The Kirsty Gallagher Podcast

Kirsty Gallagher
The Kirsty Gallagher Podcast

Kirsty shares what is happening in the skies so you can work with these energies to support your soul's path. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  1. Meditation Monday: Rise & Renew: A Meditation for Growth

    1 DAY AGO

    Meditation Monday: Rise & Renew: A Meditation for Growth

    My loves, welcome to a new week and another Meditation Monday. Each week, I will bring you a short meditation to set yourself up for the week ahead. You can revisit this meditation throughout the week as many times as you like. This week, we have an energy that will bring a forward moving momentum. We can sense spring on the horizon, and we've been asked to shake ourselves awake. So this meditation will help you to feel what's stirring within wanting to awake and be brought to life.❤️ If you enjoy this meditation, please do like, share and subscribe - it makes such a huge difference. ❤️ ✨📙✨Join me on my UK book tour this June! Tickets for the Your Cosmic Purpose tour are selling fast: ✨📙✨ 🌙 All courses and workshops: DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: 📌 22nd March 2025: Spring Equinox Ceremony LONDON: 📌 23rd March 2025: Spring Equinox Ceremony EDINBURGH: 📌 2nd - 7th June 2025 - Your Cosmic Purpose LIVE: 📌 16th June - Mani-Fest, Newcastle: ✦ JOIN THE COMMUNITY & SHARE YOUR VOICE ✦ • Newsletter:  • Instagram: • Facebook:  • TikTok:  • YouTube:  • Website: All my love, Kirsty 🤍 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    10 min
  2. Cosmic Weather Report: 3rd - 9th March 2025

    2 DAYS AGO

    Cosmic Weather Report: 3rd - 9th March 2025

    ✨ Welcome to your #cosmicweatherreport for the week ahead. 🪐✨ ✦ About this week ✦ This week’s cosmic energy is all about forward momentum, shaking off stagnation, and preparing for a fresh start. With Mars having stationed direct, movement is slowly picking up, but many may still feel uncertain or stuck. This is an invitation to examine where self-doubt, fear, or limiting beliefs have been holding you back. As Mercury moves into Aries, a bold and assertive energy takes over, pushing for self-expression, action and decisiveness. Midweek, a Mercury-Pluto sextile encourages deep truth-telling, helping to uncover hidden fears or resistance to change. By Thursday’s first quarter moon in Gemini, clarity arrives, connections form and the next steps become visible. The week culminates in a powerful Sun-Mars trine, bringing confidence, motivation and a desire to step fully into your potential. With the spring equinox on the horizon, this is a time to release what no longer serves you and embrace the person you are ready to become. ✨ ❤️ 📌 Prepare for Eclipse Season workshop (instant access): 🪐💫 Useful timestamps: Monday: 2:51 Wednesday: 6:21 Thursday: 8:57 Saturday: 10:47 For daily bite-sized astrology updates, join my community channel: ✨📙✨Join me on my UK book tour this summer! Tickets for the Your Cosmic Purpose tour are selling fast: ✨📙✨ DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: 📌 22nd March 2025: Spring Equinox Ceremony LONDON: 📌 23rd March 2025: Spring Equinox Ceremony EDINBURGH: 📌 2nd - 7th June 2025 - Your Cosmic Purpose LIVE (London, Bristol, Coventry, Edinburgh) 📌 16th June - Mani-Fest, Newcastle: ✦ WANT TO LEARN MORE? ✦ 🌙 Learn more about lunar energies and the current astrology of the times we're living in with Lunar Living: 👉 COURSES & WORKSHOPS: ✦ JOIN THE COMMUNITY & SHARE YOUR VOICE ✦ • Instagram: • Facebook: • YouTube: • Threads: • Pinterest: • Broadcast Channel: • TikTok: • Newsletter: • Website: Thank you so much for being part of our community! Moon magic and lunar love, Kirsty 🤍 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    15 min
  3. Meditation Monday: Inner wisdom journaling

    FEB 24

    Meditation Monday: Inner wisdom journaling

    My loves, welcome to a new week and another Meditation Monday. Each week, I will bring you a short meditation to set yourself up for the week ahead. You can revisit this meditation throughout the week as many times as you like. We're in Pisces season, and this week brings us the Pisces new moon, which really asks us to connect to our deep intuition, inner wisdom and knowing. And so I wanted to bring you a meditation this week that you can use alongside a journaling practice. So go grab your journal or paper and a pen, and then listen to this meditation before journaling to connect you to your inner guidance, wisdom, and intuition, and really bring those through so you can bring that wisdom onto the pages. If you've ever struggled to journal or not know what to write, this is the meditation for you. I really hope it helps you to access that inner wisdom and takes your journaling practise to the next level. ❤️ If you enjoy this meditation, please do like, share and subscribe - it makes such a huge difference. ❤️ ✨📙✨Join me on my UK book tour this June! Tickets for the Your Cosmic Purpose tour are selling fast: ✨📙✨ 🌙 All courses and workshops: DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: 📌 27th February 2025: Prepare for Eclipse Season workshop (online): 📌 22nd March 2025: Spring Equinox Ceremony LONDON: 📌 23rd March 2025: Spring Equinox Ceremony EDINBURGH: 📌 2nd - 7th June 2025 - Join me on my UK book tour this summer! Tickets for the Your Cosmic Purpose tour are selling fast: 📌 16th June - Mani-Fest, Newcastle: ✦ JOIN THE COMMUNITY & SHARE YOUR VOICE ✦ • Newsletter:  • Instagram: • Facebook:  • TikTok:  • YouTube:  • Website: All my love, Kirsty 🤍 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    14 min
  4. Cosmic Weather Report: 24th Feb - 2nd March 2025

    FEB 23

    Cosmic Weather Report: 24th Feb - 2nd March 2025

    ✨ Welcome to your #cosmicweatherreport for the week ahead. 🪐✨ ✦ About this week ✦ This week brings a powerful shift into ease, flow and deep soul connection, encouraging you to trust your intuition and surrender to divine guidance. If you've felt stuck, Mars stationing direct will help things start moving - but in a way led by your inner knowing rather than logic. Mercury’s alignment with Saturn and Uranus midweek sharpens your focus, helping you get clear on your path while also opening unexpected doors through synchronicities and insights. The Pisces new moon on Friday marks the beginning of eclipse season, inviting you to release overthinking, self-doubt, and perfectionism in favour of trust, surrender, and alignment with your soul’s purpose. As the week closes, the Sun square Jupiter brings a surge of optimism and expansion, while Mercury’s meeting with Neptune deepens spiritual clarity—like a direct line to the divine. Venus retrograde invites reflection on relationships, values, and self-worth, asking you to realign with what truly nourishes your soul. This is a week to listen, trust, and follow the flow - the universe is guiding you exactly where you need to be. ✨ ❤️ Get the Pisces new moon ritual pack here: 🪐💫 Useful timestamps: Monday: 0:36 Tuesday: 2:41 Thursday: 3:44 Friday 5:23 Sunday: 9:18 For daily bite-sized astrology updates, join my community channel: ✨📙✨Join me on my UK book tour this summer! Tickets for the Your Cosmic Purpose tour are selling fast: ✨📙✨ DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: 📌 27th February 2025: Prepare for Eclipse Season workshop (online): 📌 22nd March 2025: Spring Equinox Ceremony LONDON: 📌 23rd March 2025: Spring Equinox Ceremony EDINBURGH: 📌 2nd - 7th June 2025 - Join me on my UK book tour this summer! Tickets for the Your Cosmic Purpose tour are selling fast: 📌 16th June - Mani-Fest, Newcastle: ✦ WANT TO LEARN MORE? ✦ 🌙 Learn more about lunar energies and the current astrology of the times we're living in with Lunar Living: 👉 COURSES & WORKSHOPS: ✦ JOIN THE COMMUNITY & SHARE YOUR VOICE ✦ • Instagram: • Facebook: • YouTube: • Threads: • Pinterest: • Broadcast Channel: • TikTok: • Newsletter: • Website: Thank you so much for being part of our community! Moon magic and lunar love, Kirsty 🤍 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    15 min
  5. Meditation Monday: Connect to the voice within

    FEB 17

    Meditation Monday: Connect to the voice within

    My loves, welcome to a new week and another Meditation Monday. Each week, I will bring you a short meditation to set yourself up for the week ahead. You can revisit this meditation throughout the week as many times as you like. This week, we move into Pisces season, and so I wanted to bring you a meditation to help you to connect to that wise, intuitive, all-knowing voice within.❤️ If you enjoy this meditation, please do like, share and subscribe - it makes such a huge difference. ❤️ ✨📙✨Join me on my UK book tour this June! Tickets for the Your Cosmic Purpose tour are selling fast: ✨📙✨ 🌙 All courses and workshops: DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: 📌 18th February 2025: Lunar nodes workshop (online): 📌 22nd March 2025: Spring Equinox Ceremony LONDON: 📌 23rd March 2025: Spring Equinox Ceremony EDINBURGH: 📌 2nd - 7th June 2025 - Join me on my UK book tour this summer! Tickets for the Your Cosmic Purpose tour are selling fast: 📌 16th June - Mani-Fest, Newcastle: ✦ JOIN THE COMMUNITY & SHARE YOUR VOICE ✦ • Newsletter:  • Instagram: • Facebook:  • TikTok:  • YouTube:  • Website: All my love, Kirsty 🤍 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    8 min
  6. Cosmic Weather Report: 17th - 23rd February 2025

    FEB 16

    Cosmic Weather Report: 17th - 23rd February 2025

    ✨ Welcome to your #cosmicweatherreport for the week ahead. 🪐✨ ✦ About this week ✦ This week, we step into Pisces season, the final season on the zodiac wheel before the astrological new year. It's a time for reflection, inner exploration, and aligning our lives with what truly brings us joy. As we move towards the Spring Equinox, this is the perfect opportunity to release what no longer serves us, making space for fresh beginnings. The last quarter moon in Sagittarius will highlight our desire for freedom and adventure while revealing what has been holding us back. With Mercury squaring Jupiter, we may experience an overactive mind—an invitation to expand beyond limiting beliefs. By the weekend, Mercury trine Mars will inspire us to turn obstacles into motivation, pushing us towards our long-term goals. This is a week to listen to our intuition, embrace inner wisdom, and prepare for the bold moves ahead. ❤️ 🪐💫 Useful timestamps: Tuesday: 0:09 Thursday: 3:26 Sunday: 7:56 For daily bite-sized astrology updates, join my community channel: ✨📙✨Join me on my UK book tour this summer! Tickets for the Your Cosmic Purpose tour are selling fast: ✨📙✨ ✦ WANT TO LEARN MORE? ✦ 🌙 Learn more about lunar energies and the current astrology of the times we're living in with Lunar Living: 👉 COURSES & WORKSHOPS: DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: 📌 18th February 2025: Lunar nodes workshop (online): 📌 27th February 2025: Prepare for Eclipse Season workshop (online): 📌 22nd March 2025: Spring Equinox Ceremony LONDON: 📌 23rd March 2025: Spring Equinox Ceremony EDINBURGH: 📌 2nd - 7th June 2025 - Join me on my UK book tour this summer! Tickets for the Your Cosmic Purpose tour are selling fast: 📌 16th June - Mani-Fest, Newcastle: ✦ JOIN THE COMMUNITY & SHARE YOUR VOICE ✦ • Instagram: • Facebook: • YouTube: • Threads: • Pinterest: • Broadcast Channel: • TikTok: • Newsletter: • Website: Thank you so much for being part of our community! Moon magic and lunar love, Kirsty 🤍 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    15 min
  7. Meditation Monday: Self-love meditation

    FEB 10

    Meditation Monday: Self-love meditation

    My loves, welcome to a new week and another Meditation Monday. Each week, I will bring you a short meditation to set yourself up for the week ahead. You can revisit this meditation throughout the week as many times as you like. It's Valentine's Day this week, and so I wanted to bring you a self-love meditation to help you to begin to forge a deep connection with yourself and to show up and be there for you. In this meditation, you'll give and receive your own love and give yourself what you need beginning the week as you mean to go on. This meditation is part of a free 'Be the Love of your Life' challenge that I ran last year. And so if you enjoy this meditation, you can sign up for the challenge at and get this meditation sent directly to your inbox to keep. Then each morning, over the following six days, I'll send you daily practises to help raise your levels of self-love and begin to feel a deeper connection to yourself. ❤️ Sign up to the free 7-day Be The Love Of Your Life Challenge here: If you enjoy this meditation, please do like, share and subscribe - it makes such a huge difference. ❤️ ✨📙✨Join me on my UK book tour this June! Tickets for the Your Cosmic Purpose tour are selling fast: ✨📙✨ 🌙 All courses and workshops: DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: 📌 18th February 2025: Lunar nodes workshop (online): 📌 22nd March 2025: Spring Equinox Ceremony LONDON: 📌 23rd March 2025: Spring Equinox Ceremony EDINBURGH: 📌 2nd - 7th June 2025 - Join me on my UK book tour this summer! Tickets for the Your Cosmic Purpose tour are selling fast: 📌 16th June - Mani-Fest, Newcastle: ✦ JOIN THE COMMUNITY & SHARE YOUR VOICE ✦ • Newsletter:  • Instagram: • Facebook:  • TikTok:  • YouTube:  • Website: All my love, Kirsty 🤍 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    13 min
  8. Cosmic Weather Report: 10th - 16th February 2025

    FEB 9

    Cosmic Weather Report: 10th - 16th February 2025

    ✨📙✨Join me on my UK book tour this summer! Tickets for the Your Cosmic Purpose tour are selling fast: ✨📙✨ ✨ Welcome to your #cosmicweatherreport for the week ahead. 🪐✨ ✦ About this week ✦ This week, we’re embracing powerful Uranus energy, stirring up change and awakening as we move towards spring. As we experience sudden shifts and changes, Uranus is here to help us break free from old patterns and limitations. Expect moments of clarity as the Leo full moon on Wednesday shines a spotlight on areas of your life that need transformation, encouraging you to step into your authenticity and reclaim your personal power. This is a week for embracing the shifts as they happen with excitement and allowing them to guide you to the next chapter of your journey! ❤️ 🪐💫 Useful timestamps: Monday: 2:48 Tuesday: 6:56 Wednesday: 8:06 Friday: 9:46 For daily bite-sized astrology updates, join my community channel: Leo full moon ritual pack ♌️: ✦ WANT TO LEARN MORE? ✦ 🌙 Learn more about lunar energies and the current astrology of the times we're living in with Lunar Living: 👉 COURSES & WORKSHOPS: DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: 📌 18th February 2025: Lunar nodes workshop (online): 📌 22nd March 2025: Spring Equinox Ceremony LONDON: 📌 23rd March 2025: Spring Equinox Ceremony EDINBURGH: 📌 2nd - 7th June 2025 - Join me on my UK book tour this summer! Tickets for the Your Cosmic Purpose tour are selling fast: 📌 16th June - Mani-Fest, Newcastle: ✦ JOIN THE COMMUNITY & SHARE YOUR VOICE ✦ • Instagram: • Facebook: • YouTube: • Threads: • Pinterest: • Broadcast Channel: • TikTok: • Newsletter: • Website: Thank you so much for being part of our community! Moon magic and lunar love, Kirsty 🤍 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

    15 min

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11 Ratings


Kirsty shares what is happening in the skies so you can work with these energies to support your soul's path. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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