In this video, Franklin Hernandez conducts a thorough pest-proofing inspection of a house, detailing the various entry points and issues that can contribute to pest infestations. Key highlights from the transcript include: Concrete Repairs: Issue: Franklin identifies areas where concrete repairs have been improperly executed. Impact: These faulty repairs have resulted in gaps, which are potential entry points for pests. Specific Example: He points out one area in particular where due to the poor quality of the repair, pests such as roaches, mice, and rats can easily penetrate. Vent Damage: Issue: The house has vents that are damaged, specifically highlighting around 11 of them. Impact: The wear and tear on these vents are concerning because they provide easy access for a variety of pests. Recommendation: Franklin suggests that while they can be temporarily fixed, a more durable solution would be needed to prevent future pest entry. Temporary Solutions: Issue: Some homeowners might opt for quick fixes, such as mesh screens from local stores. Impact: These solutions might not be sturdy enough in the long run, especially when exposed to outdoor elements or tools like weed eaters. Advice: Franklin advises against relying solely on these fixes, as they may not last or be effective. Crawl Space Door: Issue: The crawl space door's aluminum screen is not strong enough to prevent pests from entering. Impact: Rats, for instance, can easily chew through such materials. Recommendation: Franklin directs attention to NaturePest's proofing page for a more robust solution which will not only be effective but also have a longer lifespan. House Corners: Issue: There are small crevices and cracks, especially in the corners of the house. Impact: Over time, these cracks can widen and serve as easy entry points for pests. Observation: Franklin comments on how pests, such as roaches, don't infiltrate these spaces overnight—it happens over time. Garage Issues: Issue: Gaps in the garage door allow light to penetrate, indicating significant spaces where pests can enter. Impact: These gaps are not just entrances for larger pests but even for small insects like roaches. Recommendation: Franklin suggests employing a garage door company that can properly fix the door, ensuring no light (indicative of gaps) is visible. Concrete Damages: Issue: Several sections of the property, both inside the garage and behind the refrigerator, have damaged concrete. Impact: Such damages are not just structural concerns but also act as gateways for pests. Solutions: Franklin mentions that these damages can be repaired with concrete, and offers NaturePest's services for the same. Recommendations During Renovations: Issue: When homeowners undertake renovations, many contractors might overlook sealing areas that are typically out of sight. Impact: Neglecting these hidden areas can lead to pest infiltrations, defeating the purpose of having a pest control service. Advice: Franklin urges homeowners to be vigilant during renovations and ensure all potential entry points, visible or not, are sealed off. Quote and Contact: Summary: To conclude the inspection, Franklin mentions having provided a comprehensive quote detailing the necessary interventions to ensure the house is sealed against pests. Next Steps: Encouraging proactive action, he invites the homeowner to reach out with any queries or concerns regarding the proposed solutions. Through the inspection, Franklin's approach underscores NaturePest's commitment to a comprehensive and preventative approach to pest control. #HolisticPestControl #NaturePestInspection #PestProofing #ConcreteRepair #VentProtection #HomeProtection #CrawlSpaceSafety #GarageSeal #PestFreeLiving #homerenovationtips NaturePest 4140 NE 24th St Homestead Fl, 33033 (786) 222-7069 Pestgeek Facebook Group FaceBook Itunes Linkedin PestGeek