The Medusa's Cascade

The Medusa’s Cascade
The Medusa's Cascade

D&D 5E actual-play homebrew podcast featuring a mysterious tavern known only as The Medusa's Cascade, that follows the adventuring parties Collateral Damage and Blood & Booze. Includes: setting lore episodes, character profiles, NPC side stories, and campaign recap episodes.

  1. Collateral Damage - C1E156 Ancient History

    -6 ДН.

    Collateral Damage - C1E156 Ancient History

    We pick back up with the party’s exhibition matches. While the rogues had matches that went as expected, they were not without their moments of surprise from each of them. The fight that left everyone on the edge of their seats was between The Champion of Bahamut & The Gathakanathi General. While Galahad dominated the first part of this fight, putting all the combat experience he’s had thus far to use, Tharia managed to fight back and overwhelm the paladin. With the match approaching its end, Galahad summons the power of Kanna’s Fury and secures the win for himself. Respect and admiration are given to both warriors, and they acknowledge each other’s abilities in combat. Then, the celebrations continue as Galahad does an expected but impressive display of drinking. The group are all enjoying themselves and letting loose; one person in particular is Shanks, who we find performing a remarkable bit of drinking himself later. While not what Galahad displayed, it was close and caused the crowd to erupt again in celebration. As Shanks makes his rounds, somehow Zechs gets pulled into showing off his drinking prowess and does exceedingly well, to everyone’s surprise, except for the party. Zechs even manages to outdrink Galahad by a bit, which seems to put everyone, especially Galahad, in an uproar. Not too much later, Shanks decides to check in with Greyleaf and have a hilarious exchange about whether Greyleaf reports back to Mr. Bell and Greyleaf offering a gold coin to Shanks if he can chug the pint glass in his hand. Shanks then asks if he could set up a meeting between him and Rig. Shanks informs him that he wants to give her an answer to a question she asked but, unfortunately, was never able to provide it due to the circumstances at the time. He assures Greyleaf there is no reason to be concerned, and Greyleaf tells Shanks that he will relay the message but leave it up to Rig to decide what to do after that. A joke is eventually made about them likely having to carry Zechs or Galahad, and Greyleaf and Shanks inform him that he’s more concerned with Glad. He informs Greyleaf about the argument with her patron. Shanks worries about how that may affect her abilities from now on, and she has yet to speak to the group about it. Greyleaf speaks about the gods and their intentions but suggests that they like to play with them, mess with their emotions, and use them as pawns, sometimes with false faces. Shanks replies that a god doesn’t have to tell them who she is. Greyleaf suggests that she is less of a pawn and more of something the gods fear, which could be why they have messed with her the most. While Shanks doesn’t want to see her get caught in collateral damage, Greyleaf informs Shanks that they are more than their namesake suggests, and pawns hold more power on the chessboard than most people realize. Greyleaf will talk to Glad later, but now it’s time to sit back and relax. There's so much happening, and that's where we pick up… Find out what happens next in this episode of the Medusa’s Cascade: Blood and Booze! Theme Music is written and performed by The Floating Lighthouse Mixed by Thomas Lapierre III Check out the show at

    2 ч. 23 мин.
  2. Collateral Damage - C1E155 The Feast of the Matrons pt 2

    14 ДЕК.

    Collateral Damage - C1E155 The Feast of the Matrons pt 2

    In what seems to be par for the course with this group… We pick back up as the group enjoys some of Welby’s Special Blend from an Illathid skull. The group takes all the festivities in and absorbs as much of the culture as possible. Galahad is in his element, happy to walk through his ancestral home during this festive time. Arguile, Shanks, and Galahad signed up for some exhibition fights later that evening, but the rogues may have more ulterior motives than our Champion of Bahamut. Arguile and Shanks briefly discuss their “strategies” for their matches, while elsewhere, we find Zechs silently observing Galahad and doing his best to fight through what has been ailing him with some drink. The two discuss how Galahad feels about being here and what has been on his mind about upcoming events. The group is introduced to Tharia Stonekiller, the general, and there is some discussion about food, how they are enjoying the festivities, and a concerned questioning of the rogues' desire to fight the Gathakanathi warriors. A brief exchange is had between Hoshino and Pakia, during which she expresses her sympathies. While Hoshino would like to inquire further on what she meant, Pakia suggests that the discussion be had at a later time. The conversation shifts to a time some fifty-odd years prior in which incursions were occurring that she helped thwart that was not happening in the Range directly but in the surrounding areas and cities. Eventually, the main event is at hand as the three party members ready themselves for friendly matches against the Goliath warriors. It ends with tales of how the Gathakanaki clan came to be and the spymaster Nimia as she reveals information about The Bard of One Hundred Towns and more. There's so much happening, and that's where we pick up… Find out what happens next in this episode of the Medusa’s Cascade: Collateral Damage! Theme Music is written and performed by The Floating Lighthouse Mixed by Thomas Lapierre III Check out the show at

    2 ч. 32 мин.
  3. Field Reports 23: The Past Returns

    7 ДЕК.

    Field Reports 23: The Past Returns

    The group reconnects with Xoco, enjoying an evening of camaraderie, during which Salix seeks guidance from the void dragon, Gerviss, to deepen their connection with the Daughter of the Void. Meanwhile, Arguile learns the secrets of the Guardian’s Rapier, discovering its history and connection to Fel Mon'ri, a descendant of the soul within the blade, Ibo. Zechs gifts Hoshino the Quill of Desire, and Glad has a tense exchange with her patron, The Protector, leaving her unsettled. As tensions escalate, the party finds solace and insight in each other, building on their shared experiences and strengthening their bonds. Drose falls under siege, scattering the party as they protect the city and its citizens. Each member plays a crucial role: Glad organizes a sanctuary, Arguile and Salix battle the draegloth, Galahad leads the city guard, and Shanks and Dreg fight their way through enemies. Hoshino, Zechs, and Duo provide critical support, rescuing those in peril and leading them to safety. As the chaos subsides, the group reunites, sharing vital discoveries about Ÿbo, Iolan, and the unfolding mysteries tied to the Void, deepening their understanding of the threats they face and the weight of their roles. Amid the aftermath, the party delves into research, uncovering ancient texts and relics that reveal startling truths. Hoshino confesses his role in a calamity that plagued Sloane, tied to his pact with Antithesis, a rival of the Daughters. The group empathizes with his revelation, recognizing the heavy burden of his choices. Their investigation points to Iolan’s connection to Antithesis, leading them to reflect on the age-old struggle they’ve inherited. As they prepare for what’s ahead, the party trains, gathers resources and seeks answers, determined to face the challenges looming on the horizon. There’s so much happening, and we pick up with arc 23, “The Past Returns”. How will the rest of this story unfold? Find out next time on the Medusa’s Cascade: Collateral Damage! Theme Music is written and performed by The Floating Lighthouse Mixed by Thomas Lapierre III Check out the show at

    25 мин.
  4. Blood & Booze - C1E3 "The Scorching Sun": The Siren's Song

    30 НОЯБ.

    Blood & Booze - C1E3 "The Scorching Sun": The Siren's Song

    After catching up, the group walks around Tradeshore, starting with a visit to Roscoe, the bard. They request his help in sending a message to Sloane, providing an update on their recent job and her location. Roscoe agrees on the condition that they share their stories with him, which they find fair. They also offer him steady work at the Witty Glaive, the tavern Thorak and Ursus now own. Grateful, Roscoe accepts. Following his recommendation, they visit The Haberdashery, a shop run by Zaria, a tiefling. After introductions, Valen inquires about enchanting his bracers but struggles with the cost. Through negotiation, the group agrees to trade and make a deposit for the enchantment. Armed with information from Roscoe, the group heads to the Citadel Farthing and stops at an herbalist shop run by Izca. While Izca is occupied, Valen scouts the shop's upper and lower levels, discovering a locked room in the basement. He and Dona investigate, uncovering unidentified alchemical concoctions linked to the Scorching Sun group. Narrowly avoiding detection, they leave but are stopped by two city guards who recognize Thorak and Ursus. Thorak cleverly enlists the guards to surveil Izca’s shop while the group takes a break to prepare for the evening's events. Their respite is short-lived when the surveillance team reports suspicious activity at Izca’s shop. The group hurries back, devising a stealthy plan to investigate. In the basement, they find a gruesome discovery: long dead bodies that were not there earlier. The unsettling turn of events deepens their concerns about the Scorching Sun and heightens the urgency of their mission. There's so much happening, and that's where we pick up… Find out what happens next in this episode of the Medusa’s Cascade: Blood and Booze! Theme Music "Sunk Cost Fallacy" is written and performed by The Floating Lighthouse Mixed by Thomas Lapierre III Check out the show at

    2 ч. 19 мин.
  5. Collateral Damage - C1E154 The Feast of the Matrons pt 1

    23 НОЯБ.

    Collateral Damage - C1E154 The Feast of the Matrons pt 1

    The party makes last-minute preparations for their travel, ensuring they don’t forget anything as they don’t know if and when they’ll be back in Drose. Zechs gives Hoshino a 2nd level Moonbeam scroll that he’s been holding onto for quite some time. Before long, the group is back on the Swift Hummingbird, and we find Hoshino and Arguile creating scrolls out of the spell book the party found ages ago that belonged to the Arcanoloth. The two make a great pair and manage to successfully pull quite a few scrolls before they decide not to push their good luck any further. As the last pull happens, Shanks initially bets the ship's gunner for some coin, but the gunner suggests that if Hoshino is flawless in his execution, he’ll throw in a personal recipe for plastique. Hoshino is successful, and Shanks is told he will have the recipe later that day. Shanks later speaks with Greyleaf, discussing his transformation from Kyver to Greyleaf. Greyleaf explains his fight with the son of the Vitalis that took his life, but fate had other plans for him. He took it as a sign to leave all the negative that came with Kyver and let it die in that ring. The conversation continues and touches on some deeper parts of Greyleaf’s upbringing and reasoning that he didn’t tell the group much while with the party. In the conversation, he reminds Shanks that he can ask questions, but as he’s said before, he can only speak about his own story. They have an uneasy conversation about Rig in which Shanks tells Greyleaf that he’s not the same person he was before and doesn’t live his life with regrets. Finally, the group touches down and is informed that they are at the Barrier Range. The group takes off, gathering the heavy cloaks from the bag of holding that Cereius once gave them. The travel up is almost entirely covered in fresh snow, which does not help Zechs’ newest “gift” from Malar. The brisk and open mountain air and the sparkle from the snow heightened his sight and smell, and it was not a comfortable adjustment. The group bands together to help him out, and he’s grateful. They continue up the path, with Galahad and Zechs taking the lead. When they finally arrive, Galahad explains to the person who meets them that he is from the line of “Those That Wandered,” Panea had mentioned coming here to meet them. There is a tense pause before the goliath says, “Come with me.” The group meets with their leader, Pakia, and Galahad explains what he knows of his ancestry. To this, she gives recognition, inquiring further about any more details since his ancestor's departure from Sloane. They finish speaking, and she encourages them to stay, which they accept, and participate in the festival. We finish with the group around a dinner table with drinks and tales of their party’s early days. There's so much happening, and that's where we pick up… Find out what happens next in this episode of the Medusa’s Cascade: Collateral Damage! Theme Music is written and performed by The Floating Lighthouse Mixed by Thomas Lapierre III Check out the show at

    2 ч. 4 мин.
  6. Collateral Damage - C1E153 Those That Wandered

    16 НОЯБ.

    Collateral Damage - C1E153 Those That Wandered

    We pick back up with the party as they begin planning for the day. Zechs and Galahad go shopping, and Zechs gets the party an item for communication called “The Spies Murmur.” After returning and giving the items to the group, he informs Galahad and Shanks about his current condition in fighting Malar. He asks for their help in training him to be more efficient in what he excels at and not trying to fit the parts of the group where he feels need covering. Afterward, Shanks informs Arguile that he knows what’s happening with his mom and that while he’s in no place to force him to disclose the information with the rest of the team, he ensures Arguile that he has his back. Arguile confirms the information and lets Shanks know that he has things in motion already and will present them to the group when that is all ready. The latter half of our story involves Shanks, Greyleaf, Arguile, and Galahad in the courtyard, discussing the methods of extracting the purple worm poison and what they intend to do with it afterward. It’s decided that Galahad, who likely has the most suitable muscle memory for the job, will be tasked with extracting the poison into vials. It is a slow start, as he is a bit more delicate than he knows he needs to be. During this time, Arguile reminds the guys that these are worth a lot in gold and they would be set on selling off most of it, to which Shanks says that he will decide once they’re all extracted what he will do with them. They retrieve 18 vials between the two poison sacs. After this, they notice that quite a crowd has gathered to check out what they are up to. Shanks takes ten vials for himself and splits the other eight into two groups to distribute among the group. As we end, Galahad addresses the group and asks if it would be okay for them to stop off at the Range to visit the Goliath tribe. The group says yes, and they begin to form a plan for the next few legs of their journey. At this point, Arguile informs the group of his need to go to Iwi and his timeline for this to happen. This starts to change their plan, and they spend the rest of the evening making a new plan, which includes the timeline for the rescue of Arguile’s mother in Iwi and stopping Galahad’s father from taking revenge on the Ridge. It seems like the plan is relatively simple: goliaths in the Barrier Range, extract Malar from Zechs in Nymora, head to Iwi to help Arguile rescue his mom, and then go straight over to stop Galahad’s father and the titan he’s currently in possession of. Easy right? There's so much happening, and that's where we pick up… Find out what happens next in this episode of the Medusa’s Cascade: Blood and Booze! Theme Music is written and performed by The Floating Lighthouse Mixed by Thomas Lapierre III Check out the show at

    2 ч. 20 мин.

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D&D 5E actual-play homebrew podcast featuring a mysterious tavern known only as The Medusa's Cascade, that follows the adventuring parties Collateral Damage and Blood & Booze. Includes: setting lore episodes, character profiles, NPC side stories, and campaign recap episodes.

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