The Magnetic Muse Podcast

The Magnetic Muse Podcast

Transformation. Rebirth. A life that more and more has daily moments that feel like magic. I'm your host, Jordan Laurelle, and this is exactly what I've created within my own life through immersing myself in all things mental health, mindset, and manifestation over the last few years. I overcame the blocks that kept me depressed, disempowered, and dependent, and have created a truly incredible, magical life that I only could have dreamed of years ago. And now, I'm sharing it all with you here, on the Magical Human Experience Podcast. On the show you can expect stories, wisdom, practical tips, and truly life changing lessons, from both myself and incredibly inspiring guests, that will help you in creating your very own magical human experience.

  1. 76. How to Navigate Drinking, The Holidays, and Drinking During the Holidays in a Way That Keeps You in Your Power and Feeling Your Best with Dana Spaulding


    76. How to Navigate Drinking, The Holidays, and Drinking During the Holidays in a Way That Keeps You in Your Power and Feeling Your Best with Dana Spaulding

    Because when we're in our power, in alignment with ourselves, and feeling our best, we are wildly magnetic! Because we're inherently magnetic, we just often have people, mindsets, emotions, or situations that pull us out of our magnetism and block us from showing up in the way and creating the reality that we truly want. In this episode, I dive deep into all things navigating drinking and the holidays with Wander + Ivy founder Dana Spaulding. We talk about how to bring mindfulness and personal power into drinking if you choose, why we sometimes 'lean on' alcohol, and how to support yourself in drinking from a place and in a way that serves you... and how to navigate doing what's right for you, whether that's drinking or not, when you might be facing pushback or shame (or be a recovering people pleaser like us!). While we dive deep, we give so many tips to navigating all of it was that support you both emotionally, relationally, and physically! **ANNOUNCEMENT: I'm hosting a Higher Self Workshop at the Gansevoort November 25th at 6pm, and have several spots to give as a gift (free!) to a few of you! There will be Wander + Ivy Wine as well as Beauty Goodie Bags, so come join for a transformative and fun evening! RSVP by emailing be or shooting me a DM (contact info below!) We chat: -Dana’s Story -How Wander + Ivy Was Born -Wine is Very Unregulated Ingredient-Wise -Most Wine is Heavily Marked by Pesticides and Additives -My Experience ‘Using’ and Depending on Alcohol -Removing Shame and Guilt Surrounding Drinking and Not Drinking -How to Handle Pressure to Drink  -The Power of Bringing Intentionality into Drinking -The Importance of Owning Your Choices -When Choosing to Drink Doesn’t Serve Us -Why Many of Us ‘Use’ Alcohol and What to Do Instead -Where ‘Needing’ a Drink Comes From and How to Not ’Need’ One -Why Boundaries During the Holidays Are So Important -How to Combat People Pleasing to Your Own Detriment -How to Decide What to Say ‘No’ To and How to Do It Better -It is Not Selfish to Do What’s Right for You and the Right People Will Understand -Tips for Feeling Physically Better When Drinking -A Mindset Shift to Help You Choose Moderation from Abundance Where to Find Dana/Wander + Ivy: Dana's Instagram Wander + Ivy's Instagram Website Things Mentioned: Quote by Carl Rogers LMNT Electrolytes ReLyte Electrolytes Purely Elizabeth Kroma Granola And you can get it HERE with free bonuses and special launch month pricing!!  My Instagram: @jordanlaurelle - come say hi! For coaching inquiries: or book a discovery call HERE. Book a One-Time 75 Minute Call HERE. Sign Up for my Email List HERE.

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  2. 75. Free Money Manifestion Masterclass on 5 Major Money Blocks with Nicole Rose Stillings


    75. Free Money Manifestion Masterclass on 5 Major Money Blocks with Nicole Rose Stillings

    Guys, THIS EPISODE. Nicole should have charged me and all of you for this content because it is is GOLD!!  I had several ‘aha’ moments and takeaways from our conversation, and have been manifesting money almost every day since the conversation and after clearing a few blocks myself! We chat about 5 major money blocks, one of which when I shifted earlier this year got me out of a feast and famine cycle I’d found myself in, and another I was working on more recently unlocked massive flow to me in many both big and small ways! Money is an energy, you’re in a relationship with it, whether you realize it or not, and it loves to flow to you when you’re good with it! If you’re wanting to manifest more money and you’re not a money manifestation guru yourself, you will absolutely have takeaways that help from this conversation, and honestly, you still might even if you are! Nicole is a wealth of wisdom, such good energy, and I know you’ll enjoy hearing her share as much as I did! We Chat: -Money Mindsets We Adapt from our Parents -Law of Correspondence -Nicole Manifesting Abundance by Following Her Inner Guidance and Becoming a Female DJ Before it was Popular -The Energetics of Money -How to Work With Yourself on Blocks -Codependency in Therapy and Coaching -How to Know What to Work on First -The Biggest Block Nicole Sees in People -How You Treat Time and How You Treat Money Are Related -The Most Insidious Money Block -The Irony of Avoidance  -How to Be a Good Steward of Your Money -Why Some Bad People are Rich -How Your Trials Might Be Your Salvation -How to Frame Your Debt to Feel Grateful for It -Telling Your Money How it Gets to Flow to You  Where to Find Nicole: Instagram Book a Free Breakthrough Session with Nicole My Instagram: @jordanlaurelle - come say hi! For coaching inquiries: or book a discovery call HERE. Book a One-Time 75 Minute Call HERE. Sign Up for my Email List HERE.

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  3. 72.  Heart Intelligence - The Hidden Power of Your Heart and How to Tap Into It with Kimberly Snyder


    72. Heart Intelligence - The Hidden Power of Your Heart and How to Tap Into It with Kimberly Snyder

    This week’s episode is a conversation with multiple times New York Times best-selling author, holistic wellness expert, and celebrity nutritionist Kimberly Snyder. I had Kim on the podcast back in early 2023 to chat all about her Waterfall Cleanse and it was such a pleasure to reconnect with her to chat about her new book, The Hidden Power of the Five Hearts. I had the pleasure of reading the book before the episode, and loved how it shared so much on how to tap into the power of the heart… The heart is incredibly powerful and learning how to tap into our hearts power, puts us back in our power. It redirects us to tune inward for all that we need and desire, instead of outward, which always results in us being more magnetic. Kim shares so much on the heart and how to connect to yours, so you can harness the ‘Hidden Power of the Five Hearts’. We Chat: -Living in a Heart Centered Flow -What is the heart? -What is Heart Coherence -Heart Coherence and How It Allows Us to Be Magnetic -Why Increasing Heart Coherence is the Answer, not Just Being ‘Positivity’ -The 5 Stages of The Heart -How to Hear Your Heart -How to Allow Your Heart to Be Your Anchor Where to Find Kim: Website Instagram The Hidden Power of the Five Hearts My Instagram: @jordanlaurelle - come say hi! For coaching inquiries: or book a discovery call HERE. Book a One-Time 75 Minute Call HERE. Sign Up for my Email List HERE.

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  4. 71. How to Work With Astrology, Your Intuition, and Your Feminine Energy to Step More into Your Magnetism with Grace Emmons


    71. How to Work With Astrology, Your Intuition, and Your Feminine Energy to Step More into Your Magnetism with Grace Emmons

    A few week's back I got to have an incredibly impactful conversation with Transformational Coach and Energy Healer, Grace Emmons. I personally got so much out of the conversation and from the wisdom she shared, as much of it touched on things I'm navigating in my own life, so I'm increidbly excited to share it with you all! As you know, I've been having conversations surrounding femininity and feminine energy the last month or so, and this conversation followed so perfectly! Grace shares how we as women can work better with ourselves by understanding and honoring our femininity and feminine energy, and structuring our life more in a way to support us in that. She shares how doing so has allowed her not only to work less and make so much more money, but also to be so much more intuitively guided and feel so much better while doing so, along with how she and many famous psychologists also use working with astrology, nature, and our intuition, all to help us live in greater alignment with ourselves, which ultimately supports us in being more magnetic. If you're feeling burned out, tired of feeling out of alignment, or just want more tips on tapping into your magnetism, this episode is for you! We Also Chat: -The Power of Astrology and How it’s Best Used to Support Us -Universal Archetypes in Astrology -Using Natal Charts with Psychology -Astrology as a Tool to Connect with and Understand Yourself -How the Patriarchy Undermined the Individuals Connection to the Divine and Women’s Natural Role as Leaders in Spirituality -The Importance of Being in Tune and Working With Our Bodies and Cycles as Women -Using Honoring Our Feminine Energy as a Way to Work Less and Make More -Practical Ways to Honor Your Femininity -The Human Need to Be Connected to Nature With How We Live -Living in Alignment and Magnetism Where to Find Grace: Instagram Website Retreat Center Free Masterclass ______________________ The Magnetic Muse Masterclass is LIVE!!!! It's a free class teaching you all about magnetism, what it is, why it's what you need to learn vs. just manifestation, and the thing most people miss when it comes to both!! You can sign up for a time to watch HERE.

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Transformation. Rebirth. A life that more and more has daily moments that feel like magic. I'm your host, Jordan Laurelle, and this is exactly what I've created within my own life through immersing myself in all things mental health, mindset, and manifestation over the last few years. I overcame the blocks that kept me depressed, disempowered, and dependent, and have created a truly incredible, magical life that I only could have dreamed of years ago. And now, I'm sharing it all with you here, on the Magical Human Experience Podcast. On the show you can expect stories, wisdom, practical tips, and truly life changing lessons, from both myself and incredibly inspiring guests, that will help you in creating your very own magical human experience.

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