The Power of Micro Moments | Making Intentional Decisions

Mindset, Mood & Movement: Systems Thinking for Founder

This podcast episode delves into the concept of being intentional in our daily decisions and actions, emphasising the importance of micro moments of intention. I explain how our nervous system often defaults to reactive behaviour, which can hinder our ability to achieve our larger goals.

By introducing the "one breath rule"—a simple practice of taking a breath before making decisions—listeners can cultivate a more thoughtful and intentional approach. I invite you to reflect on your own intentions and consider how small, intentional choices can lead to greater alignment with their personal and professional goals.

Key Points:

  • Being intentional in micro moments can significantly improve decision-making and outcomes.
  • The one breath rule helps shift from reactive to responsive decision-making processes.
  • Slowing down to find intention is crucial for aligning actions with long-term goals.
  • Practicing intentionality in small decisions reinforces larger goals and impactful outcomes.
  • Micro moments of awareness can transform how we engage with our daily choices.
  • Repetition of intentional practices embeds them into our way of being over time.
  • Head to my site for more info or to get in touch -








