5 episodes

I'm a fiction writer. Jon Morrow is a superhero: an unstoppable man who, afflicted with a degenerative disease and only able to move his face - built a multi-million-dollar business and regularly accomplishes impossible things. We teamed up to tell Jon's story because even though every bit of it is true, his life feels a lot more like fiction.


The Impossible Man Jon Morrow and Johnny B. Truant

    • Education
    • 5.0 • 15 Ratings

I'm a fiction writer. Jon Morrow is a superhero: an unstoppable man who, afflicted with a degenerative disease and only able to move his face - built a multi-million-dollar business and regularly accomplishes impossible things. We teamed up to tell Jon's story because even though every bit of it is true, his life feels a lot more like fiction.


    Episode 5 - The Phoenix

    Episode 5 - The Phoenix

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    In this FINAL episode, we close out Jon’s story the way any hero’s arc should end: with Jon having faced his Dark Night of the Soul, now ready to change. He’s always wanted safety, and controlled people to get that safety. In this last chapter, he finds a better way.
    THIS IS THE FINAL EPISODE OF THE IMPOSSIBLE MAN PODCAST. Be sure to subscribe below so you don’t miss future updates on the project!

    REMEMBER: Although the podcast is over, the podcast existed in the first place so tease the larger project we’re working on together: Jon’s book, which may or may not be called The Impossible Man. Be sure to subscribe at JohnnyBTruant.com so we can let you know when the book is finish!
    NOTE: The transcript below was generated by AI and has not been edited. Accordingly, some things below are a little weird … but you’re smart, so I’m confident you can figure it out.
    As they drained my control, it let out and made visible who I really was.
    And who was that?
    An absolute control freak. The worst they had ever seen in 60 years.
    Welcome to The Impossible Man, the true story of how the inability to move allowed one person to tradehis humanity for ODS defying superpowers and how he clawed his way back. Hey, everybody, andwelcome to the final episode of The Impossible Man. The last episode was pretty rough, but that is parfor the course before the hero learns the lesson and ascends from the darkness. And that's ultimatelywhat we're going to be covering this episode. Remember, the entire arc for John was a journey, basicallyfrom the need for control, to trust and faith. And we're going to cover that in this episode. He needed tobe safe, and this is how he attempted to get it. So let's begin with this final episode of The ImpossibleMan. All right, so when we last left off, you were in a very dark place. We heard the story of this brutalrape and what it did to both hummingbird your girlfriend and to your relationship and then to you. Sothat's where we're starting this as we finish this overview of your story. So I assume that the relationshipfell apart and you broke up and you were this broken person. Is that where we began?
    More or less. That's where. So even though she realized what she saw and experienced wasn't real, shestill remembered it and she still had the trauma from her not real experiences. She knew how illogical thatwas, but it doesn't matter. She experienced it. And that trauma caused her intense anxiety even to bearound me.
    This is a little like if somebody wakes up from a bad dream and is mad at you because of something thathappened in the dream, but it didn't actually happen, but that they still feel that way for a while. And itsounds like even if intellectually, she understood. But she was having this emotional memory of youhunting down and killing the people that she loved.
    Is that correct? Yeah. Her experiences where she saw me torture and kill people she had loved or to bemore accurate, to order them.
    Tortured and killed, did she go to therapy around that?
    Oh, yeah, lots and lots of therapy. And she knew by the end of it, she had reached a point to where shehad made clear dividing lines about what was real, what wasn't. But all of that trauma was still with her.And she told me, I love you with every molecule in my body, but if I stay with you, I feel like I'm nevergoing to heal and I need to move on. You need to move on. I'm going to move and try to restart mycareer. And if you love me, you will never come looking for me. Wow.
    So throughout this story, you've been bulletproof and confident and sure that you could do anyimpossible thing that was put in front of you. How much of a hit did that take?
    During this, it was the only time in my life that I couldn't get out of bed, that I didn't want to work. I didn'twa

    • 26 min
    Episode 4 - Dating and Defeat

    Episode 4 - Dating and Defeat

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    In this next-to-final episode, Jon (and his intense issues with control) embarks on an intense new frontier: dating.
    It shouldn’t surprise you that Jon’s approach to dating follows the exact same “impossibility principles” as everything else in his life … with similarly impressive results.
    But this episode also turns a dark corner: Just as Jon’s emotional redemption hits a critical point, an unspeakable event sends him into the most broken, surrendering depths he’s ever faced.
    This is the next-to-final episode of the Impossible Man podcast. Be sure to subscribe below so you don’t miss future updates on the project!

    NOTE: The transcript below was generated by AI and has not been edited. Accordingly, some things below are a little weird … but you’re smart, so I’m confident you can figure it out.
    Among the severely disabled, there's this very real sense that we are unlovable, that no one would ever date us, that we are excluded from that race. It occurred to me that could be true. But is just letting thatmassive assumption go unchallenged really the most courageous thing to do?
    Welcome to The Impossible Man, the true story of how the inability to move allowed one person to tradehis humanity for ODS defying superpowers and how he clawed his way back. So welcome back to thepenultimate episode of The Impossible Man. We have just this and one more episode left to follow. Andas things turned out, it did end up being a second half of act two and then act three in the episode fourand five. Go figure. In this episode, John covers some really, really rough ground. If you remember, at theend of the last episode, john said that he got to a point where he controlled everything but still didn't feelsafe. In this episode, we're going to follow the aftermath that came from that. And then in the finalepisode to air next week, we're going to close the story and just know that there's so much more when wefinish writing the book and that this podcast series has been an overview of the highest level of the storyand there's so much more depth to it. So without further ado, let's continue with The Impossible Man. Allright, John, looks like we're in the home stretch here. I kind of like that there's some structure to the show.Now. We know that it's got two more episodes. We know what the next two episodes are going to cover,and it feels like a satisfying story. In brief. I mean, not fleshed out. That's why people need to get thebook. But does that feel about the same to you?
    Yeah, I think so. It's a good balance to give everyone a taste of what's coming. You get all the low pointsand some of the high points to come, too.
    We left kind of off on a cliffhanger in episode two, but there was one thing that just occurred to me almostspontaneously while I was listening back to episode three. I've known you for about a decade now, and Iguess I didn't realize until I heard it on the show. I don't hear you laugh a lot, like, you're a serious guy,even with we know each other reasonably well. So is that just my perception, or are you kind of a seriousdude and it takes a little bit to get you laughing?
    I'm a pretty serious dude. I would say that over the past two years, since I went through therapy, I laughmore than I used to. With my nurses that are with me, I'm constantly joking, so they're laughing all daylong. My girlfriend, too, also do I do a really big laugh. It takes a lot of muscle in your diaphragm and Idon't have that. So even when I'm laughing so hard, tears are coming out of my eyes. Still not like a bigbooming laugh. It's pretty quiet.
    It made me think that this can't all be negative for you, that there's at least some stories in here that areamusing, and I hope it's cathartic.
    It is. One of the concepts from therapy is that if you ask a trauma specialist, will I be abl

    • 37 min
    Episode 3 - Control

    Episode 3 - Control

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    Thank you for your kind words about the podcast so far! If you’re enjoying this series, please like and/or comment on this post so we’ll know about it.
    In this episode, we move Jon’s story out of the First Act and into the Second. Jon faces a choice, then embarks on a journey … but watch out, because like all heroes on a path to change, Jon brings a flawed strategy into the Second Act with him, and it puts him on the path to more big lows before the tide can possibly begin to rise.
    Wondering why I’m talking about Jon like he’s in a character in a book? Subscribe below to get a cheat sheet of the process I used to uncover Jon’s “character arc.”

    I also discuss a solidifying of the podcast format in this episode, so listen for that. We now know this will be a five-episode series giving the complete and hopefully-satisfying story … but told in sparse enough detail that you’ll still want to buy the book when we’re done with it. Y’know. Because that’s a thing, too.
    NOTE: The transcript below was generated by AI and has not been edited. Accordingly, some things below are a little weird … but you’re smart, so I’m confident you can figure it out.
    I said, listen, I'm gonna give you a very important decision tonight. You have one of three options. Optionnumber one is you can kill me right now and there's nothing I can do to stop you. Option number two is Iwill sell everything I own and hire a hitman to kill you. Option number three is that you leave and no oneever sees you again.
    Close. Welcome to The Impossible Man, the true story of how the inability to move allowed one person totrade his humanity for ODS defying superpowers and how he clawed his way back. Hey, everyone, andwelcome to the Impossible Man. This is our third episode. Big thanks to those of you who got in touchand said that you enjoyed the episode or the podcast as a whole and encouraged us to continue. We aregoing to continue, but we're going to continue in a very specific fashion. So what we've decided is thatthere's just so much that we're going to need to plunge here. There's bottomless stories. I mean, you guyshaven't heard what I have heard from John, but let's just say that there are a lot of rabbit holes, and all ofthe rabbit holes have rabbit holes. So John and I are going to be talking quite a bit. And our original ideato record absolutely everything is kind of falling apart for a few separate reasons, one of which is I didn'tsign on to make a podcast. I'm happy to do it. It was my idea. But there's a book to write here. And if Ispend all this time editing up the podcast, it's a significant expense of time. We don't come out this cleanand polished sounding that requires a lot of effort. And if I keep doing this, then I'm not going to get thatbook finished. And that's obviously not something that we're looking for. And the second reason is if Icould pull back the curtain a little bit, it's honestly commercial. We've been in touch with some peoplewho are advising us on the proposal and pitching this book. And they said, don't put everything out there.Put out a small portion and leave people wanting more. Well, that's exactly what we're going to do, but Ithink we're going to do it in a way that's really going to satisfy you. So I think that this episode that you'reabout to listen to contains both sides of that coin. Number one, you're going to see how many stories arehere. You're going to get a really compelling story from John. Let's just say it involves criminals. It involvescrazy behavior. It's something. But you're also going to be able to tell that there's a lot more to this, thatyou aren't hearing the full story. That's why you got to buy the book. A lot more fits in a book than fits on apodcast. And honestly, it's a better format for it anyway. So what we've decided to do is to complete anoverview of the entire stor

    • 42 min
    Episode Two - Beginnings

    Episode Two - Beginnings

    LISTEN ON: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher
    After giving listeners the ten-thousand-foot view of the Impossible Man book project and Jon’s story in Episode One, Episode Two begins the more-or-less-chronological exploration of Jon’s “character arc” as described by me, Johnny: a fiction-minded storyteller.
    Wondering what the hell that means? Enter your email below to get a cheat sheet of the process used to uncover Jon’s “character arc.”

    In this episode you’ll hear about Jon’s earliest years, when he began kindergarten and was mocked by the other children because he didn’t know what “handicapped” meant — something his mother explained very differently than most people do. The way Jon responded to those taunts might surprise you.
    As with the pilot, please let us know if this project is interesting to you and if we should continue! Ratings and reviews on podcast directories (like iTunes and Google Podcasts) are very appreciated and will help us a lot!
    NOTE: The transcript below was generated by AI and has not been edited. Accordingly, some things below are a little weird … but you’re smart, so I’m confident you can figure it out.
    When you're on a table in a hospital and the doctor tells you you're going to die, there are only tworesponses. The first response is to get very afraid and then die. Second response is f**k you. I wasn'tready to die, so the f**k you response was all that was left to me.
    Welcome to The Impossible Man, the true story of how the inability to move allowed one person to tradehis humanity for ODS defying superpowers and how he clawed his way back. Hi, and welcome to episodetwo of The Impossible Man. I am your host, Johnny B. Truant. Thanks to everyone who got in touch afterthe pilot. Clearly a lot of you out there interested, so we're going to continue. We're going to see whathappens over another few episodes. If you are still into it, be sure to let us know. The first episode of thepodcast was meant to be a complete overview of John's story and the podcast idea and the project thatwe're doing. And as such, we covered a lot of ground. We covered kind of John's general introduction, mygeneral introduction, the project's introduction, as well as a lot of his attitudes and beliefs and the idea ofthis impossibility that he has cultivated. Now, when I followed up with John to do episode two, I wanted tobe a little bit more organized, a little bit more linear. And as you heard in the previous show, I'm a fictionwriter. So I'm looking at this story as if it were a fictional story, as if John were a character. And so Imapped out the markers that would appear in a story if John were fictional. And I'm beginning to exploresome of those in this episode. Every character, before they go on their journey, begins in an ordinaryworld. And so that's a lot of what we covered in. This is what was in John's early life. What were hisattitudes when he was born? What were the dispositions of his parents, and what were the influencesthere? And how did that propel him forward into the beginning of his arc where he originally had someemotion and then learned that he had to turn it off in order to protect himself? And that is the larger arcthat we're going to continue on. And I have in mind what his inciting incident, his first act climax and allthat good stuff is, but we're going to tackle them all in order. So in this one, we really go deep and you'llsee the beginnings of how this unstoppability was forged and how John propelled himself forward andeventually got himself in some trouble that will spend the entire book trying to get himself out of. Andinterestingly, it has nothing to do with his disease, at least not as the main show. So here we arecontinuing our discussion with episode two of The Impossible Man. All right, here we are back for sessiontwo. I guess we're calling this podcast the Impossible Man. That's an evolution. We didn

    • 50 min
    Episode One - Overview

    Episode One - Overview

    LISTEN ON: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher
    In this pilot episode, we cover Jon’s background, why he’s teamed up with me to tell his story in a forthcoming book, all about the confidence and downright cockiness that became both his salvation and his curse, and the timeline of the slow nerve degeneration from the disease that today has left him unable to move anything but his face: Spinal Muscular Atrophy, or SMA.
    We’re releasing this first episode in order to determine whether there is enough interest in this series for us to continue it. So if you enjoy this and would like to hear more, please let us know! To do so, you can comment below, subscribe to the podcast on your favorite podcast directory, and ideally leave us good ratings and reviews. If you’d like to reach Jon directly, the best place is on Twitter.
    If people are into it, we’d love to continue … so let’s hear it!
    Curious about the process? Enter your email below to get a cheat sheet of the process we used to uncover Jon’s “character arc.”

    NOTE: The transcript below was generated by AI and has not been edited. Accordingly, some things below are a little weird … but you’re smart, so I’m confident you can figure it out.
    There are children of the darkness and there are children of the light. I was born in the dark withmonsters, and to survive I became a bit of a monster. And then at a certain point in my life, I stepped intothe world of the light and out of the world of monsters and I had to learn how to survive. You.
    Welcome to The Impossible man the true story of how the inability to move allowed one person to tradehis humanity for ODS defying superpowers and how he clawed his way back. Hey, everybody. My name isJohnny B. Truant. I will be playing host for what I believe is going to be a very interesting behind thescenes look at a project that I am doing with and for John Morrow. Now, if you don't know either one ofus, I am a fiction author. I have written over a hundred books. I've been doing this for about ten or twelveyears. John Morrow is kind of a copywriting guy, kind of a content marketing guy, a writing guy, a blogger,a guy who teaches blogging, a consultant general all around internet badass. I would say that's certainlyhow I met him. But what it took me a long time to realize after hearing John's reputation and just thinkingof him as this larger than life personality was that he actually can't move anything but his face. I just knewwhat was inside first. And that's unusual because with somebody like John, usually people see what'soutside first. They see that he is in not just a wheelchair, not just a power wheelchair, but a powerwheelchair that he operates and drives exclusively by blowing into and sucking on a small tube. He has acondition called spinal muscular atrophy or SMA, which is sort of a cousin to ALS, also known as LouGehrig's disease. SMA is a little bit more mobile than that, but not very mobile at all. With just his faceand his voice, he has built a multimillion dollar business and just generally been one of the mostunstoppable people that I have ever met. John, being a writer and being somebody who has a way ofknocking people onto their ass with his writing, has written several posts about his condition and aboutbeing unstoppable in a way that it's kind of astonishing how unstoppable he is. And it's not just within therealms of his disease. He is unstoppable personally. Regardless. It's John's mentality that has made thingsthat seem to be entirely impossible possible. He has defied what seem like impossible ODS over andover again, both with things that seem to be within volitional control and things that seem like nobodycould control them. Like his health, john has survived close brushes with death many times. He has beentold by doctors many times that he would not live through a given ordeal. He's somebody with an attitudethat has somehow transform

    • 47 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
15 Ratings

15 Ratings

majmac7574 ,

First episode: fantastic

Only past the first episode but it's a hit. Jon's story and the way it's shared in this podcast combine to make a must listen podcast. Do it and you won't regret it. Glad Jon put it out there.

Caticorn3000 ,

Fascinated and Curious

This initial episode stopped me in my tracks. Aside from craving more about the why, where, what, etc promised to come in future episodes, I found myself examining my own story. Teasing out those memories and markers that suggest my own constellation. Looking forward to learning (and feeling) more with upcoming episodes.

Ramona Denton ,

This is important

I found this pilot podcast to be intriguing and important, and potentially life-changing. Not to be overly dramatic, but the idea of changing the way you do things, from your woundedness, or from new thinking. I’m am working on new thinking in more ways than one, and I enjoyed the inspiration in the podcast. I say keep going!

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