The Grind…

75 Hard Experience

It’s the everyday things that change us.

“Watch your thoughts, they become your words;
watch your words, they become your actions;
watch your actions, they become your habits;
watch your habits, they become your character;
watch your character, it becomes your destiny.”
– Lao Tzu

For some reason, I remember the end of the quote as your habits become who you are.

I sit right now trying to make my habits into who I want to become. But it seems like that daily grind of doing something everything every day is what is getting me.

I want to be a motivational writer and podcaster. And this blog is my attempt at doing that. I am working to make myself better, and helping those around me become better, so they can make the ones around them become better, and if everyone becomes a better person, the world would be a better place.

Lately, I’ve let everything get in the way of this simple goal. I haven’t been writing or podcasting. I haven’t been working on myself as much as I should. And I haven’t been growing. Everything has a season, but I think we shouldn’t let a season go by without improving ourselves.

I just let a season go by without improving me and it sucks. I feel horribly behind at everything. At work I haven’t been doing the simple things to keep going. I’m a salesman, and I haven’t been prospecting, which means I haven’t been bringing in new business. I’ve just been working the business I have and now I’m behind.

At home, I haven’t been working on being a better husband and father and I think it is affecting my relationships with my family.

Physically I’ve been missing workouts and eating poorly so I haven’t been losing weight or improving my physical prowess like I want to.

It all comes back to the simple habit of trying to improve yourself every day.

For me, that is reading at least 10 pages a day out of a self-help or business book, listening to a book, and listening to podcasts that help me be better. (Andy Frisella’s Feal AF, the guy that came up with the 75 Hard Program that motivated me to start this site is a good one to listen to).

Over the last week, I’ve started reading again and listening to more podcasts. I’m hoping to motivate myself into getting better a little at a time. As I get better at me, I’ll get better at doing the grind, which includes this blog.

If you are still reading this blog, thanks. I hope it is helping you become better.

Ben Branam

The post The Grind… appeared first on 75 Hard Experience.








