The Greatest Kids Book Ever! with Carl Laferton

The Family Discipleship Podcast

Adam Griffin, Chelsea Griffin, and Cassie Bryant are joined by Carl Laferton to discuss his children's books; The Garden, the Curtain, and the Cross, and God’s Big Promises Bible Story Prayers: 101 Prayers for Children.

Questions Covered in This Episode:

  • Can you tell us about you, your family, and your ministry? 
  • Where’d the inspiration for The Garden, the Curtain, and the Cross book come from? What’s the story of writing it?  
  • Any advice on writing a good Christian kid’s book?
  • You’ve got a new book coming out, Bible Story Prayers: 101 Prayers for Children. Can you tell us about the process of taking this idea and putting this together for a resource? 
  • Each of the prayers in the book has some element of “Praise (or wow!), Thank you, Sorry, and Please.” Can you tell us a little about how you see that helping families shape their prayers? 
  • What’s your process in deciding what stories to tell? What stories from the Bible do you wish we were telling more in books for kids?
  • How do you try to teach age-appropriate versions of such deep theology?
  • A lot of people might skip the story about Jesus being angry in the temple. Why was it important for you to keep that story in there for kids? 
  • Are these prayers glimpses into what it was like when you were putting your kids to bed? What did bedtime prayers look like in the Laferton house? 
  • How do you share your faith as a father?
  • What are some of your favorite resources that are out there for kids from The Good Book Company or elsewhere?
  • Is there anything that you would love to see more of in church kids ministries either in the way they lead kids or in how they equip families?

Guest Bio:

Carl Laferton is executive vice president of publishing at The Good Book Company and best-selling author of The Garden, the Curtain, and the Cross. He lives in London with his wife and two children and serves as an elder at Grace Church, Worcester Park.

Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

  • “The Garden, the Curtain, and the Cross” by Carl Laferton
  • “Bible Story Prayers: 101 Prayers for Children” by Carl Laferton
  • “Why Do We Say Good Night?” by Champ Thornton








