The Death of Low-Volume Ortho Practices (And What to Do Instead)

The Orthopreneurs Podcast with Dr. Glenn Krieger

There’s this myth in orthodontics that you need to limit your patient load to maintain quality, reduce stress, and run a low-overhead practice. I’m here to tell you that’s not true.

The old-school approach of running a low-volume, high-fee orthodontic practice is outdated.

With the right technology, smart outsourcing, and effective management, you can see 60-70 patients a day, avoid burnout, and still provide top-notch care.

I’ve built a $3 million/year practice working 3 days a week, and I want to show you how you can do it. It’s about working smarter, leading better, and not buying into any limitations other people try to sell you.

Some of the best in our field have built high-revenue, low-overhead practices using this approach, and there’s no reason you should not do it. Tune in to this 5-minute Friday episode to hear more! 

Key Takeaways

Introduction (00:00)

Dispelling myths about low-volume practices (00:45)

Leveraging technology and outsourcing (02:18)

70 patients a day practice with low stress (02:39)

Achieving $3 million a year on three days a week (02:54)

Refine your management and leadership skills (04:03)

Additional Resources

- Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit 2025:

- For more information, visit:

- Join our FREE Facebook group here:

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