the Daily Quote

Andrew McGivern
the Daily Quote Podcast

Tune in daily to get a short dose of inspiration to kick start your day in a positive way.

  1. 22 HR. AGO

    Lucille Ball – One of the things I learned the hard way was that it doesn’t pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself

    The Daily Quote podcast page The Great News Podcast page The Great News Letter Voicemail feedback line – 1-877-636-1474 CONTACT ME Today is September 23rd, and welcome to The Daily Quote – a podcast designed to kickstart your day in a positive way. I'm your host, Andrew McGivern, and thanks for joining me today.  I was planning to cover National Technology in Education Day and focus on how AI will democratize education giving every student no matter their socio-economic status a high level tutor in all their subjects…that would be a great episode… but then I noticed that today is also Redhead Appreciation Day… and since I have some awesome redheads in my life that is what I’m celebrating today! Redhead Appreciation Day is a day dedicated to celebrating the fiery-haired among us. If you’ve ever been jealous of someone who can pull off that natural copper tone, today’s your day to shower them with compliments.  And, if you’re a redhead yourself, well, consider this your official reminder that you're a special, rare gem—literally, since less than 2% of the world’s population has red hair. Now, in honor of redheads everywhere, I’ve got a quote for you from one of the most famous fiery-haired women of all time, Lucille Ball. She once said: "One of the things I learned the hard way was that it doesn’t pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself."Now, let’s break that down a bit. First of all, you’ve got to love the spirit of this quote. Lucille Ball wasn’t just a comedic genius, she was a trailblazer in the world of entertainment. She didn’t just play someone who could light up a room—she was that person, both on and off the screen. And what she’s saying here is that the key to that brightness is optimism. Not because life is easy, but because life is a lot easier when you don’t let discouragement settle in. On Redhead Appreciation Day, this quote feels even more fitting. Redheads often stand out, and while many embrace it, some might feel out of place because of it. But what Lucille is hinting at is that the things that make you different—your red hair, your quirks, your personality—shouldn’t be a source of discouragement. Instead, lean into what makes you unique, stay busy chasing your passions, and make optimism a habit. It's a bit like keeping your head up on a rainy day. Sure, you might get wet, but you’ll be too focused on where you’re going to let the rain ruin your plans. And hey, if you’re a redhead, at least you’ve got built-in flair even on the gloomiest of days. So today, whether you’ve got red hair or not, take a page out of Lucille Ball’s book. Don't get discouraged by the little bumps in the road, and keep that optimism alive. Celebrate what makes you, you. And if you know a redhead, go ahead and remind them that they're part of an exclusive club of natural radiance. Maybe throw in a compliment or two. After all, it's their day. I have twin daughters with fiery red hair and personalities to match. They are identical twins but they are different in many ways but they do stand out with their bright beautiful red hair. Happy Red Hair Appreciation Day girls!!! I’m back recording in the car today… I won’t go on a long podcast gear tangent this time… I got in a little trouble for that last time. I get it… you don’t want to know how the sausage is made… That is it for today’s episode… for more episodes follow or subscribe. And if you have a minute if you could rate and review the show…. I’d love to read your...

    4 min
  2. 1 DAY AGO

    Confucius - It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop

    The Daily Quote podcast page The Great News Podcast page The Great News Letter Voicemail feedback line – 1-877-636-1474 CONTACT ME Welcome to The Daily Quote—a podcast designed to kickstart your day in a positive way. I’m your host, Andrew McGivern, and today is September 22nd. It’s National Ice Cream Cone Day—a day to celebrate one of life’s simplest yet most delightful treats. You know, there’s something about eating ice cream from a cone that just feels a little more exciting than a cup. Maybe it’s the thrill of trying to finish it before it melts all over your hand or the added crunch at the end of each bite. Either way, the cone has been holding its own since 1904, when it was first popularized at the St. Louis World’s Fair. And that reminds me back on June 7th we had a quote from Richard Paul Evans who said - "Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy ice cream, which is pretty much the same thing". That quote rings true today too... But that isn't the Daily Quote for today. Today's quote comes from the ever-wise Confucius, who said: "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop." Now, what does this ancient wisdom have to do with something as seemingly light-hearted as an ice cream cone? Well, think about it: whether you’re savoring that ice cream or tackling the journey of life, the key is steady progress. You don’t rush through an ice cream cone—unless it’s a hot day, or maybe your really hungry or if that is just the way you like to eat ice cream cones... but just like you can go slowly and enjoy your ice cream cone, you shouldn’t rush through your personal growth either. Confucius reminds us that it’s not about the speed at which we pursue our goals, but the persistence in doing so. Some of the sweetest moments in life, like that final bite of the cone, come from being patient. So, next time you’re feeling frustrated about how slow things seem to be moving, just imagine life like an ice cream cone. It’s okay to take your time—as long as you don’t let it melt away by giving up. So, today, whether you treat yourself to an actual ice cream cone or just enjoy a metaphorical one, remember to keep going. Keep moving forward, even if it's just a lick at a time. I don't think I'll be having an ice cream cone today... because I had two yesterday. One delicious chocolate cone and some home made ice cream at home... so looks like I was a day too early. But hey... there is always room for more.. That’s it for today’s episode of The Daily Quote. Thanks for joining me. Remember, slow progress is still progress, and, like ice cream, life’s better when you savor it. I’ll see you tomorrow foir another Daily Quote.

    4 min
  3. 2 DAYS AGO

    Maya Angelou -This is a wonderful day. I've never seen it before.

    The Daily Quote podcast page The Great News Podcast page The Great News Letter Voicemail feedback line – 1-877-636-1474 CONTACT ME Welcome to The Daily Quote – a podcast designed to kickstart your day in a positive way. I'm your host, Andrew McGivern, and today is September 21st. Whether you're still rolling out of bed or already halfway through your day, I’ve got a little something to brighten it up. It’s World Gratitude Day! The one day of the year where you can shamelessly say "thank you" for everything without people looking at you like you’ve gone a bit soft. It's the perfect excuse to spread a little extra kindness, even if it’s just for getting that perfectly brewed cup of coffee this morning or not hitting a red light on your commute. Gratitude doesn’t always need to be for the big things – in fact, it’s the little ones that add up to make your day better, even if you don’t realize it. In the spirit of gratitude, today's quote comes from the great Maya Angelou, who said: “This is a wonderful day. I’ve never seen this one before.” Let that sink in for a moment – simple, right? But wow, it's powerful. Now, think about it – every single day is unique, something we’ve never experienced before. Yet, we often go through the motions, treating today like it's just a rerun of yesterday. But Angelou reminds us that every day holds new possibilities, new moments to appreciate, and that’s where gratitude comes in. The key to living fully is recognizing the beauty in the everyday – the chance encounters, the quiet moments, even the challenges that stretch us. And let’s be honest, on World Gratitude Day, it’s kind of hard to ignore that message, right? It’s like the universe is saying, “Hey, take a look around!” Sure, maybe your morning didn’t go perfectly, but there's always something you can find to be thankful for, even if it's just the fact that today is a fresh start. After all, this day – this wonderful day – has never existed before, and that alone makes it special. So, here's my challenge for you today: Try to find at least three things to be thankful for. They don't have to be life-changing, just real. The smell of fresh coffee? Yep. The quiet of your walk to work? That counts too. The fact that your neighbor's dog didn’t bark this morning? Definitely gratitude-worthy. So, as you go through your day today, remember Maya Angelou’s words – “This is a wonderful day. I’ve never seen this one before.” Treat today like it’s something new and extraordinary, because it truly is. And while you’re at it, give a little nod to World Gratitude Day and find those small moments of joy. Thanks for joining me on The Daily Quote. I’m Andrew McGivern, and I’m grateful to have you with me. Let’s do this again tomorrow, shall we? Until then, take care, and don’t forget – this day has never happened before, so make it count.

    4 min
  4. 3 DAYS AGO

    John Lennon - Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans

    The Daily Quote podcast page The Great News Podcast page The Great News Letter Voicemail feedback line – 1-877-636-1474 CONTACT ME Welcome to The Daily Quote—a podcast designed to kickstart your day in a positive way. I'm your host, Andrew McGivern, and today is September 20th. Now, it’s not just any day—it’s National Fried Rice Day! Yes, you heard that right, a day dedicated to one of the best dishes you can ever throw together in a hurry. A little bit of rice, some veggies, maybe an egg or two, and a dash of soy sauce, and voila—you’ve got yourself a masterpiece. It’s a humble dish that’s all about mixing things up and turning leftovers into something delicious. That brings me to today’s quote, one I think pairs perfectly with the theme of fried rice and life’s ability to turn the ordinary into something extraordinary. It is from John Lennon, one of the Beattles... who once said: “Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.” It’s one of the most searched and well-known quotes out there, and for good reason. Think about it: just like fried rice, life is often about taking whatever is in front of you and turning it into something unexpectedly satisfying. You might plan a three-course meal, but sometimes, all you need is a simple stir-fry of whatever life throws your way. You see, in fried rice—and life—there’s a beauty in the mix. Some of the best things happen when plans go sideways, when you improvise with what’s available. Maybe you were hoping for something grand, but you end up with something authentic, something real. And much like you don’t need fancy ingredients to make great fried rice, you don’t need perfect plans to create a meaningful life. It's those little unplanned moments, the spontaneous changes, that often become the most memorable. So today, whether you’re enjoying a bowl of fried rice or just going about your day, remember—don’t stress about sticking to the plan too much. Sometimes the best moments come from mixing it up. That’s it for today’s episode of The Daily Quote. I’m Andrew McGivern, reminding you to embrace the unexpected and maybe even whip up some fried rice today. Have a fantastic day, and I’ll see you tomorrow for another Daily Quote.

    3 min
  5. 4 DAYS AGO

    Sarah Blakely - If we can put a man on the moon, we can make pantyhose comfortable

    The Daily Quote podcast page The Great News Podcast page The Great News Letter Voicemail feedback line – 1-877-636-1474 CONTACT ME Welcome to The Daily Quote, a podcast designed to kickstart your day in a positive way. I'm your host, Andrew McGivern, and I'm happy you are here with me today. Today is National Women Road Warriors Day—a day to celebrate the incredible women who are blazing trails, not just in their careers but across highways, airports, and boardrooms. These women are the ultimate multitaskers, juggling business calls and hotel bookings like pros, all while keeping their eyes on the road. In the spirit of today's holiday, I’ve got a quote from one such woman who knows all about overcoming obstacles with a bit of humor and a lot of determination. It’s from Sara Blakely, the founder of Spanx. She once said: "If we can put a man on the moon, we can make pantyhose comfortable." Now, there’s a road warrior mindset if I’ve ever heard one. Sara Blakely’s journey to success started with her battling one frustrating product—pantyhose. She was driving all over the country, working as a door-to-door salesperson, when she had her breakthrough. It wasn’t about how impossible something seemed, it was about what’s possible if you’re persistent and have a little faith in yourself and a mission to change the world one butt at a time. Whether you’re navigating back-to-back meetings in different cities or trying to juggle the pressures of work and life, the road warriors out there know that if something can be solved, it should be. It just needs a bit of innovation and a lot of resilience. And, hey, if NASA can get a man to the moon, surely we can tackle whatever obstacles the day throws our way, right? On this National Women Road Warriors Day, Blakely’s quote is a reminder to keep pushing forward, no matter how uncomfortable the situation. The path to success is full of twists, turns, and maybe some uncomfortable moments, but with a little ingenuity and perseverance, there’s nothing you can’t achieve—even if it’s just finding a way to make your customers a little more comfortable. So, whether you’re cruising down the highway or hustling through the airport, remember: if Sara Blakely can make pantyhose comfortable, and build a billion dollar company by hitting the road, you can conquer whatever’s on your agenda today too. Thanks for joining me today. Set your podcast app to "follow" this show and I’ll see you back here tomorrow for another Daily Quote.

    3 min
  6. 5 DAYS AGO

    George R. R. Martin - A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one

    The Daily Quote podcast page The Great News Podcast page The Great News Letter Voicemail feedback line – 1-877-636-1474 CONTACT ME Welcome to The Daily Quote – a podcast designed to kickstart your day in a positive way. I’m your host, Andrew McGivern, and today is September 18th. Today is Read an eBook Day! Whether you're browsing a thriller on your Kindle or diving into a self-help book on your phone, it's a day to appreciate the wonders of modern reading. No more lugging around heavy books, no more dog-eared pages—you can just pick up right where you left off with a quick tap. The digital age has definitely changed the way we experience books, but one thing hasn’t changed: the impact of a good read. To honor the day, I’ve chosen a quote by the one and only George R.R. Martin. George R.R. Martin is an American author, best known for his epic fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire, which was adapted into the massively popular TV show Game of Thrones. His rich storytelling, complex characters, and willingness to kill off beloved figures have earned him a reputation as one of the most influential modern fantasy writers. His ongoing A Song of Ice and Fire series, which began in 1996, remains unfinished, with fans eagerly awaiting the next installment, The Winds of Winter. George R.R. Martin once said... "A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one." Now, doesn’t that hit the mark? Every time you open a book—or in this case, tap on an eBook—you’re entering a new world, living through different experiences, and broadening your perspective. In a way, reading gives you more lives than a cat, minus the fur and the naps in weird places. Each story, whether fiction or non-fiction, allows you to step into someone else’s shoes. You can journey through fantasy worlds, explore space, navigate history, or even understand how a bee colony works—without ever leaving your couch. With eBooks, those adventures are just a download away, waiting for you whenever you need them. Plus, it’s a lot easier to carry around a few hundred books on a tablet than in a suitcase. So today, on Read an eBook Day, maybe crack open a new story, and live another life, or just get lost in a good narrative. It’s a little like time travel, only less dangerous and no confusing paradoxes. Thank you for joining me on The Daily Quote. I’m Andrew McGivern signing off for today... and remember the math I did 10 days ago on September the 8th... If you commit to just 20 minutes of reading per day... that adds up to 7300 minutes a year. The average reading spead is 238 words per minute which means 1, 737, 400 words by the end of the year. And with the average book being around 60 000 words... in only 20 minutes per day you will have read 29 books in a year. Instead of living your own life this year... you can live 30 lives by investing only 20 minutes a day. That's all for today, Thanks for listening and I'll see you tomorrow for another daily quote.

    4 min
  7. 6 DAYS AGO

    Benjamin Franklin - You may delay, but time will not

    The Daily Quote podcast page The Great News Podcast page The Great News Letter Voicemail feedback line – 1-877-636-1474 CONTACT ME Welcome to The Daily Quote—a podcast designed to kickstart your day in a positive way. I'm your host, Andrew McGivern, and today is September 17th. Today is Time’s Up Day, and it’s not just about deadlines or running out of time on your to-do list. It’s a day that reminds us to make amends with those we’ve had disagreements or distance with. Life is too short to hold grudges or let unresolved issues keep you from reconnecting with the people who matter most—whether it’s a friend, a family member, or even a colleague. Time’s Up Day encourages us to stop waiting and start making things right. Which brings me to today’s quote from Benjamin Franklin, who once said... “You may delay, but time will not.” Ben Franklin had a way of cutting straight to the point, didn’t he? This quote is a perfect fit for Time’s Up Day. How often do we put off reaching out to someone we’ve lost touch with or avoid a difficult conversation because it’s uncomfortable? We tell ourselves we’ll do it tomorrow or when the time is right. But Franklin reminds us that while we’re busy delaying, time keeps moving. The truth is, we don’t know how much time we have left to fix those relationships. Think about it: how often have you delayed making amends, telling yourself, “I’ll deal with it later,” only to realize that later might never come? Time doesn’t stop for us to figure things out, and the longer we wait, the harder it becomes to reconnect. Time’s Up Day is your reminder that it’s never the perfect moment to heal a rift, but the best time is always now. Maybe there’s someone in your life you’ve had a falling out with. Maybe you’ve been meaning to reach out, but you’ve put it off for one reason or another. What if today is the day to break that silence? A simple text, a phone call, or a small gesture can go a long way. Life’s too short to stay on bad terms with people who were once important to you. So, as Franklin wisely pointed out, you may delay, but time will not. The clock is always ticking, but you still have today. Make the most of it. Don’t let another day pass without taking that step toward healing a relationship. Thank you for spending part of your day with me. I hope this gives you the nudge you need to make things right. I’m Andrew McGivern signing off, and I'll see tomorrow for another Daily Quote.

    3 min
  8. SEP 16

    Steve Martin - Do you ever wonder where all the farts go?

    The Daily Quote podcast page The Great News Podcast page The Great News Letter Voicemail feedback line – 1-877-636-1474 CONTACT ME Welcome to The Daily Quote — a podcast designed to kickstart your day in a positive way. I’m your host, Andrew McGivern, and today is September 16th. It is International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer. Yes, we’re talking about that crucial layer of the atmosphere that protects us from the sun’s harmful rays. It's like Earth's very own invisible superhero, shielding us from sunburns, skin cancer, and, let’s be honest, a future where every trip outside feels like standing too close to the microwave. The reality is without the ozone layer life on earth would NOT be possible. When scientists discovered the hole in the ozone layer in the 70's they figured out that the cause was CFC's - and that led to the Montreal Protocol which banned the use of CFC's (chlorofluorocarbons) and HCFC's (hydrochlorofluorocarbons) and basically saved the planet... In honor of our ozone-saving efforts, I’ve got a quote from one of the greatest comedians of all time - Steve Martin who may have helped save the Ozone layer with these wise words... Steve Martin once said... "Do you ever wonder where all the farts go?"Now, you might be thinking... Andrew, what on earth does this quote have to do with the ozone layer. Well... I'm getting to that Because that is only the first sentence in one of his genius jokes. He goes on to say that all the farts go up into the atmosphere and they form the fart zone. Its right above the ozone layer which is why we must protect the ozone layer. Because if anything happens to the ozone, all the farts will fall back down to earth... and not on their original owners. That would be disgusting... This isn't your typical environemental public service announcement but Steve was onto something her. If the ozone layer wasn't protected the world would be a smellier place. Of course it was just a joke and thankfully there is no fart zone but the reality is almost as bad. The good news is we discovered a serious problem and took action to solve it. Which means we can do the same again with other threats we discover.So, on this International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer, think about how you can do your part. These days we don't think as much about the hole in the ozone layer because we have got control over the cause of the problem. Now we are worried about excess carbon. Maybe today, use a little less energy, walk instead of drive, or take public transit. Thanks for tuning in today on The Daily Quote. I'm Andrew McGivern signing off and who knows maybe there really is a Fart Zone so stay mindful of your ‘emissions,’ both big and small, and take care of the air we all share. And I'll see you tomorow with another daily quote.

    5 min

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