Newcomers: Sports, with Nicole Byer and Lauren Lapkus

Newcomers: Sports, with Nicole Byer and Lauren Lapkus

In Newcomers, Lauren Lapkus and Nicole Byer take a deep dive into cultural staples they haven’t gotten around to just yet. So far, they have covered Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, Tyler Perry's body of work, the Fast & Furious Franchise, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the many interpretations of Batman, and the filmography of Martin Scorsese. Next up, Lauren and Nicole get into legendary sports movies!


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In Newcomers, Lauren Lapkus and Nicole Byer take a deep dive into cultural staples they haven’t gotten around to just yet. So far, they have covered Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, Tyler Perry's body of work, the Fast & Furious Franchise, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the many interpretations of Batman, and the filmography of Martin Scorsese. Next up, Lauren and Nicole get into legendary sports movies!

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