The Lean-in Podcast

This is a podcast about loving your neighbour, where leaning-in close through love serves the needs of neighbours and transforms communities. Join me, Russ Mitchell of as I bring bi-weekly interviews with followers of Jesus about Holy Spirit strategies that are creatively bridging the gap between church and community. It's an opportunity to learn about faith based innovative practises and relevant community development tools you can use to impact and expand your sphere of influence. Be inspired and equipped through stories, tips and other resources as you learn how to get involved in your local community, and make a measurable impact for the Kingdom of God. Develop an understanding why and how the church should engage the local community through asset-based community development; grow in your ability to problem solve in innovative ways when addressing social challenges where you live, and how to do it in partnership with others; and unlock the mystery of missional communities and what it means to make disciples. Come explore how God is at work through communities of practise that are bringing to life relationships and social capital, and also learning and practising new ways of being church and good neighbour. If you are passionate about loving God, your neighbour and community, then you've come to the right address. Subscribe, and start your journey of leaning-in with love! Podcast music: Starry Night by Couple N Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: promoted by Audio Library
- 12 集
- 创作者Russ Mitchell
- 活跃年份2021年 - 2022年
- 单集12
- 分级儿童适宜
- 版权© 2024 The Lean-in Podcast
- 节目网站