The meademusing’s Podcast

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Meade musings podcast is Based on true life stories of everyday people we aim to raise awareness about disabilities , debilitating illnesses and societal issues people don’t usually talk about openly . Tons of people experience different issues that impact on their emotional ,psychological , mental and physical health and wellbeing ! some of these issues are Infertility /involuntary childlessness. Living with disabilities and/or debilitating illnesses Homelessness Dealing with abusive partners , Recognising and sharing experiences of being in abusive relationship. Real everyday issues We share these stories to break the societal stigmas, and encourage other people who may be going through similar trying times .
Important podcast
٢٠ يناير
Lovely experience on Meade Musings. Conversation was sincere, thoughtful, and showed a host who had given thought to the guest's work and areas of expertise.
Such a powerful podcast!
We need more platforms like Meade Musings where people are encouraged to talk openly about the issues that society has taught us are taboo, like mental illness, trauma, grief & loss, suicide, and disabilities. Oluwatoyin is such a deeply caring host who is passionate about stopping the stigma around the hard topics we all deal with every day. A must-listen-to podcast.
Wonderful Host!
This is a great podcast! As a recent guest, I want to thank you for the beautiful conversation and your perfect questions! I enjoyed speaking with you very much.
Important societal pod!
Informative and a great listen!
- صناع العملOluwatoyin Oluwaseun-apo
- سنوات النشاط٢٠٢٠ - ٢٠٢٥
- الحلقات٩٩
- التقييمفاضح
- حقوق النشر© Copyright meade musings 2020 All rights reserved.
- موقع البرنامج على الويب
- المزودoluwatoyin oluwaseun-apo
قد يعجبك أيضًا
- الصحة واللياقةمرتان في الأسبوع
- الصحة النفسيةيتم التحديث أسبوعيًا
- الصحة النفسيةمرتان في الأسبوع
- طبمرتان في الأسبوع
- الرعاية الصحية البديلةيتم التحديث أسبوعيًا
- الرعاية الصحية البديلةيتم التحديث أسبوعيًا
- الرعاية الصحية البديلةيتم التحديث أسبوعيًا