67 episodes

This show is for women who know they were born to create change in the world, who want to build profitable businesses while being wildly content and successful in the home. Jaime Cross is the founder of a multi seven-figure organic skincare company, MIG. Join her as she pulls back the curtain to marketing, entrepreneurship, family, and life.

The HER Effect‪®‬ Jaime Cross

    • Religion & Spirituality
    • 4.8 • 83 Ratings

This show is for women who know they were born to create change in the world, who want to build profitable businesses while being wildly content and successful in the home. Jaime Cross is the founder of a multi seven-figure organic skincare company, MIG. Join her as she pulls back the curtain to marketing, entrepreneurship, family, and life.

    66. Secrets to God-Powered Success: Secret #1 Direction

    66. Secrets to God-Powered Success: Secret #1 Direction

    This episode dives into the first secret to God-powered success: direction. We'll explore how God's path for you includes discernment, practical wisdom, and spiritual responsibility. God is leading you from glory to glory, guiding you through every trial to triumph. Together, let's embrace discernment and practical steps as we journey towards success in all areas of life.
    Join the TRIBE Get Text From Jaime Daily To Help EmpowHER: https://www.empowherdaily.com
    Quick Episode Summary:
    0:30 Spiritual Battles: Understanding that God's plan for us includes living in full power and rising above all deceptions. This requires us to gird up spiritually and be proactive.
    1:00 Understanding God's Ways: God has given us covenant promises, but they require responsibility on our part. We must take ownership of our lives and step into action.
    2:00 Biblical Models of Success: Examples from Esther and other biblical figures demonstrate the importance of aligning with God's will, taking responsibility, and applying discernment.
    4:00 Kingdom Success: True success encompasses more than financial prosperity; it includes spiritual, emotional, and relational wholeness, allowing us to stand before kings and live in God's power.
    6:00 Esther's Example: The story of Esther exemplifies how obedience and strategy lead to miraculous outcomes, demonstrating the importance of spiritual and practical wisdom.
    10:00 Fasting and Power: The role of fasting in building spiritual strength and empowering us to walk in God's power, as demonstrated in Esther's story.
    12:00 Overcoming Setbacks: Examples from Jaime's life show how God's plan leads us through trials to triumph, emphasizing the importance of obedience and perseverance.
    15:00 Spiritual Responsibility: Encouraging spiritual and practical action, rather than waiting for God to do everything, highlighting the importance of discernment and divine direction.
    20:00 Practical Steps: Suggestions for seeking mentorship, studying the Word, and applying practical wisdom to achieve kingdom success.

    • 35 min
    65. Foundations for Success: THIS Is What Happens Before All Good Things

    65. Foundations for Success: THIS Is What Happens Before All Good Things

    Hello, beauty! Jaime here, and welcome back to the Her Effect podcast. As we step into a series on Kingdom success, I want to ground us in the essentials that pave the way for true prosperity in every aspect of our lives. Today’s episode is about laying a foundation that aligns our hearts with God’s word, transforming mere knowledge into active, life-changing faith.
    Join the TRIBE Get Text From Jaime Daily To Help EmpowHER: https://www.empowherdaily.com
    Quick Episode Summary:
    0:00 Opening Reflections: Today, we're setting the stage for a profound exploration of what it means to live a life marked by Kingdom success, starting with the powerful lessons from Genesis on God's promises to Abraham.
    1:00 Defining True Prosperity: Let's debunk myths about poverty and holiness, and redefine prosperity as a righteous path designed by God for His people, encompassing everything from personal finances to thriving relationships.
    2:00 Kingdom Prosperity Principles: I’ll introduce the five key principles of success that are about to unfold in our series, guiding you to prosper in every facet of your life by aligning with biblical truths.
    3:00 The Role of Faith: Understanding faith as an action word, critical in shifting the knowledge from our heads to our hearts, making us active participants in God's plan rather than passive recipients.
    6:00 Spiritual Responsibility: We'll discuss how prosperity is not just about receiving but also about being faithful stewards of what God entrusts to us, from little to much.
    8:00 Covenant Promises and Personal Accountability: Exploring the balance between God’s promises and our responsibilities, and how aligning our desires with God’s intentions is key to unlocking true abundance.
    10:00 Visions and Dreams: Encouraging you to dream big and to see those dreams as God-given visions for your life, which are practical and achievable under His guidance.
    14:00 Obedience and Fruitfulness: Delve into the practical aspects of obedience to God’s word and how it leads to measurable outcomes, proving our faith through actions.
    16:00 The Journey of Entrepreneurship: Sharing personal insights on the entrepreneurial journey and how every small step taken in faith contributes to larger success.
    18:00 The Power of Stewardship: A call to steward our current blessings effectively, making our lives a conduit of God’s blessings to others, irrespective of our starting point.
    As we wrap up today’s episode, remember that the foundation of all success is a heart fully devoted to God. By understanding and applying the principles we discussed today, you're not just building a life of temporary gains but eternal significance. Let's step into this journey with open hearts and ready hands, eager to see how God will move mightily in and through us.
    Thank you for joining me today, beauty. I can't wait to walk through each of these principles with you in our upcoming episodes. Remember, you are designed for greatness, equipped for prosperity, and destined for success in every area of your life.
    Until next time, stay blessed and keep pursuing your kingdom calling with courage and faith.
    With love,

    • 21 min
    64. Unlocking Divine Strategies: How Esther’s Timeless Wisdom Can Lead Us in Perilous Times

    64. Unlocking Divine Strategies: How Esther’s Timeless Wisdom Can Lead Us in Perilous Times

    Hello, beauty! Jaime here, and I'm so excited to dive into today's episode with you. Whether you're driving, multitasking, or curled up with a cup of tea, this discussion is crucial and timely. We're talking about discernment in these perilous times, inspired by the biblical story of Esther, a tale of courage, strategic action, and divine guidance.
    It makes me angry to see potential unfulfilled in women due to fear or confusion...hit play to hear how we can apply Esther's wisdom to our lives today!
    Her story is not just a historical account; it's a call to action for all of us to rise up, discern our times, and act with conviction. Let's not be spectators in our own stories but active participants in God’s divine vision for our life.
    Stay empowered, and until next time, remember your inheritance in God’s kingdom and walk in the power of His promises.
    Quick Episode Summary:
    0:30 Understanding God's Ways: Inspired by the teachings of David Oyedepo, I explore how understanding God’s ways is crucial for realizing the responsibilities that come with His promises.
    2:00 The Power of Obedience: Reflecting on biblical figures like Esther and David, I discuss the transformative power of taking extreme ownership of our actions in alignment with God's covenant.
    3:45 The Role of Sacrifice and Success: Delving into the unconventional paths to achieving miraculous outcomes through obedience and sacrifice, beyond mere financial success.
    6:00 Empowerment through Action: How Esther’s strategic and prayerful actions under dire circumstances can inspire us to move beyond prayer into purposeful action.
    11:00 Facing Challenges with Divine Strategy: The importance of strategic planning and divine guidance in navigating challenges, as demonstrated by Esther’s courage to approach the king.
    15:50 Kingdom Success and Personal Responsibility: Discussing the broader definitions of success in the kingdom of God and our responsibilities as believers to act and not just wait on divine intervention.
    19:00 Your Call to Action: Encouraging you to reflect on what discernment means in your life today. What are the challenges you face, and how can you approach them with the courage and strategic insight of Esther?

    • 36 min
    63. Outward Transformation Follows Inward Healing

    63. Outward Transformation Follows Inward Healing

    Hello, beauty! Jaime here, ready to unfold a topic near to my heart, from the comfort of my office on this beautiful rainy day. Today we embark on a journey of healing and transformation that starts from within.
    Our bodies are miraculous creations, designed by God to heal and thrive in full health. Yet, in a world rife with quick fixes and diet culture, we often find ourselves lost, battling against our own flesh. Today, I invite you to join me in a revelation - a return to the basics, where healing begins in the spirit and manifests in the physical. Ready to dive deep? Let's get started.
    Quick Episode Summary:
    0:24 Embracing Rainy Reflections: As I sit here, witnessing the rain and delving into content creation, I'm reminded of the beauty in pausing and reflecting on our health journey.
    1:00 Detox to Destiny: Sharing insights from our upcoming 10-day free challenge, exploring detox principles and the lifestyle shifts that promote holistic wellness.
    2:00 Confronting Body Condemnation: Reflecting on the moments that shape our body image and introducing the concept that our worth is inherent, divinely bestowed upon us by a Creator who designed us for health and wholeness.
    3:00 God's Design for Healing: Debunking the myths around sickness and healing, emphasizing that our bodies are equipped and anointed for wellness, a truth deeply rooted in Scripture.
    7:00 Herbal Wisdom: A fascinating dive into the historical and biblical roots of herbal medicine, showcasing God's provision through nature for our healing and wholeness.
    8:34 Breaking Free from Body Prisons: Addressing the mental and emotional shackles that restrict us, urging a shift from discontent to a deep appreciation of our bodies as vessels of God's miraculous work.
    11:00 Inner Healing as the First Step: The journey to physical transformation begins with spiritual and emotional healing, understanding our identity in Christ, and embracing the wholeness He promises.
    12:00 Building a Life of Engagement: Encouraging a life that you're excited to participate in, not one you seek to escape from, through alignment with God's vision and purpose for you.
    14:07 Vision for Your Transformation: Inviting you to envision the limitless possibilities for your life, as seen through the eyes of faith and a heart aligned with God's purpose.
    19:18 The Language of Our Bodies: Introducing the concept of "speaking" to our bodies through the gifts of nature, highlighting upcoming teachings on juicing, blending, and natural detoxification.
    20:03 A Call to Purpose and Impact: Reminding you of your inherent worth and potential for impact, whether that's in your family, community, or beyond.

    • 21 min
    62. The War on Your Health: What I'm Doing About It

    62. The War on Your Health: What I'm Doing About It

    Hello, beauty! Jaime here, and I'm thrilled to share this journey with you from the cozy corners of my new studio. Grab your favorite cup of tea (or coffee!), and let's dive deep into a conversation that's been burning in my heart. Today's episode is not just a talk; it's a revelation, a calling, and a rallying cry for us to reclaim what's rightfully ours – our health.
    It makes me angry to see women losing their health, becoming prisoners in their own bodies, and ultimately never stepping into destiny...hit play to hear what I am doing about it! 
    Quick Episode Summary: 
    0:30 A Peek into Jaime’s 2024: Join me as I share the transformative shifts in my life and the ignition of a new chapter in the Her Effect legacy. 
    1:00 The Fire Within: Ever wondered why my soul's been in turmoil? It's the war on our health, a battle that's been waged in silence but now screams for attention. I'm here, standing on the frontlines, fueled by a divine calling and a pinch of righteous anger.
    2:00 God's Pharmacy: Is it possible that the cure we've been searching for lies in the heart of nature? Today, I share a groundbreaking moment of clarity and divine instruction that shifted my perspective on healing.
    3:45 The Modern-Day Deception: Diet culture, big pharma, and the seductive lies of quick fixes. It's time to peel back the curtains on the truth about health and the systemic assault on our bodies.
    6:00 A Revelation from History: Journey back in time with me as we uncover a story untold, revealing the ancient battle for our wellness and the herbal keys to our liberation.
    11:00 The Great Misdirection: In a world obsessed with outward appearances, we're missing the forest for the trees. It's not just about shedding pounds; it's about radiating health from the inside out.
    15:50 Jaime's Unwavering Commitment: Armed with knowledge, conviction, and a freshly minted title as a Doctor of Natural Health, I'm stepping into my power to lead a movement for true health freedom.
    19:00 Your Call to Action: What's the vision for your health in 2024? It's time for introspection, setting intentions, and committing to a path of true wellness.

    • 23 min
    61. First Fruits not Leftovers: Unlock Overflowing Blessings

    61. First Fruits not Leftovers: Unlock Overflowing Blessings

    I was driving to the gym today and felt this urge to share a heart-to-heart with you. Every morning, Nathan and I have this ritual with our boys – we call it "Bible and breakfast." It's our way of starting the day right, diving deep into the Word and having some of the most enlightening conversations.
    This morning our discussion took a turn towards the concept of "first fruits." Nathan, being the amazing teacher he is, explained how giving God our first fruits – be it time, energy, or finances – leads to overflowing blessings. It's not just about tithing or financial offerings; it's about dedicating the best part of our day, our efforts, and our resources to Him.
    I've had my fair share of challenges, especially after moving to Tennessee and transitioning our business. But through it all, I've held onto the belief that giving God our best brings about renewal and abundance in every aspect of our lives.
    So, my message for you today? Prioritize God. Give Him your first fruits. And watch as your life overflows with blessings and joy. Remember, you're meant to have an effect. You are the Her Effect! 
    Big Takeaways:
    The Power of First Fruits: Prioritizing God and giving Him the best of what we have – our time, energy, and resources – leads to overflowing blessings. Nehemiah's Journey: Facing challenges with unwavering faith and determination can lead to incredible accomplishments. The Her Effect: Every woman has the potential to make a significant impact in her sphere of influence. Embrace that role and shine!  
    The Her Effect Website: https://thehereffect.com
    Join the Email List: https://www.Jaimecross.com
    Follow Jaime On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jaimecrossofficial
    Interview and Speaking Request Form: https://forms.gle/9epbq7FUHqktQmwA8

    • 16 min

Customer Reviews

4.8 out of 5
83 Ratings

83 Ratings

Natasha S. Dias ,

Powerful & Inspiring!!!

I found Jamie through another interview she did & I am so thankful the Lord lead me to her! Jamie is so gentle yet strong! I love how she inspires you and gives you a spiritual gut check! Being the owner of an organic spa (All things skin organic skincare) & a mother of 4 her story inspires me to keep pushing even through times are hard and money is tight Our God is Faithful!!! I pray continue blessings over you Jamie as what your are doing is certainly Mighty & Good !!!

Tracy Casavant ,

Powerful and profound podcast!

As a business owner I am enjoying this podcast very much! Thank you for sharing your wisdom, gifts and talents with the world!

Amoi ,

Word salad

What a bunch of utter nonsense. If you are a part of this organization, get out now. It’s a cult.

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