South Park stands as a cultural institution, remaining one of the most successful animated shows on television. Unlike competitors like The Simpsons, Family Guy, and Futurama, which take months for story development and animation, South Park thrives with its 6 Days to Air approach. This quick turnaround enables creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker to address real-world events almost immediately, keeping the show at the forefront of relevancy. Almost three decades in, South Park continues to be a major force on TV.
#SouthPark #animation #MattStone #TreyParker #culturalinstitution #TheSimpsons #FamilyGuy #Futurama #6DaystoAir
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- 节目
- 频率半周一更
- 发布时间2024年12月27日 UTC 18:00
- 长度12 分钟