The Good Vote

Eternity News
The Good Vote

What issues matter most to Australian Christians during an election? Hosts Tim Costello and Mel Wade talk to Australia's experts and leaders - including the ones that Christians don't usually get to hear from! Episode guests: Prof Ian Harper (Reserve Bank & Dean of Melbourne Business School, Melbourne University) - Economy; John Anderson (Former Deputy PM & Nationals Leader) - Religious Freedom; Natasha Stott Despoja (former senator & Ambassador for Women and Girls) - Women Dr Tim Flannery (leading climate scientist & Australian of the Year winner) - Environment Dr Susan Carland (author & Muslim spokesperson) - Islamophobia Mark Yettica-Paulson (Aboriginal leader) - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples



What issues matter most to Australian Christians during an election? Hosts Tim Costello and Mel Wade talk to Australia's experts and leaders - including the ones that Christians don't usually get to hear from! Episode guests: Prof Ian Harper (Reserve Bank & Dean of Melbourne Business School, Melbourne University) - Economy; John Anderson (Former Deputy PM & Nationals Leader) - Religious Freedom; Natasha Stott Despoja (former senator & Ambassador for Women and Girls) - Women Dr Tim Flannery (leading climate scientist & Australian of the Year winner) - Environment Dr Susan Carland (author & Muslim spokesperson) - Islamophobia Mark Yettica-Paulson (Aboriginal leader) - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

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