America Gets Another Chance - Ep 24-510
[SEGMENT 2-1] From Ruin to Renewal 1 Where are the Trump naysayers? I know many still exist, though most have been silenced. This includes RINOs who aided Democrats in plotting the demise of Trump and MAGA. I spoke of the NeverTrumpers recently. They now want back on the wagon, as they continue to plot against President Trump and his agenda. Still, many of them have been silenced, as they watch the difference between competence and failure. Look at what the Left have learned about Biden over the past year. And what of all the reveals to come? How could you possibly have supported this idiot and his agenda. While many on the Left continue with their muscle-memory to oppose Trump, they now catch themselves, course-correct, and rethink their knee-jerk lunacy. Take for example all the outspoken entertainers and Hollyweirdos. For the most part, they have kept a sock in their pie holes as it relates to Trump. It’s difficult to criticize the man when you have Biden to whom you can compare him. Also, we know that most of these Tinseltown twits virtual-signal publicly while privately supporting Trump’s policies. Even they look at the hard-core idiots like DeNiro and Stephen King as too far gone. Many of these pansy-asses exist, awaiting the moment they can proclaim that they never supported Biden, Kamala, or the Democrats. Trump will be the new fashion for 2025, as the closet-MAGA fakes simmer. As soon as Trump does something “Trumpian”, they will pretend they’ve been down with Trump since circa 2016. “We had his back!” And Trump will have many opportunities. He could end Biden’s proxy war with Russia. He’s already making moves on the Chinese with trade and the Panama Canal. And in the words of The Carpenters, “We’ve Only Just Begun”. I saw a stat that read: From 2021-24, approximately 6% of new jobs added by S&P 100 companies went to white males [SEGMENT 2-2] From Ruin to Renewal 2 What’s your plan to make your life better next year? Let’s begin there, because without that you can’t help others. If you haven’t thought about it, and put it on paper with ACTION ITEMS, please do so. Help yourself FIRST. Then do that thing that is required for real happiness: help others. Make a plan for that. It takes a LOT less than you think. A phone call, a note in the mail, and occasionally financial help. But don’t rely on the money aspect first. It’s usually just letting people you love know that you’re thinking about them. You’re all special. But in 2025 I challenge you to be better. Not because we are measuring, because the measurement is in how YOU feel. I’m not judging. But I know God has given you much. Share it. In a time of seismic shifts and reckonings, Americans stand at the precipice of profound change. Looking back at what we leave behind, we see a trail of political deceit, cultural absurdity, and institutional failures that have scarred the nation’s history. But alongside this retrospective, there are memories we refuse to let fade—hard lessons and pivotal moments that underscore the resilience of truth. And on the horizon, a brighter future glimmers, with opportunities to rebuild on the foundation of accountability and common sense. Leaving the Past in the Dust [SEGMENT 2-3] From Ruin to Renewal 3 Barack Obama’s legacy is finally unraveling. Once hailed as a transformative figure, his impact now reveals cracks in the facade. From economic stagnation to divisive rhetoric, Obama’s tenure ultimately set the stage for his handpicked successor, Joe Biden, who amplified the damage. Biden’s presidency—a product of the political maneuvering orchestrated by Obama—exemplifies the erosion of American leadership. Together, they’ll be remembered as the "Dynamic Duo Dingbats," emblematic of what went wrong. The Clintons, too, have been relegated to history’s dustbin. Their attempt to align their name with families like the Rockefellers or the Kennedys faltered under the weight of corruption and...