The Joshi Pod

Eric Howard
The Joshi Pod

Weekly look into the world of Japanese women’s wrestling...Joshi Wrestling. We will cover events from Stardom, Tokyo Joshi Pro, Gatoh Move and more. The podcast will have interviews with wrestlers, announcers and media that are involved in the world of Joshi wrestling. Please subscribe, rate and review. Twitter: @thejoshipod Instagram: @thejoshipod

최고 5점
35개의 평가


Weekly look into the world of Japanese women’s wrestling...Joshi Wrestling. We will cover events from Stardom, Tokyo Joshi Pro, Gatoh Move and more. The podcast will have interviews with wrestlers, announcers and media that are involved in the world of Joshi wrestling. Please subscribe, rate and review. Twitter: @thejoshipod Instagram: @thejoshipod

무삭제판 에피소드를 청취하려면 로그인하십시오.

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