25 episodes

The Mindbuffs Podcast is for people who want to get the most out of their lives, without burning out. Combining the latest research with quality conversation, we debunk unhealthy examples of high-performance living and teach you how to master your mind.

If you’d like to learn more about Mindbuffs and what we do, go check us out at www.mindbuffs.com or send us a message at info@mindbuffs.ca

The Mindbuffs Podcast Mindbuffs

    • Health & Fitness
    • 5.0 • 2 Ratings

The Mindbuffs Podcast is for people who want to get the most out of their lives, without burning out. Combining the latest research with quality conversation, we debunk unhealthy examples of high-performance living and teach you how to master your mind.

If you’d like to learn more about Mindbuffs and what we do, go check us out at www.mindbuffs.com or send us a message at info@mindbuffs.ca

    What is Confidence? Ep 1

    What is Confidence? Ep 1

    • 35 min
    Pride Month: Diversity and Practical Tips for Difficult Conversations

    Pride Month: Diversity and Practical Tips for Difficult Conversations

    If you haven't already, go back and listen to our What is the Difference Between Discomfort and Insecurity episode here!Also, before we get started, here are some important concepts we go over:
    - SOGIE: Sexual Orientation Gender Identity and Expression. We use this acronym as our umbrella term for the conversation
    - Safe space versus welcoming and inclusive space
    - Dispelling misinformation: Specific to drag queens and the belief that there is kitty litter in schools... Yes, we sure talk about it! 
    - Attacks on identity and how some people in the SOGIE community lean into parts of self and others lean away
    - The mental health challenges people in the SOGIE communities face 
    - How to create normalization in conversations
    - Diversity at the table. Who sits at your table?  
    - Pronouns! Making mistakes is part of learning
    - The difference between worldview and actions 
    - What is the difference between being a shield and a sword?
    - Allyship and co-conspiratorship. 
    - Ally is a verb. What actions can we take?
    It's Pride Month! On this weeks podcast, Mindbuffs Unlicensed Mental Health Therapist, Dayna will be sharing personal stories and experiences from the LGBTQ+ community. This cast we will focus on sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression (SOGIE) within the 2S LGBTQIA+ community, and providing tools and insights for approaching conversations about diversity and inclusion. We all come from a wide variety of backgrounds. Dayna idetifies as LQBTQ+ and is married to a transgender person. Mat grew up in a Christian family and played hockey, resulting in a unique upbringing. As such, these two have experienced significant differences in language and attitudes towards non-heteronormative individuals. We know that our  different backgrounds influences current perspectives and understanding of these topics.
    It can be difficult to reconcile the belief systems we hold from our upbringing. It is for these reasons why it is so important that we have conversations about self-discovery and identity. Open and honest discussion is the best way to foster understanding among such diverse individuals, even if it can be uncomfortable at times.
    Speaking of Discomfort, we have a podcast all about it. If you haven't already, go back and listen to our What is the Difference Between Discomfort and Insecurity episode here!
    A major problem facing us in the modern world is the role of social media. Social media can lead to polarization of ideals by amplifying minor issues and instilling fear. It presents an exaggerated view of reality, focusing on sensationalism rather than providing a balanced perspective. By distorts conversations, making them aggressive and polarized. A better approach is to express discomfort or suggest changes based on personal experiences. The goal is to foster open conversations regardless of individual backgrounds, validating experiences and adding to them, rather than rejecting them. 
    Conversations are essential for learning and growth. Asking questions and seeking answers is crucial. Diversity in conversations and communities enriches perspectives. By avoiding defensiveness and promoting open communication we can begin moving from a culture of objections to a culture of collaboration and addition.
    Diversity is essential for human progress and development.As we always say curiosity, not judgment, should be the approach to understanding diversity.
    Introduction to Podcast on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (01:06)Self Discovery and Identity (02:24)Promoting Inclusivity in Sports (03:20)Intro to Conversations (04:17)Creating Inclusive Environments (05:43)Importance of Expressing Opinions (06:36)Creating a Safe Space for Open Communications (07:12)Promoting Inclusive Conversations (08:06)"Yes, but" vs "Yes, AND" Culture (09:06)Social Media's Impact Perception (10:41)Drag Queens in Schools: A Discussion (12:06)Addressing Misinformation about Kitty Litter in Schools (16:12)Addressing Concerns about

    • 43 min
    Accommodations and Understanding Neurodiversity at Work Pt 2 | Business and Culture Ep 7

    Accommodations and Understanding Neurodiversity at Work Pt 2 | Business and Culture Ep 7

    Continuing their chat about tangible accommodations for neurodiverse employees, Mat and Shawna dive into the science of neurodiversity. Are we all neurodiverse, or has social media taken over the world of medicine? This episode offers additional tools for you to use or gain a better understanding of, giving a glimpse into the mind of the neurodiverse. 
    Expanding on the previous episode, we go deeper into strategies that can be put into action. We'll share some tools and insights aimed at benefiting employees, employers, teachers, students, and a variety of environments.
    Between work-from-home/hybrid options to open office layouts and bullpens, office life can come in all forms these days. Some people love the freedom of choice, but for some neurodiverse individuals, all these options can come with their own set of challenges. We look at how companies can have conversations with employees to find unique solutions that balance the company's culture and individual needs while promoting a positive company culture. It could be as easy as providing employees with a dedicated workspace or a quiet corner to help them focus and reduce anxiety.
    Neurodivergent individuals may experience heightened sensitivity and intensity compared to neurotypical individuals. This sensitivity can contribute to their ability to excel and reach high levels of skill and even genius. For example, it is often their increased sensitivity that allows them to intensely focus on their passions. We explore some other ways employers can create work environments that minimize distractions and support the productivity of neurodivergent individuals.
    From dress codes and fluorescent lights, to effective communication and the Pomodoro technique for sustained focus, join us as we delve ever deeper into the fascinating topic of Accommodating and Understanding Neurodiversity in the Workplace.
    Practical Tips for Workplace Diversity (00:08)Different Preferences for Office Workspaces (01:02)Addressing Anxiety in Hybrid Work Environments (02:32)Sensitivity and Neurospicy People (03:26)Sensory Friendly Workplace (05:14)Healthy Lifestyle and Sensory Environment (06:00)Avoiding Interuptions in the Workplace (06:54)Effective Communication with Diverse Teams (07:38)Distractions while WOrking From Home (08:20)Tips for Parents of Neurodivergent Kids (08:59)Understanding and Addressing Sensory Proccessing Disorders (10:37)Neurodiversity and Evolution (11:22)Sensory Proccessing and Professional Attire (12:03)Pomodoro Technique and Focus Breaks (15:02)Optimizing Focus and Productivity (18:18)Training Management to Handle Situations (20:54)Psychologiical and Cultural Needs Analysis for Business (21:41)Differentiate Tik Tok ADHD from Genuine ADHD (22:46)Time Management Strrategies for Neurospicy Individuals (29:45)Addressing Frustration in the Workplace (31:25)Managing Work Environment (34:39)Understanding Neurodiversity in Decision Making (35:29)Impact of Technology on Decision Making (36:26)Tips for Decision Making (38:39)Effective Communication in the Workplace (39:37)Exploring Neurodiversity and its Impact on Performance (43:48)Creators & Guests

    Mat de Moissac - Host
    Shawna Shuster - Guest

    • 45 min
    Accommodations and Understanding Neurodiversity at Work Pt 1 | Business and Culture Ep 6

    Accommodations and Understanding Neurodiversity at Work Pt 1 | Business and Culture Ep 6

    We're really cooking now! Last week on the Podcast, Mat and Shawna had a great discussion about Neurospiciness (Neurodivergence) in the Workplace. They talked about all the different ways Neurodiversity can show up and the challenges and opportunities it brings. 
    This week, we're getting into how employers can support their Neurospicy employees and get the most out of them. We talk about all things neurodiversity in the workplace, like dyslexia, ADHD, and autism, and why it's important to understand neurodiversity and make accommodations.
    Getting down to the practical side of office accommodations, not just theories, we'll tackle the barriers and challenges that come with providing accommodations, like when it might not be possible, while also making sure accommodations don't lead to discrimination against employees.
    Neurodivergent individuals face many challenges in traditional hiring processes. Applying online and attending interviews can be tough for some of them. Our experts will share some tips and strategies for effective communication and give you some simple tips that can be made to accommodate neurodivergent individuals and allow interviwers to ask tough questions without getting into hot water.
    Hopefully by the end of the podcast, we'll have given you a little insight into how to create an environment that brings out the best in all job seekers and employees. By Encouraging people with diverse backgrounds to challenge the status quo in the business world, and finding and supporting exceptional talent, no matter who they are, we hope to foster an environment that allows individuals to excel outside of the usual boundaries of the traditional office.
    Office Accomodations: Pracrical Implementation and Considerations (01:00)Accomodating Deurodivergent Individuals in the Hiring Process (02:32)Creating an Inclusive Environment for Diverse Perspectives (05:09)Challenges in Assessing Candidates' Abilities in Short Interviews (06:13)Creating a Welcoming Interview Environment (08:12)Exploring Remote and Hybrid Work Policy (09:42)Impact of Remote Work on Team Culture (11:28)Promoting Workplace Relationships (14:10) Understanding and Optimizing Employee Potential (16:20)Creating a Conducive Work Environment for Neurospicy Individuals (17:22)Neurodiversity and Team Performance (19:00)Different Learning Styles and Effective Communication (23:08)Encouraging Employee Performance (27:57)Creating Diverse and Inclusive Environments (31:46)Podcast Update: (32:46)

    • 34 min
    Neurospiciness in the Workplace | Business and Culture Ep 5

    Neurospiciness in the Workplace | Business and Culture Ep 5

    Ready to spice things up? If you've been keeping up with social media, you know that neurodivergence (or as we like to call it, neurospiciness) is one of the hottest topics online right now. So this week on The Mindbuffs Podcast, we're starting a new series called Neurospiciness in the Workplace. Our goal is to help create inclusive work environments where people with neurodiversity can thrive. In this episode, we'll be discussing disabilities commonly seen in workplaces, such as ADHD, dyslexia, autism, and OCD. 
    Understanding neurodiversity can be complex and it's an ongoing learning process. And, while you can reference credible sources like Google Scholar for more information, HR personnel may not always have the same level of knowledge and support as an expert in the field. 
    Raising awareness is an important step when educating employees and employers on how to improve work-life balance for these neurospicy individuals. For example, a study by JP Morgan showed that people diagnosed with Autism work 48% faster and are 140% more productive than their neurotypical peers. Unfortunately, the National Autistic Society reports that 85% of autistic adults are unemployed or underemployed.
    Understanding is key to challenging the stigma surrounding mental health and neurodiversity. Once we understand the challenges faced by neurodivergent individuals, such as feeling different and the anxiety that can come from the extra effort required by some people to meet educational and work expectations. This can leave people feeling overwhelmed. Additionally, many people hide their conditions to avoid judgment.
    Let's overcome the stigma attached to Neurospiciness and recognize everyone's unique strengths. Finding passion and support in your work or education is crucial. Employers, check in with your staff or employees to identify their interests and strengths. Let's break down the barriers and prioritize our mental health, at home, in public spaces, and in our workplace.
    Understanding Neurodiversity in the Workplace (01:04)Commonly Seen Disabilities in the Workplace (02:42)Canadian Discrimination Laws (03:16)Challenges Faced by Neurodivergent Individuals (05:15)Link Between ADHD and Misdiagnosed Depression (06:59)Hiring People with Different Perspectives (09:14)Unique Thinking / Creativity Among People with ADHD (13:43)Clinical Therapy in Business (14:32)Understanding Dyslexia: Beyond Flipped Letters (15:36)Dyslexia and Autism: Unique Strengths and Stigma (17:33)Understanding Autism Spectrum (18:37)Neurospiciness and Giftedness (22:57)Neurodiversity in the Workplace (25:08)Balancing Perspectives and Decision-Making (28:06)Discussion on Athletes' Mental Health (30:02)OCD and its Misconceptions (31:28)Identifying Ideal Team Members (33:25)Passion and Neurodiversity (34:57)Practical Tools for Embracing Neurodiversity in the Workplace (36:36)

    • 38 min
    Inquisitive vs. Curious - When Did Curiosity Kill the Cat? | Language and Performance Ep 4

    Inquisitive vs. Curious - When Did Curiosity Kill the Cat? | Language and Performance Ep 4

    You’re not going to want to miss out on this one. You might think that curiosity and inquisitiveness are the same thing, but there is a significant difference between how it feels to be on the receiving end of both of these mindsets. The goal of this week's podcast is to improve the quality of our conversations by leaning into curiosity, and away from inquisitiveness. Inquisitiveness is important in research and for finding solutions, however, there are times when too much inquisitiveness can create a disconnect in your relationships. Have you ever noticed when people emotionally detach and become robotic and logical when the conversation starts to become difficult? When you feel like someone has gone "cold", it’s because it’s a fight or flight response called “Feigning” that protects us from a perceived emotional threat. Many people think they are being calm, cool, and collected when the reality is that they have emotionally left the building.
    Curiosity can be both positive and negative. Partial knowledge often creates a desire to learn more and master a subject, while complete knowledge or complete ignorance can stunt the motivation to pursue further understanding. The allure of potential rewards and the release of dopamine drive our pursuit of knowledge. Speaking of dopamine, it plays a significant role in curiosity. We explore the effects of curiosity on the brain and how it relates to the anticipation of reward.
    Ever noticed how people often lose curiosity after achieving their life goals, such as landing a dream job, buying a house, or starting a family? It may be that the expected dopamine reward of achieving these goals has been fulfilled. Many individuals stop wanting to learn new things and simply try to ride out the next 15 to 20 years of their lives,but promoting healthy curiosity and inquisitiveness in all stages of life is vital for our own mental health and for maintaining strong relationships.
    We encourage listeners to reflect on their default communication styles during difficult conversations. We should all strive to identify when we might be engaging in excessive questioning and aim to be better communicators.
    TIMESTAMPSCuriosity vs Inquisitiveness (00:13)Engaging vs Inquisitive Communication (01:01)Inquisitiveness in Relationships (02:03)Two Types of Curiosity (03:12)Curiosity in Relationships (05:06)Inquisitiveness as a Protective Strategy (06:44)Curiosity and the Brain (10:27)Complacency and the Loss of Curiosity (15:05)The Importance of Continuous Learning and Curiosity (18:59)Emotional Engagement, Conversation and Communication (25:57)Curiosity and Inclusiveness in Leadership (29:40)Reflecting on Communication Style (30:26) 

    • 32 min

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