The Cleveland Real Estate Investor

Reilly Properties
The Cleveland Real Estate Investor

This is the Cleveland Real Estate Investor with Mike Reilly, owner of Reilly Properties and Reilly Painting and Contracting. Mike has been in the home renovation business for 40+ years in the Cleveland area.Mike Ferrante, real estate agent from Century 21 also joins us amongst other guests.In this podcast, we seek to take our experience and provide insight and inspiration for outside investors looking to buy property in Cleveland.

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    This is the Cleveland Real Estate Investor with Mike Reilly, owner of Reilly Properties and Reilly Painting and Contracting. Mike has been in the home renovation business for 40+ years in the Cleveland area.Mike Ferrante, real estate agent from Century 21 also joins us amongst other guests.In this podcast, we seek to take our experience and provide insight and inspiration for outside investors looking to buy property in Cleveland.

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