Cari Farver went missing in November 2012 after spending the night at her new boyfriend’s house. Days after she disappeared, her boyfriend began receiving harassing and threatening text messages. Investigators believed Cari was not sending these messages and identified an unlikely suspect.
Join Mike and Gibby as they discuss the murder of Cari Farver. Cari's family didn't believe she just disappeared. But her mother and son also received strange text messages, seemingly from Cari. Things continuously escalated until the police broke the case wide open. When they did, people were shocked at the person behind the mystery.
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- 프로그램
- 주기매주 업데이트
- 발행일2025년 1월 6일 오전 1:00 UTC
- 길이1시간 9분
- 에피소드416
- 등급무삭제판