The Mix’d Movement

Rachael Go
The Mix’d Movement

Welcome to The Mix'd Movement Podcast. We are biracial siblings here to make a positive impact on the world. We discuss all topics about being of mixed ethnicities. From how to navigate unique situations revolving around our genetic makeup, what it's like raising biracial children, to how empowering it can be to be to a life of dual cultures, and everything in between.

  1. 에피소드2

    The Superpowers of Privilege with Bob Parrish

    I’m thrilled to visit today with a long time friend and photography mentor, Bob Parrish. Bob has all the privileges a white man typically has, and he has taken it upon himself to learn more about what less privileged people deal with on a regular basis and what he can do to affect change in dismantling racism and prejudice. Some years ago, he became aware of his whiteness and privilege, read many books, and actually took a class on how things got to be the way they are. He now uses his “superpower” in position and voice to include as many different people as possible in everything he does. In this episode we’ll cover quite a lot including religion, inviting neighbors to dinner, interracial marriage, and much more. Mentioned in this episode: “Two Nations: Black and White, Separate, Hostile, Unequal” by Andrew Hacker: ​​ We want to hear every story! Tag us @mixd.movement or email us directly at and tell us your stories! Rachael wants to empower people to love all parts of themselves in order to attain the life of their dreams. Send her a message at or find her on IG at Stay up to date with news and more at Music credit: Chill and Dream by Pink Marble A Subito Media production

  2. 에피소드4

    A Legacy of Love with Daralyse Lyons

    Join me today to visit with Daralyse Lyons. Daralyese grew up in Connecticut in a mostly white community, but her mom understood the importance of representation as she was growing up. Daralyse Lyons, aka the Transformational Storyteller, is a Biracial journalist, actor, and activist who has made it her mission to stand for a more integrated world. After writing an award-winning children’s book (I’m Mixed!) about embracing her multiethnic heritage, she found her passion and her purpose in empowering others to embrace all aspects of themselves. She has written and spoken extensively about all dimensions of diversity, and feels tremendous gratitude for the opportunity to use her seemingly disparate background as a catalyst for cross-cultural understanding.    Her TEDx Talk “Black or White? Refusing to Choose & Embracing Biracial Identity” encourages individuals to embrace their own conceptions of themselves, rather than adhering to the mandates of a broken society. She is grateful for the opportunity to explore the experiences of other multiracial folx, and to amplify their voices. We want to hear every story! Tag us @mixd.movement or email us directly at and tell us your stories! Rachael wants to empower people to love all parts of themselves in order to attain the life of their dreams. Send her a message at or find her on IG at Stay up to date with news and more at Music credit: Chill and Dream by Pink Marble A Subito Media production

최고 5점
16개의 평가


Welcome to The Mix'd Movement Podcast. We are biracial siblings here to make a positive impact on the world. We discuss all topics about being of mixed ethnicities. From how to navigate unique situations revolving around our genetic makeup, what it's like raising biracial children, to how empowering it can be to be to a life of dual cultures, and everything in between.

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