The party makes final preparations before leaving Drose, with Zechs giving Hoshino a Moonbeam scroll and aboard the Swift Hummingbird, Hoshino and Arguile craft powerful scrolls from the Arcanaloth spellbook, successfully creating several before stopping ahead. Meanwhile, Shanks strikes a deal with the ship’s gunner, wagering on Hoshino’s skill in exchange for a plastique recipe. Later, Shanks and Greyleaf discuss Greyleaf’s transformation and past battles, reflecting on how his choices have shaped him. Their conversation turns to Rig, with Shanks asserting he no longer lives with regrets. Upon landing at the Barrier Range, the party gathers heavy cloaks for the snowy ascent. Zechs struggles with heightened senses due to Malar’s influence, but the group supports him. At their destination, Galahad introduces himself as a descendant of “Those That Wandered,” leading to a tense but respectful meeting with the clan leader, Pakia. She recognizes his lineage and invites them to stay for the festival, where they revel in food, drink, and tales of the past. The festivities continue with exhibition matches featuring Arguile, Shanks, and Galahad. While the rogues maneuver strategically, Galahad faces the formidable General Tharia. Initially dominant, Galahad is nearly overcome but summons Khana’s Fury to secure victory, earning mutual respect. The celebration escalates with drinking competitions, where Zechs unexpectedly outdrinks Galahad, much to everyone’s delight. Shanks later checks in with Greyleaf, who agrees to relay a message to Rig on Shanks' behalf. Their conversation shifts to Glad’s patron and the gods’ manipulations, hinting at more profound struggles ahead. As the night ends, the group regroups in the morning to plan their next move. Galahad learns more about his ancestors from Pakia, discovering a historical divide caused by an Illithid incursion, leading to his lineage’s journey across planes. With goodbyes exchanged, the party sets off toward Nymora, and Zechs shares his suspicions that other children, like him, may have been experimented on by Malar. He enlists Greyleaf’s help dealing with Alma, someone linked to their past suffering, while the group urges him to avoid succumbing to vengeance. Before arriving in Nymora, the party detours to Yahnkoshi, where Hoshino finds his home ravaged by Eldertwine. He sees a gruesome sight and remnants of Attros’ former guild. He collects a sample and returns to the ship, where the group entrusts it to Greyleaf’s ally for study. Back on board, they sort their inventory and strategize new battle formations. Zechs and Shanks compare their bows, contemplating their weapons’ more profound mysteries. Upon reaching Nymora, the group disperses for personal errands. Shanks and Greyleaf visit Potions and Lotions so Shanks and Rig can speak about things they wish they had said sooner, and Zechs reunites with his parents briefly to inform them that he and the party will be in town briefly, while the rest secure a single inn room. Their stay becomes luxurious thanks to Hoshino’s Magnificent Mansion, offering much-needed respite. As they settle in, they prepare for their next challenge—extracting a god from their companion.There’s so much happening, and we pick up with arc 24, “ Where You Come From”. How will the rest of this story unfold? Find out next time on the Medusa’s Cascade: Collateral Damage! Theme Music is written and performed by The Floating LighthouseMixed by Thomas Lapierre IIICheck out the show at