading, soccer, flag football, volleyball, baseball… and now running for adults. Partnering with Upward Sports helps your church reach the community, attract young families, and share the Gospel in a meaningful way. At Upward, they will customize your sports outreach strategy to fit your church’s budget, and community needs because we know one size doesn’t fit all. Kick off 2025 with purpose—use sports to fuel your outreach ministry! Are you looking to engage new families, bless your community, or mobilize your congregation to serve? Whether you have a gym, field space, or access to a facility, Upward Sports can help. We’re here to support your church in creating a first-class, organized, and intentional outreach ministry that tells families, “You are welcome here!” Whether you’re building on an existing sports ministry or starting fresh, check out Upward Sports. Schedule your call today –

    32 min
  4. FEB 5

    Breaking the Stigma: Why Church Finances Shouldn’t Be a Mystery (Multisite Churches Must Listen to This) Thom and Jess interview Steve Chaney, founder and CEO of Chaney and Associates, the premier CPA firm for churches of all sizes. In this episode, they discuss how transparent and accurate bookkeeping builds trust and stewardship in churches. How strong bookkeeping practices can enhance transparency and trust among church members. The most common mistakes churches make with their finances. How churches can balance spiritual mission and financial accountability without losing focus on ministry. Practical steps that smaller churches can take today to improve their financial systems, even with limited resources. Resources: Chaney & Associates * Upward Sports * The Hope Initiative * FREE Research Report: New Surprising Insights Episode Sponsor: Lead Your Church. We'll Handle the Numbers.  We have decades of experience serving churches across the country.  We’re church accountants who speak your language and understand your mission. Gain clear financial insights to guide your ministry decisions with confidence.  Tailored solutions for churches of every size and stage.  Smart tools that save time and simplify finances so you can focus on ministry.  Stewardship matters. Your time is precious. We help with both.  Learn more today at             We are excited to be partnering with Upward Sports in 2025. Upward Sports is the world's largest Christian youth sports organization, partnering with local churches to use sports as a powerful outreach tool to engage the community. To remind our listeners, Upward offers a variety of league options, including basketball, cheerleading, soccer, flag football, volleyball, baseball… and now running for adults. Partnering with Upward Sports helps your church reach the community, attract young families, and share the Gospel in a meaningful way. At Upward, they will customize your sports outreach strategy to fit your church’s budget, and community needs because we know one size doesn’t fit all. Kick off 2025 with purpose—use sports to fuel your outreach ministry! Are you looking to engage new families, bless your community, or mobilize your congregation to serve? Whether you have a gym, field space, or access to a facility, Upward Sports can help. We’re here to support your church in creating a first-class, organized, and intentional outreach ministry that tells families, “You are welcome here!” Whether you’re building on an existing sports ministry or starting fresh, check out Upward Sports. Schedule your call today –

    30 min
  5. JAN 29

    New Research: Where Are Church Attendance Trends Headed Through 2030? In the previous episode, Thom and Jess provided some of the most accurate data on worship attendance trends from 2019, the last pre-COVID year, through today. In this episode, they extrapolate the data to provide projected trends through 2030. You will probably be surprised. 2025 Projected Median Worship Attendance: 50 2026 Projected Median Worship Attendance: 48 2027 Projected Median Worship Attendance: 45 2028 Projected Median Worship Attendance: 45 2029 Projected Median Worship Attendance: 43 2030 Projected Median Worship Attendance: 40 Resources: Chaney & Associates * Upward Sports * The Church Answers Podcast #251 “Beyond the Fiction: What Are the Real Church Attendance Trends in America?” * My Church Staff: Stewardship * The Hope Initiative * Invite Your One * Good News Neighbors Toolkit * FREE Research Report: New Surprising Insights Episode Sponsor: Lead Your Church. We'll Handle the Numbers.  We have decades of experience serving churches across the country.  We’re church accountants who speak your language and understand your mission. Gain clear financial insights to guide your ministry decisions with confidence.  Tailored solutions for churches of every size and stage.  Smart tools that save time and simplify finances so you can focus on ministry.  Stewardship matters. Your time is precious. We help with both.  Learn more today at             We are excited to be partnering with Upward Sports in 2025. Upward Sports is the world's largest Christian youth sports organization, partnering with local churches to use sports as a powerful outreach tool to engage the community. To remind our listeners, Upward offers a variety of league options, including basketball, cheerleading, soccer, flag football, volleyball, baseball… and now running for adults. Partnering with Upward Sports helps your church reach the community, attract young families, and share the Gospel in a meaningful way. At Upward, they will customize your sports outreach strategy to fit your church’s budget, and community needs because we know one size doesn’t fit all. Kick off 2025 with purpose—use sports to fuel your outreach ministry! Are you looking to engage new families, bless your community, or mobilize your congregation to serve? Whether you have a gym, field space, or access to a facility, Upward Sports can help. We’re here to support your church in creating a first-class, organized,

    38 min
  6. JAN 22

    Beyond the Fiction: What Are the Real Church Attendance Trends in America? It's hard to get a handle on accurate church attendance trends in America. Examining some of the most reliable sources for church attendance data, including the work of Church Answers, Thom and Jess look at some incredible data that will provide clarity and help your church. 2019 Median Worship Attendance: 120-130 2020 Median Worship Attendance: 75-100 2021 Median Worship Attendance: 55-75 2022 Median Worship Attendance: 55-65 2023 Median Worship Attendance: 50-60 2024 Median Worship Attendance: 45-55 Resources: Chaney & Associates * Upward Running * “Autopsy of a Deceased Church: 12 Ways to Keep Yours Alive” by Thom S. Rainer (affiliate link) * Church Consultation University (CCU) * Church Revitalization Certification * The Hope Initiative * FREE Research Report: New Surprising Insights Episode Sponsor: Lead Your Church. We'll Handle the Numbers.  We have decades of experience serving churches across the country.  We’re church accountants who speak your language and understand your mission. Gain clear financial insights to guide your ministry decisions with confidence.  Tailored solutions for churches of every size and stage.  Smart tools that save time and simplify finances so you can focus on ministry.  Stewardship matters. Your time is precious. We help with both.  Learn more today at           Upward Running for adults We're excited to introduce Upward Running for adults, a brand-new offering from Upward Sports! Here are two ways you can get involved: Bring Upward Running to your church by hosting a 5K Challenge or starting a Training Group. With just one passionate leader, Upward provides everything you need to make it happen. Join the Upward Running community through the new RunClub app! Whether you're tackling a 5K, 10K, or marathon, you’ll find everything you need: proven training plans, run tracking, info on how to start or improve in the sport, great ministry content, and connection with like-minded runners and walkers through community groups. It’s fresh, exciting, and ready for you! Visit today to get started.

    37 min
  7. JAN 15

    Ten Tips for Becoming a Productive Pastor The work of pastoral ministry is joyful but also demanding. Every pastor is on call 24/7, and members' expectations are high and sometimes unreasonable. Pastors are thus expected to “run the race” constantly. But how can they keep up the pace in this marathon of ministry without burning out? How can they remain productive with such demands? Jess and Thom offer ten tips for becoming more productive pastors. Be spiritually disciplined. Pray for the day ahead. Be physically disciplined. Get sufficient sleep. Make appointments for sermon preparation. Determine one to three priorities you will accomplish for the day. Make appointments on your calendar for strategic vision. Laugh and have fun. Have the right attitude. Work hard; rest intentionally. Resources: Chaney & Associates * Upward Sports * “Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life” by Donald S. Whitney (affiliate link) * “Eating the Elephant: Leading the Established Church to Growth” by Thom S. Rainer (affiliate link) * “To Dream Again: How to Help Your Church Come Alive” by Robert Dale (affiliate link) * “The Levity Effect: Why it Pays to Lighten Up” by Adrian Gostick and Scott Christopher (affiliate link) * The Hope Initiative * FREE Research Report: New Surprising Insights * The Everything Church Resource Directory Episode Sponsor: Focus on your ministry, we’ll focus on the finances.  Chaney & Associates — The accounting firm for the Church. Stop stressing about the state of your church’s finances and start feeling confident knowing you’ve hired an accounting team you can trust. At Chaney & Associates, we understand the weight you carry stewarding tithe money which is why we’ve helped over 1,100 churches with accounting & payroll services for over 21 years. Save time with our cloud-based software. Access reports in real time. And feel confident knowing you’re working with software that’s the best in class. From church plants to megachurches, we’ve got you covered. Cumulative Translation Adjustment (CTA): Visit today to get started.           Who is Upward Sports? Upward Sports is the World’s largest Christian youth sports organization, dedicated to partnering with local churches to use sports outreach to reach the community. Upward Sports offers basketball, cheerleading, soccer, flag football, volleyball, baseball, and soccer as a league offering. When partnering with Upward Sports, your church can reach the community, attract young families, and share the Gospel. Upward Sports will customize your sports outreach strategy to support your church budget and community needs. We know one size does not fit all.

    44 min
  8. JAN 8

    When It’s Not Time to Quit Though we cannot know the will of God for your life, we can share with you the mistakes of many leaders who quit prematurely. Jess and Thom discuss six times when it is likely not the right time to quit. The second reason might surprise you. When we lack clarity from God. When you haven't expressed gratitude and joy to God for where you are now. When it's just about a few critics. When it's a season of discouragement or difficulty. When the job is not done. When a commitment has been made. Resources: Chaney & Associates * Upward Running * The Hope Initiative * FREE Research Report: New Surprising Insights * The Everything Church Resource Directory Episode Sponsor: Focus on your ministry, we’ll focus on the finances.  Chaney & Associates — The accounting firm for the Church. Stop stressing about the state of your church’s finances and start feeling confident knowing you’ve hired an accounting team you can trust. At Chaney & Associates, we understand the weight you carry stewarding tithe money which is why we’ve helped over 1,100 churches with accounting & payroll services for over 21 years. Save time with our cloud-based software. Access reports in real time. And feel confident knowing you’re working with software that’s the best in class. From church plants to megachurches, we’ve got you covered. Cumulative Translation Adjustment (CTA): Visit today to get started.           Upward Running for adults We're excited to introduce Upward Running for adults, a brand-new offering from Upward Sports! Here are two ways you can get involved: Bring Upward Running to your church by hosting a 5K Challenge or starting a Training Group. With just one passionate leader, Upward provides everything you need to make it happen. Join the Upward Running community through the new RunClub app! Whether you're tackling a 5K, 10K, or marathon, you’ll find everything you need: proven training plans, run tracking, info on how to start or improve in the sport, great ministry content, and connection with like-minded runners and walkers through community groups. It’s fresh, exciting, and ready for you! Visit today to get started.

    46 min
out of 5
265 Ratings


The Church Answers Podcast with Thom Rainer is fast-paced, to the point, and sometimes witty. It addresses one question about church life and leadership in just ten minutes. Buckle your seatbelt and take a ride into the world of congregational health in a fun and fascinating way.

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