The political and socio-economic soundscape of the music industry is changing. With the advent of the internet, and low cost or free educational resources such as YouTube, self-made, self taught musicians are coming to the fore, throwing off the need for record labels, who are attempting to reinvent themselves so they can continue to partake in the glory. The glory of fame, where singers have overthrown gods, and are now worshiped at the alter, the stage of music. These musical gods have influence in the political and economic sphere. But only few make it. Those women who make it into this sphere, are often debased, defiminised, and reduced to a sex object, usually a pawn in the political economic narrative, rather than setting the president. And those who do not conform to gender norms, are more or less absent from this sphere. Why is this? Simply, men are the gatekeepers, and it suits the patriarchal agenda to present women in this way, and they are seen only in this way, proliferating sexism as those who represent women are sexualised, and thus sexualise the rest who are not presented at the great musical consortium of sexism. Not only is this discrimination rife on the stage, but behind the scenes too. 2 percent of music producers are women, and even less are gender non-conforming, or trans people. These people, are often exploited in the power exchange that happens behind closed doors.As such, dominance has been exerted over us sexually, and in order to enter that stage, many have gone through the process of sexualisation. This can be in subtle forms of, producers or band mates suggesting to sound more sexy upon recording, or omit certain lyrics that don’t fit with their narrative. I want this, we want this, to change. The forest sounds is a new project we have started and is an attempt to help break free of those powers. We’re offering free music production workshops, run by women, trans people, and gender non-conforming folk for, women, trans people and gender non-conforming folk. We will not fit their mould, and we will create our own fluid musical stage, of self-produced artists or artists produced in the absence of their oppressors. Bringing music of the unheard to the fore to be heard. Giving preference to those who face the most barriers, from ethnic minorities and those who have disabilities. And let’s not gorget class! We will provide free childcare to those who wish to partake, but have no one to uptake their chidlren. We put sustainability at the fore of our efforts, as there will be no equal playing field, if their is no field, opting to use renewable energy and limiting our e-waste by purchasing recycled electronics. But we are at the beginning, and we need funding, and those people to come forward so we can get our show on the road. Please contact us on or look out for our website the soon. We are also on Facebook.