The Mourning Hour
"The Mourning Hour" is a true crime / paranormal podcast hosted by Texas-based best friends Allison Monroe and Katie Floyd. Each week they meet to chat crime, cryptids, and ghosts galore with a little dose of humor to cut the creepy. Two peas in one morbid pod, these best friends have set out to uncover the horrors of the world together (both real and imaginary) and report what they find... with some flair.
Great Podcast
The only thing that disappoints me about this podcast is the fact that I only discovered it after they were no longer posting new episodes. I enjoyed each true crime episode and the amount of detail they put into researching the cases. Their friendship also brings a light heartedness to such heartbreaking stories.
Interesting and Thought provoking
Not a fan of podcasts but this popped up for me. The newest episode about a Mr PeePee Pants guy gave me a giggle. Mainly because I’m a 40year old teenager . Will listen to more of this for the banter definitely
My husband and I have loved listening to all of the episodes so far. It makes our road trips over the past few weeks super entertaining!
Great first episode!
Looking forward to hearing more from this duo. Great chemistry and research. I stayed engaged the whole time!
- CreatorThe Mourning Hour Podcast
- Years Active2022 - 2023
- Episodes56
- RatingExplicit
- Copyright© 2024 The Mourning Hour
- Show Website
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- HistoryUpdated 10/31/2023
- True CrimeUpdated Weekly
- True CrimeUpdated Weekly
- True CrimeUpdated Monthly
- True CrimeUpdated Weekly