The Duck Factory WAS a show. The year was 1984 and NBC was entering their sitcom golden age. A young cartoonist from the midwest moves to LA to take a job at a decaying old animation studio, mainly known for their show Dippy Duck. That young cartoonist’s name is Skip Tarkenton, and he was played by none other than Jim Carrey in his first major role! Brynn, Aaron and Barry attempt to illustrate why this show may have been erased. They also go off on a lengthy tangent exploring something of iconic significance from the era…the waterbed.
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Hosted by:
Brynn Byrne @brynnabyrne
Aaron Yeger @aaronyeger
Andrew “Barry” Helmer @andrewhelmer
Podcast logo and artwork by Brian Walker @briguywalker
- 節目
- 頻率隔月更新
- 發佈時間2024年4月3日 上午12:08 [UTC]
- 長度1 小時 12 分鐘
- 季數3
- 集數72
- 年齡分級兒少不宜