47 min

The Arena And Managing Your Peanut Gallery Becoming Kingdom Fit

    • Christianity

The Arena And Managing Your Peanut Gallery
This episode is for you if you are working diligently to become the next best evolution of you in mind, body, spirit, relationships or even in business and you are experiencing criticism, naysayers, unsolicited opinions… that cause you to shrink back or question your path.
First, know that this is actually quite normal.  I’ve learned to take it as an indicator that I’m on the right path!  
Resistance of all kinds will show up whenever you are working at being or doing better.  It could come from strangers, keyboard warriors on social media but it can also come from well meaning friends and family.  
It is important for you to gain a renewed perspective so that when the resistance or criticism or doubt comes, it  does not cause you to shrink back or question your path.  
It is also critically important to discern who you allow to have a voice for each aspect of life and how much weight you should give it, including even your well meaning friends or family.  
When we pause to think about it logically, 
If you are the first in your family or friend group to choose to become committed to improving your health in mind and body, are current friends and or family the best people to “weigh in” on your choices or the new healthy methods and habits you are choosing?  
When you are putting yourself out there on social media for Kingdom Impact should the voice of a social media troll really matter?  
NO, and yet it does.. 
UNTIL we recognize what’s happening, why it’s happening and how to discern what to do with it.  

There’s a famous Theodore Rosevelt quote about “the arena”.  He refers to the Greek games and the warriors that would choose (or were forced) to fight.  
My take away from his quote is that those that are not in the arena with you (and most are not) do not get to have a voice or opinion of significance.  They aren’t in the battle therefore they are not qualified to comment, advise or criticize. 
I’ve come to realize we have multiple arena’s in life; Spiritual, Relationships, Physical and Business to name a few.
The only person that is in every arena with you is God.  From there you are lucky if you have a person or two who is in more than one arena with you.  
This is important to understand so that you can discern who to look to for growth and progress in your ways of being and your doings for each aspect of life.  
It is also very important to know; when to give little to no weight to a comment or an opinion, how to not take it personally and how to have empathy for the person speaking it. 
I hope you find today’s episode helpful.  As always, I would love to connect with you and hear your thoughts and experiences on this topic.  You can email me at rebecca@rebeccatabbert.com or join our community on Facebook Female Christian Leaders
If you are ready to optimize your health in mind and body our next intimate cohort of Kingdom Fit Academy starts January 10th.  CLICK here to connect with me and determine if this is the solution for your 2022 goals. Bonus when you apply and secure your spot by 12/31/31.
You can also access the Kingdom Fit Masterclass for FREE by CLICKING HERE

The Arena And Managing Your Peanut Gallery
This episode is for you if you are working diligently to become the next best evolution of you in mind, body, spirit, relationships or even in business and you are experiencing criticism, naysayers, unsolicited opinions… that cause you to shrink back or question your path.
First, know that this is actually quite normal.  I’ve learned to take it as an indicator that I’m on the right path!  
Resistance of all kinds will show up whenever you are working at being or doing better.  It could come from strangers, keyboard warriors on social media but it can also come from well meaning friends and family.  
It is important for you to gain a renewed perspective so that when the resistance or criticism or doubt comes, it  does not cause you to shrink back or question your path.  
It is also critically important to discern who you allow to have a voice for each aspect of life and how much weight you should give it, including even your well meaning friends or family.  
When we pause to think about it logically, 
If you are the first in your family or friend group to choose to become committed to improving your health in mind and body, are current friends and or family the best people to “weigh in” on your choices or the new healthy methods and habits you are choosing?  
When you are putting yourself out there on social media for Kingdom Impact should the voice of a social media troll really matter?  
NO, and yet it does.. 
UNTIL we recognize what’s happening, why it’s happening and how to discern what to do with it.  

There’s a famous Theodore Rosevelt quote about “the arena”.  He refers to the Greek games and the warriors that would choose (or were forced) to fight.  
My take away from his quote is that those that are not in the arena with you (and most are not) do not get to have a voice or opinion of significance.  They aren’t in the battle therefore they are not qualified to comment, advise or criticize. 
I’ve come to realize we have multiple arena’s in life; Spiritual, Relationships, Physical and Business to name a few.
The only person that is in every arena with you is God.  From there you are lucky if you have a person or two who is in more than one arena with you.  
This is important to understand so that you can discern who to look to for growth and progress in your ways of being and your doings for each aspect of life.  
It is also very important to know; when to give little to no weight to a comment or an opinion, how to not take it personally and how to have empathy for the person speaking it. 
I hope you find today’s episode helpful.  As always, I would love to connect with you and hear your thoughts and experiences on this topic.  You can email me at rebecca@rebeccatabbert.com or join our community on Facebook Female Christian Leaders
If you are ready to optimize your health in mind and body our next intimate cohort of Kingdom Fit Academy starts January 10th.  CLICK here to connect with me and determine if this is the solution for your 2022 goals. Bonus when you apply and secure your spot by 12/31/31.
You can also access the Kingdom Fit Masterclass for FREE by CLICKING HERE

47 min