The Medusa's Cascade

The Medusa’s Cascade
The Medusa's Cascade

D&D 5E actual-play homebrew podcast featuring a mysterious tavern known only as The Medusa's Cascade, that follows the adventuring parties Collateral Damage and Blood & Booze. Includes: setting lore episodes, character profiles, NPC side stories, and campaign recap episodes.

  1. Collateral Damage - C1E161 The Bloody Paw pt 1

    -3 ДН.

    Collateral Damage - C1E161 The Bloody Paw pt 1

    Arguile, Glad, Salix, and Zechs find themselves inexplicably transported to the distant past, landing in Sloane’s Second Age rather than the Nymora of their time. Struggling to understand their predicament, they attempt to gather information discreetly, but Zechs inadvertently reveals their origins. This earns him a referral to the priestess of Nireana and ultimately to the priestess of Tumra, where he becomes visibly disturbed by the revelations he receives. Meanwhile, in the present, the rest of the party watches their companions in a catatonic state, their eyes glazed over. Shanks and Galahad attempt to discern the cause, only to hear a voice declaring, “These are the tithes that must be paid.” The goddess Aphy reassures them that their friends are safe and urges them to aid from their side. They resolve to investigate the leadership that enabled Nymora’s suffering, instructing Greyleaf to seek his mother’s connections. Before parting, Hoshino performs an act of kindness, reuniting a lost child with their family, a rare moment of light in a place marred by pain. In the past, the group consults the priestess of Tumra, who informs them that this journey is a lesson for Zechs and all of them. When Salix inquires if the lesson is forgiveness, they are corrected—the actual lesson is acceptance and closure, they hear from an absent but familiar voice. As they explore the city, they sense the rising tension of the approaching conflict between the Panteran Pantheon and Malar. They hear of erratic wildlife and growing fear of Malar’s influence, suspecting an impending disaster. Zechs theorizes that a site of his future sacrifices may already exist and be occupied by Malar and his followers. The group stealthily investigates, finding a massive bonfire surrounded by many figures.In the present, Greyleaf’s mother welcomes him and his friends, sharing a moment of reunion before shifting to the serious matter. After a short prayer, she bluntly acknowledges their foes, providing a wealth of names while advising caution. The party learns of her formidable past and her service during the arrival of the Vitalis family. With their newfound intelligence, they form teams—Shanks and Greyleaf, Hoshino, and Galahad—each tasked with specific roles. With Hoshino’s Seeming spell altering their appearances, they set forth, ready to confront the forces that have plagued Nymora for generations. There's so much happening, and that's where we pick up…Find out what happens next in this episode of the Medusa’s Cascade: Collateral Damage! Theme Music is written and performed by The Floating LighthouseMixed by Thomas Lapierre IIICheck out the show at

    2 ч. 19 мин.
  2. Field Reports 24: Where You Come From

    1 МАР.

    Field Reports 24: Where You Come From

    The party makes final preparations before leaving Drose, with Zechs giving Hoshino a Moonbeam scroll and aboard the Swift Hummingbird, Hoshino and Arguile craft powerful scrolls from the Arcanaloth spellbook, successfully creating several before stopping ahead. Meanwhile, Shanks strikes a deal with the ship’s gunner, wagering on Hoshino’s skill in exchange for a plastique recipe. Later, Shanks and Greyleaf discuss Greyleaf’s transformation and past battles, reflecting on how his choices have shaped him. Their conversation turns to Rig, with Shanks asserting he no longer lives with regrets. Upon landing at the Barrier Range, the party gathers heavy cloaks for the snowy ascent. Zechs struggles with heightened senses due to Malar’s influence, but the group supports him. At their destination, Galahad introduces himself as a descendant of “Those That Wandered,” leading to a tense but respectful meeting with the clan leader, Pakia. She recognizes his lineage and invites them to stay for the festival, where they revel in food, drink, and tales of the past. The festivities continue with exhibition matches featuring Arguile, Shanks, and Galahad. While the rogues maneuver strategically, Galahad faces the formidable General Tharia. Initially dominant, Galahad is nearly overcome but summons Khana’s Fury to secure victory, earning mutual respect. The celebration escalates with drinking competitions, where Zechs unexpectedly outdrinks Galahad, much to everyone’s delight. Shanks later checks in with Greyleaf, who agrees to relay a message to Rig on Shanks' behalf. Their conversation shifts to Glad’s patron and the gods’ manipulations, hinting at more profound struggles ahead. As the night ends, the group regroups in the morning to plan their next move. Galahad learns more about his ancestors from Pakia, discovering a historical divide caused by an Illithid incursion, leading to his lineage’s journey across planes. With goodbyes exchanged, the party sets off toward Nymora, and Zechs shares his suspicions that other children, like him, may have been experimented on by Malar. He enlists Greyleaf’s help dealing with Alma, someone linked to their past suffering, while the group urges him to avoid succumbing to vengeance. Before arriving in Nymora, the party detours to Yahnkoshi, where Hoshino finds his home ravaged by Eldertwine. He sees a gruesome sight and remnants of Attros’ former guild. He collects a sample and returns to the ship, where the group entrusts it to Greyleaf’s ally for study. Back on board, they sort their inventory and strategize new battle formations. Zechs and Shanks compare their bows, contemplating their weapons’ more profound mysteries. Upon reaching Nymora, the group disperses for personal errands. Shanks and Greyleaf visit Potions and Lotions so Shanks and Rig can speak about things they wish they had said sooner, and Zechs reunites with his parents briefly to inform them that he and the party will be in town briefly, while the rest secure a single inn room. Their stay becomes luxurious thanks to Hoshino’s Magnificent Mansion, offering much-needed respite. As they settle in, they prepare for their next challenge—extracting a god from their companion.There’s so much happening, and we pick up with arc 24, “ Where You Come From”. How will the rest of this story unfold? Find out next time on the Medusa’s Cascade: Collateral Damage! Theme Music is written and performed by The Floating LighthouseMixed by Thomas Lapierre IIICheck out the show at

    24 мин.
  3. Blood & Booze - C1E6 "The Scorching Sun": Dungeon Dispatch

    22 ФЕВР.

    Blood & Booze - C1E6 "The Scorching Sun": Dungeon Dispatch

    The group’s moment of rest was just that, as an explosion was heard and fire erupted in the Witty Glaive. The varying members of the party are trying to assess the situation, wake up the other party members, and do what they can to stop it when they come across some otherworldly beings that are the very culprits of the fire. As the group begins to fight off these creatures, which are pointed out to be similar to Bob’s tentacle, Elizabeth is not a result of Bob’s doing. They also find aid in a new face who has been quietly observing the group the last few days, a Unillum wildfire druid named Chantico with a wildfire spirit named Enya. With the help of this new ally and a concerted team effort, the team can stop the fires and the creatures that attacked their new home. During the aftermath of the battle, the group assesses the damage to the Glaive and introduces themselves properly to their new friend. Valen briefly mentions a strange dream about many whispers, a crown and robes made of yellow, and a throne of stone, which is unfamiliar to everyone except for Chantico. A brief discussion was had, and it was decided that it would probably be best to talk more after a proper long rest. Hebron comes to the Glaive, sees the state of things, and is in shock and panic as the group explains what happened the previous night. Chantico explains that she was sent by the Arbitor, Amina, to look into the strange, otherworldly occurrences happening throughout Sloane. During the discussion, the group clarified that the child they saved at the marketplace was Amina, and the one Valen took with him through the soft spot was Soris, which was information the group was previously unaware of as there was no mention of the child’s name. The group scavenges what they can of drinks and such and discusses the plans for the day, as they still have a meeting with the Dispatch Service and would like to check back in with Izca. The first stop is with Captain Dan to check in on Izca, who informs the group she has not yet woken up but will inform the group when she does. They also informed Captain Dan about the previous night's incident at the Glaive so that it would be on his radar. Valen asks to see Izca again to cast Detect Thoughts and see if he still hears voices emanating from Izca, which he confirms that he does, but it is not nearly as prominent as last time. With that, they head out to the Dispatch Service.There's so much happening, and that's where we pick up…Find out what happens next in this episode of the Medusa’s Cascade: Blood and Booze! Theme Music is written and performed by The Floating LighthouseMixed by Thomas Lapierre IIICheck out the show at

    2 ч. 4 мин.
  4. Collateral Damage - C1E160 The Proper Tithes

    15 ФЕВР.

    Collateral Damage - C1E160 The Proper Tithes

    At this point, it’s normal for this group; shenanigans are how we start the next part of the story. Arguile gives in and has some hot sauce and fire whiskey, which do not sit well with our tiefling friend. A weary Zechs approaches Hoshino and Galahad sometime after the fun wraps up. What seems to be a regular part of their playbook at this point, Zechs asks if they’d humor his seemingly insane idea… actively speaking to Malar. To his surprise, while they clarify how that can go wrong, they agree with him. They both agree that maybe talking to him directly would give him some answers, that final piece of the puzzle he has been searching for. A plan is set to have Galahad, Hoshino, and Glad in a room with Zechs sans Duo to ensure the party's safety. Everyone is informed of what is to transpire, and while also reluctant, they agree that it may be best for what’s to come. The conversation with Malar isn’t much of a conversation at all. Zechs feels like he’s missing something, asking the wrong questions, or Malar wishes to continue toying with him. Eventually, after a tense exchange, Zechs concludes that he’s satisfied with the information he got and severs the connection to Malar. Galahad and Hoshino both agree that Malar may not have said much. Still, it confirmed Zechs’ suspicion that Malar would be challenging in his desire to reveal the truths of his origin, connection to the Constable, or his ties to the Pantheran Pantheon. With that door and avenue closed, the group departs towards the vineyard, pursuing what Zechs needs to begin this ritual. There is some confusion between going to the vineyard, heading towards the site of Zechs’ sacrifice, and returning to the vineyard. It’s not a fruitless endeavor, as now knowing the location and recalling some information about his sacrifice is information that the group feels was needed anyway. Upon speaking to Greyleaf, the group begins to clarify some details and realizes that the vineyard was where they should have headed initially. On their trek, Zechs expresses his frustration with what he is missing and piecing this puzzle together. As they traverse through a bit deeper than Zechs’ first time down there, they find giant effigies of Aphy, the goddess of trickery and wit, depicted as a cougar, Xidea, the goddess of death, shown as a black panther, and Tumra the goddess of the spirit world portrayed as a snow leopard. We conclude with Zechs sending Duo now with darkvision to investigate the statues of the goddesses. After the Greyleaf’s suggestion, Zechs attempts to reach out and speak to the goddesses, uncertain if it would even work, and a booming voice says, “The proper tithes must be observed.” There's so much happening, and that's where we pick up… Find out what happens next in this episode of the Medusa’s Cascade: Collateral Damage! Theme Music is written and performed by The Floating Lighthouse Mixed by Thomas Lapierre III Check out the show at

    2 ч. 24 мин.
  5. Collateral Damage - C1E159 Unraveling Riddles

    8 ФЕВР.

    Collateral Damage - C1E159 Unraveling Riddles

    We return to the group on their way back to Nymora. Zechs helps Shanks out with his stealth and uses the Hunter’s Mark spell. Later, Zechs and Greyleaf discuss what they should do with Zechs’ need for vengeance regarding Alma. Greyleaf offers his insight and empathy, which Zechs accepts, but lets him know that it may take some time before it is entirely received. Hoshino raises the idea of doing Legend Lore on Zechs’ bow, and Zechs assures the bard he is grateful for the answers he received. While he has more questions, he certainly answered more questions than not about his mysterious bow. Shanks also asks to have his bow, Mind’s Eye, looked at via the Legend Lord spell. Eventually, the team arrives in Nymora; they split to do different errands and decide to regroup at the inn where they’ll be staying. Shanks and Greyleaf go to Potions and Lotions, and Shanks has a very needed discussion with Rig; Zechs is off to inform his parents that he’s back in town but won’t be staying at their place, however, and the rest of the group goes get their singular room to share. Thanks to Hoshino, that space won’t be too cramped with the help of Magnificient Mansion, and the group is thoroughly surprised and grateful for what the space provides. Their stomachs are full, their rooms are tailor-made to each of them, and there are many attendants to ensure their stay is as carefree as possible. A necessary sanctuary and place to devise their plans for what comes next as they attempt to extract a god from their companion. There's so much happening, and that's where we pick up… Find out what happens next in this episode of the Medusa’s Cascade: Collateral Damage! Theme Music is written and performed by The Floating Lighthouse Mixed by Thomas Lapierre III Check out the show at

    2 ч. 11 мин.
  6. Blood & Booze - C1E5 "The Scorching Sun": An Explosive Entrance

    25 ЯНВ.

    Blood & Booze - C1E5 "The Scorching Sun": An Explosive Entrance

    Captain Dan runs off to find a healer as the group attempts to alleviate Izca's suffering. As this happens, Bob mentions that he heard about the book and that it can alter a person upon reading it. This is likely what occurred to Izca. The boys decide to go back to the crime scene to search for clues while Dona stays to watch Izca and keep an eye out for the healer. Finding one needle in a thousand haystacks is more manageable, but they go forth. They do, however, see a crescent moon pendant belonging to Izca, the crumbled remains of the book, and a receipt, which they surmise can be used to track the book's point of origin. All of these are shots in the dark, but for now, it’s better than doing nothing. Upon returning to the station, Captain Dan introduces the group to Norkin Softdream, who is doing what he can for Izca. After introductions, he very bluntly asks the group what is happening with her. In giving their best explanation, Norkin replies that he will try to do what he can, but it seems a little out of his depth even for him. With sweat dripping from his brow and a few attempts, he can finally stabilize and slowly reverse some of the effects currently ailing Izca. It may take some more time, but that’s the best he can do now. The group calls it a night at near dawn and heads back to the Witty Glaive for a meal, a drink, and some much-needed rest. During their discussions of what to do next, Hebron informs them that if they want to see how something was imported into Tradeshore, their best bet is to start looking at the Golden Tower District and, quite possibly, The Dispatch Service. It’s decided that after rest, they’ll split up into two teams and try to locate the book's point of origin, Bob with Valen and Thorak with Ursus. Eventually, the Slash Brothers team proves fruitful, and they have a meeting with Faerith for the next day at The Dispatch Service, thanks to the help of receptionist Sevari. With that, they head back to the Glaive and discuss some lighter topics, such as Valen’s time before the party and meeting his teacher, Thorak’s time with the orphanage where he was raised, plus the secret of his rage. A brief moment of levity and rest before it inevitably picks back up again. There's so much happening, and that's where we pick up… Find out what happens next in this episode of the Medusa’s Cascade: Blood and Booze! Theme Music "Sunk Cost Fallacy" is written and performed by The Floating Lighthouse Mixed by Thomas Lapierre III Check out the show at

    2 ч. 13 мин.
  7. Collateral Damage - C1E158 Return to Nymora

    18 ЯНВ.

    Collateral Damage - C1E158 Return to Nymora

    The group, now back onboard the Swift Hummingbird, discussed heading to Yahnkoshi so Hoshino could visit his home, investigate the reappearance of Eldertwine, and see what the town is like all these ages later. Galahad wonders if he could come with him so he is not alone. Still, Hoshino tells him that while Galahad is immune from diseases, this disease is magical, and he does not want to risk his health if he isn’t immune to this particular disease. After expending all ideas, suggestions, and everything in between, the ship hovers around 500ft above Yahnkoshi, and, using Dimension Door, Hoshino descends to the ground below. The scene is grim, to say the least. As he searches throughout the town, he sees the bodies of Kenku from the Tell Tale Guild, which he is unaware of at the time, but the party confirms for him, once back onto the ship, that it is Attros’ former guild and also finds a pendant of the Light of Elrin, which he grabs. Through his walk, we are taken back to Hoshino’s conversation with Pakia about Eldertwine and what has happened to Yahnkoshi since the age that saw Eldertwine as Sloane’s calamity. In that conversation, he tells Pakia that he knows what he must do, to which she responds with a puzzled look and tells him that he does not need to explain. She assures him that he has friends in the Range and that if he does return to his home, he should be careful. Before returning to the ship, he takes a sample of Eldertwine and secures it on his person before using Dimension Door to return safely onto the ship. Upon sharing his findings, Shanks asks Arguile to use Mage Hand and hold the bottle away from him, and he melts wax to secure the sample bottle further. Shanks then asks Greyleaf if, with some help from possibly Salix, they could figure out just how to stop Eldertwine from ravaging Sloane once again. Greyleaf suggests that he can request the aid of someone he travels with who is likely better suited for such a task, and Shanks ensures the sample to him. We start to finish with the group going through the Bag of Holding’s inventory and exchanging the newly made scrolls amongst each other to copy or store for themselves. Zechs goes through his idea of new battle formations with Shanks and Galahad, which they agree upon and give further input to make the formation the most efficient. We finally end with Zechs and Shanks having a talk where Shanks shows off his new skills, and Zechs asks to compare their bows, Jack of All Trades and Mind’s Eye. There's so much happening, and that's where we pick up… Find out what happens next in this episode of the Medusa’s Cascade: Collateral Damage! Theme Music is written and performed by The Floating Lighthouse Mixed by Thomas Lapierre III Check out the show at

    2 ч. 19 мин.

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D&D 5E actual-play homebrew podcast featuring a mysterious tavern known only as The Medusa's Cascade, that follows the adventuring parties Collateral Damage and Blood & Booze. Includes: setting lore episodes, character profiles, NPC side stories, and campaign recap episodes.

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