209 episodes

How do I overcome the FEAR that it’s too late to chase a dream? How do I get out of being STUCK in perfectionism, worrying that people will judge me, and being caught up in comparison and self doubt? How do I stay motivated and stop procrastinating out of fear of failure, always feeling unprepared and unqualified before I even begin? How do I prioritize and start making consistent progress on my goals and dreams with highly successful habits, discipline, and focus? And the biggest question of all, how do I OWN my muddy story with bravery, courage, conviction and faith?

If you have ever asked yourself these questions, take a deep breath, because you’re in the right place.

Welcome to the Mary Marantz Show. Where we answer ALL those questions and more! A space to own the muddy parts of your story, build things that matter, and where slow growth always equals strong roots.

Listen in each week as host, Mary Marantz, brings you honest conversations and her best tips about business, relationships, faith, goals & more... where we feel the fear and move forward anyway.

Along with serving her best business and life tips, you’ll also hear motivating interviews from some of the best in the industry - authors, speakers, leaders, and entrepreneurs like Natalie Franke, Jess Connolly, Jessica Honegger and more– to bring you one step closer to your goals.

You’ll learn business strategies to more effectively serve your audience, receive inspiration to dig deeper and find freedom in relationships, and learn how to build a legacy that lasts.

You’re here and you have scars. You’re here and you have dirt in your story. You’re here and you’re afraid both of those disqualify you before you even start.

But you have a place here. Your story already matters.

Because one day, when we get to where it is we’re going, it won’t be despite these scars we bear. It will always be because of them.

Slow growth equals Strong roots.

The Mary Marantz Show Mary Marantz

    • Religion & Spirituality
    • 4.9 • 343 Ratings

How do I overcome the FEAR that it’s too late to chase a dream? How do I get out of being STUCK in perfectionism, worrying that people will judge me, and being caught up in comparison and self doubt? How do I stay motivated and stop procrastinating out of fear of failure, always feeling unprepared and unqualified before I even begin? How do I prioritize and start making consistent progress on my goals and dreams with highly successful habits, discipline, and focus? And the biggest question of all, how do I OWN my muddy story with bravery, courage, conviction and faith?

If you have ever asked yourself these questions, take a deep breath, because you’re in the right place.

Welcome to the Mary Marantz Show. Where we answer ALL those questions and more! A space to own the muddy parts of your story, build things that matter, and where slow growth always equals strong roots.

Listen in each week as host, Mary Marantz, brings you honest conversations and her best tips about business, relationships, faith, goals & more... where we feel the fear and move forward anyway.

Along with serving her best business and life tips, you’ll also hear motivating interviews from some of the best in the industry - authors, speakers, leaders, and entrepreneurs like Natalie Franke, Jess Connolly, Jessica Honegger and more– to bring you one step closer to your goals.

You’ll learn business strategies to more effectively serve your audience, receive inspiration to dig deeper and find freedom in relationships, and learn how to build a legacy that lasts.

You’re here and you have scars. You’re here and you have dirt in your story. You’re here and you’re afraid both of those disqualify you before you even start.

But you have a place here. Your story already matters.

Because one day, when we get to where it is we’re going, it won’t be despite these scars we bear. It will always be because of them.

Slow growth equals Strong roots.

    Learning to Disagree: How to Stand Your Ground (Without Losing People) with John Inazu

    Learning to Disagree: How to Stand Your Ground (Without Losing People) with John Inazu

    Have you ever found your heels dug into an argument that was fueled by the heat of conviction? Or caught in the crosshairs of differing perspectives and wishing there was a better way to disagree? 
    Join Mary and John Inazu, law professor, author, and speaker, as they discuss the educational gaps in learning to disagree, social media’s impact on conflict resolution, and what it really means to be empathetic. 
    Tune in to hear, 
    How to find nuance and empathy in some of our country’s most divisive issues The importance of taking time to understand how the other side thinks about a hard issue Why we need to bring our disagreements offline  
    If you are longing to see the person behind the position and engage in conflict in a way that doesn’t sacrifice relationship, today’s episode will give you the tools you need to enter into disagreement constructively.
    John’s grounded perspective is deeply thought-provoking and convicting! This conversation will undoubtedly shift the way you engage with disagreement and offer you a way forward that has honor and respect at the forefront.
    Friend, truly this is one you won’t want to miss!
    Follow John here! https://www.instagram.com/john.inazu/
    Check out his new book here: https://www.jinazu.com/learning-to-disagree
    For full episode notes, head to: https://marymarantz.com/themarymarantzshow
    More About John Inazu: John Inazu is the Sally D. Danforth Distinguished Professor of Law and Religion at Washington University in St. Louis. He teaches criminal law, law and religion, and various First Amendment courses. He writes and speaks frequently about pluralism, assembly, free speech, religious freedom, and other issues. John has written three books and published opinion pieces in the Washington Post, Atlantic, Chicago Tribune, LA Times, USA Today, Newsweek, and CNN. He is also the founder of the Carver Project and the Legal Vocation Fellowship and is a senior fellow with Interfaith America. In his newest book, Learning to Disagree: The Surprising Path to Navigating Differences with Empathy and Respect, Inazu draws from his experiences teaching law school to show how it is possible to disagree about hard issues. By finding nuance in some of today’s most divisive issues and taking time to learn how the other side thinks, Inazu gives readers ideas and tools to navigate the differences and disagreements they encounter in their everyday lives without sacrificing their own convictions.

    • 1 hr
    What Story Are You Telling? How to Change the Scripts You Keep Telling Yourself with Ally Fallon

    What Story Are You Telling? How to Change the Scripts You Keep Telling Yourself with Ally Fallon

    Have you ever felt like you have a story to tell but don’t know where to begin? Do you feel overwhelmed by or disqualified from the process of writing? 
    Join Allison Fallon, author, speaker, and founder of Find Your Voice, as they discuss the importance of sharing our stories, why we need to reframe the meaning we assign to our stories and the magic found in our ordinary lives.
    Tune in to hear, 
    How to become the hero of your own story – and the ripple effect of being the main character  Three ways to begin framing your writing The one person who needs to hear your story most  
    If you have been wanting to get your word’s out in the world, this episode will be the motiviation you need to break through your writer’s block!
    Allison has a powerful way of clarifying the muddiest aspects of a story and bringing forth the essence of the author. Ultimately, reminding us that the true gift of storytelling isn’t just for the audience but the storyteller too. 
    Friend, you won’t get enough of this conversation!
    Welcome to the hero’s journey of becoming.
    Follow Allison here! https://www.instagram.com/allyfallon
    Check out her new book here: https://writeyourstory.com/ 
    For full episode notes, head to: https://marymarantz.com/themarymarantzshow
    More About Allison Fallon: Allison Fallon is an author, speaker, and founder of Find Your Voice, a community that supports anyone who wants to write anything. In addition to her books The Power of Writing It Down: A Simple Habit to Unlock Your Brain and Reimagine Your Life, Packing Light and Indestructible: Leveraging Your Broken Heart to Become a Force of Love & Change in the World, she has ghostwritten 11 books and has collaborated on countless others. Through Find Your Voice, she has helped leaders of multinational corporations, stay-at-home moms, Olympic gold medalists, recovering addicts, political figures, CEOs, and prison inmates use her methods as powerful tools to generate positive change in their lives. In her newest release, Write Your Story: A Simple Formula to Understand Yourself, Your Story and Your Purpose in the World, Fallon invites her readers to make the courageous step to write their story because when people believe they are the authors of their stories, it gives them the personal responsibility to decide how stories finish. 

    • 55 min
    I Shouldn’t Feel This Way: How to Name Hard Feelings & Take Brave Action with Dr. Alison Cook

    I Shouldn’t Feel This Way: How to Name Hard Feelings & Take Brave Action with Dr. Alison Cook

    Do you ever catch yourself dismissing your feelings or letting your inner critic boss your emotions around? 
    ‘I should be happier…’
    ‘I just need to think more positively…’
    ‘I shouldn’t feel this way…’
    Join Mary and Dr. Alison Cook, therapist, author, and podcaster, as they discuss the science behind our shame spiral, the gift of liminal space, and the three-step framework that will transform your mental and emotional health.
    Tune in to hear, 
    The science behind our shame spiral Why your inner critic is sabotaging your growth How to make decisions that break cycles of defeat  
    If you are tired of trudging through life with unresolved emotions and the guilt that you should be responding differently to what you are going through, this conversation will set you on a new trajectory. 
    Say goodbye to staying stuck in the endless cycle of self-sabotage and hello to clear-minded and brave action toward the life you dream of. 
    Just remember friend, the only way forward is through.
    Follow Dr. Alison here! https://www.instagram.com/dralisoncook/ 
    Check out her new book here: https://www.dralisoncook.com/books
    For full episode notes, head to: https://marymarantz.com/themarymarantzshow
    More About Dr. Alison Cook: Dr. Alison Cook is a therapist and host of the top-ranked The Best of You podcast.  Originally from Wyoming, Dr. Alison studied at Dartmouth College (BA), Denver Seminary (MA), and the University of Denver (PhD), where she specialized in integrating psychology and theology. Dr. Alison’s doctoral dissertation centered on the relationship between religion and prejudice. She is certified in Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) and is the author of the ECPA bestselling book The Best of You and coauthor of Boundaries for Your Soul, with nearly 100,000 copies sold–  based on the popular IFS therapy model.  Widely recognized as an expert at the intersection of faith and psychology, Dr. Alison empowers individuals to heal from past wounds, develop a strong sense of self, and forge healthy relationships. In her new book,  I Shouldn't Feel This Way: Name What’s Hard, Tame Your Guilt, and Transform Self-Sabotage into Brave Action, Dr. Alison will help you name, tame, and transform conflicting feelings into clear solutions with purpose and confidence.

    • 1 hr 5 min
    Unplugged: How to Look Up from Your Screen & NOTICE Life Again with Joey Odom

    Unplugged: How to Look Up from Your Screen & NOTICE Life Again with Joey Odom

    Have you ever found yourself, phone in hand, involuntarily reaching to check notifications that haven't even buzzed, to scroll through a digital stream of consciousness, or to lose yourself in the infinite grid of pictures?
    Join Mary and Joey Odom, storyteller, podcaster, and co-founder of Aro, as they dive into the worlds we carry within our pockets, the science of habit formation, and the changes we can make to move towards a more engaged, present, and gratifying life.
    Tune in to hear, 
    The three reasons why you have a relationship with your phone Why your willpower will never be enough to make a change The discipline of noticing  If you are tired of doom scrolling your life away and longing for actionable steps to reroute your digital habits, this episode is a master class in goal setting and habit formation!
    So friend, pull up a chair and grab your notebook, your life won’t be the same after this conversation!
    Follow Aro here! https://www.instagram.com/goaronow/
    Check out Aro here: https://www.goaro.com/
    For full episode notes, head to: https://marymarantz.com/themarymarantzshow
    More About Joey Odom: Joey is a natural storyteller and a dynamic leader known for his ability to inspire and foster deep connections with others. His own experience with technology as a husband and dad led Joey to help create Aro alongside co-founder Heath Wilson. Aro is a disruptive technology company that uses technology to help us put down our phones and be fully present in the moment with the people who matter most. The Aro platform leverages the science of habit formation to create patterns and rhythms of presence for families. Every member of Aro’s team is passionate about fulfilling the company’s vision, which is to create an entire generation of intentional families. Joey also hosts The Aro Podcast, which is a weekly conversation with leaders and influencers who strive to live intentionally. Joey and his wife of nearly 20 years, Cristin, live in Knoxville, TN with their son, Harrison (15) and Gianna (13).

    • 57 min
    How to Let Go of Other People’s Opinions & Create a Life You Love with Stephanie May Wilson

    How to Let Go of Other People’s Opinions & Create a Life You Love with Stephanie May Wilson

    Do you feel caught between where you want to be and where you “should” be in life? 
    Join Mary and Stephanie May Wilson, author, podcaster, and speaker, as they dive into the importance of conscious decision-making, the value of assembling a trusted board of advisors, and the impact of societal expectations on our life choices.
    Tune in to hear, 
    How to sideline the opinions of the couch cushion coaches in your life Build security and peace in both who you are and the season you're in What we can learn from shopping for a pair of pants If you find yourself bending to the opinions of others and overwhelmed by the pressure to figure your life out, Stephanie is the trail guide you have been looking for!
    Friend, whatever season of life you find yourself in this conversation will be the nudge you need to reconsider the narratives that are holding you back and the longings you have quieted along the way. 
    Loving your life is not off the table and today is the perfect day to start!
    Follow Stephanie here! https://www.instagram.com/smaywilson/?hl=en
    Check out her new book here:  https://stephaniemaywilson.com/create
    For full episode notes, head to: https://marymarantz.com/themarymarantzshow
    More About Stephanie May Wilson: is an author, a podcaster, a speaker, and the go-to guide for 20- and 30-something women as they navigate their most important relationships. Through her books, her courses, and her chart-topping podcast, Girls Night with Stephanie May Wilson, she has mentored more than a million women as they cultivate healthy, thriving relationships with God, their friends, their significant others, and with themselves. Stephanie got her start as a writer when she packed up her backpack and traveled around the world for a year, keeping a blog of all her adventures. Stephanie’s writing has been featured on NBC, the Anthropologie blog, and in Relevant Magazine. She has also been a long-time blog contributor for CNBC’s Nightly Business Report, Darling magazine, and Christian Mingle. In her newest book, Create a Life You Love: How to Quiet Outside Voices So You Can Finally Hear Your Own, Stephanie helps women shrug off the pressure of what they think their lives are supposed to look like and take on the next big decision or life transition with intentionality and confidence.

    • 51 min
    House Rules: How to Take Risks, Make Mistakes & Let Go of Perfection with Myquillyn Smith

    House Rules: How to Take Risks, Make Mistakes & Let Go of Perfection with Myquillyn Smith

    Are you overwhelmed by all the unfinished projects around your home? Do you feel stuck in analysis paralysis when it comes to making design decisions? 
    Join Mary and Myquillyn Smith, author, speaker, and designer, as they delve deep into the wisdom of imperfection, the power of limitations, and embracing the journey of creating a home that's true to you.
    Tune in to hear, 
    How to break through the mental blocks of decision making The one rule of design that is really worth living by Why limitations can be a gift to you and your space This conversation  will revolutioize the way you approach your home and, quite frankly, your life. 
    Friend, today is the day to unravel the knot of design paralysis and open yourself up to the possibility of creating a space you love one step at a time. 
    Follow Myquillyn here! https://www.instagram.com/thenester/
    Check out her new book here: https://thenester.com/houserules
    For full episode notes, head to: https://marymarantz.com/themarymarantzshow
    More About Myquillyn Smith: Myquillyn Smith, also known as “The Nester,” is the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Welcome Home and Cozy Minimalist Home. For the past 17 years, she’s been encouraging women to embrace their space—imperfections and all—and make it their own. Her previous homes have been featured in Better Homes & Gardens, Ladies’ Home Journal, and Cottages & Bungalows. She recently purchased and redecorated a 1905 Queen Anne Victorian home in Morganton, North Carolina, the inspiration for her new book House Rules. She’s never met a home she didn’t love.

    • 55 min

Customer Reviews

4.9 out of 5
343 Ratings

343 Ratings

Minda3k ,

Highly recommend!

I’ve always been a reader and though I tried Audible, I prefer the written word to audio. I listened to several podcasts and with ADHD, it was a challenge. So many great hosts and topics but none of them resonated with me until I found this one. Suddenly, I was listening to podcast after podcast, never losing interest. Every episode has a takeaway that I can’t wait to share with someone else. I learn something new each time I listen and Mary is so insightful! She challenges me to self-reflect and I usually journal immediately afterwards. Her podcast never fails to lift my spirit, which is why I’m constantly sharing this podcast with friends and family.

myopiniononlymyopinion ,

Love love love this podcast!

Out of curiosity I listened to the podcast while driving home from a conference after hearing Mary speak. Before I knew it I’d listened to several episodes and wanted to listen to more! I love the content, I love the questions Mary asks, and I love the conversations that occur as a result. In every show Mary’s genuine nature is on display and it makes me so proud to be a fan of her work!!

Jessica Gail B ,

Love Mary and her show!

Mary is so inspiring and has such a gentle, calming way about her. The guests she brings on challenges me to think differently and strive to be and do better. Highly recommend!

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