74 episodes

Inspiring personal family conversations & also interviews with Prana Boosters™ featured on PranaBoost.com who are Awakened With Purpose & Raising the Vibration of the World through their life's work. Conscious/Mindful Families, Mindful Living, Personal Transformation, Relationships/Marriage & Parenting, Emotional Intelligence, Nonviolence. Have you ever wondered what The Prana Boost Lifestyle™ really looks like? Join me & my amazing husband, soulmate, business partner, spiritual partner, best friend for an intimate discussion on The Prana Boost Show™ to learn about our mindful lifestyle & our new partnership parenting paradigm that we are pioneering together. Here is your chance to hear from both of us to learn more about it from each of our perspectives. For a bit more about us you can read this: http://pranaboost.com/our-story/

The Prana Boost Show™:Raise YOUR Vibration & Change YOUR Life! What does it take to AWAKEN WITH PURPOSE & BE A PRANA BOOSTE Tina Louise Balodi

    • Education
    • 5.0 • 8 Ratings

Inspiring personal family conversations & also interviews with Prana Boosters™ featured on PranaBoost.com who are Awakened With Purpose & Raising the Vibration of the World through their life's work. Conscious/Mindful Families, Mindful Living, Personal Transformation, Relationships/Marriage & Parenting, Emotional Intelligence, Nonviolence. Have you ever wondered what The Prana Boost Lifestyle™ really looks like? Join me & my amazing husband, soulmate, business partner, spiritual partner, best friend for an intimate discussion on The Prana Boost Show™ to learn about our mindful lifestyle & our new partnership parenting paradigm that we are pioneering together. Here is your chance to hear from both of us to learn more about it from each of our perspectives. For a bit more about us you can read this: http://pranaboost.com/our-story/

    Randy Spelling-Episode #74-Featured Guest Prana Booster™-The Prana Boost Show™ Podcast

    Randy Spelling-Episode #74-Featured Guest Prana Booster™-The Prana Boost Show™ Podcast

    Hi Prana Boosters! Have you ever wondered what it would be like to grow up in one of the wealthiest families as the son of perhaps the most prolific American film & television producers in history? What would it be like to grow up in a celebrity family in Los Angeles & overcome emotional trauma & addiction & transform yourself to become a credentialed life coach, spiritual facilitator, Daddy, & husband, while owning a wellness company? Randy helps others find their purpose & reconnect with the deepest parts of themselves. He helps them raise awareness & live a better life. I am so excited to connect with Randy to hear his amazing stories & to share his journey with all of you.
    Bio: Author, speaker, intuitive coach and consultant, Randy Spelling, is the head of Randy Spelling Coaching.
    Growing up in one of Hollywood's most famous families, he witnessed first hand that money and fame do not create freedom or happiness - but our daily choices do!
    Using his natural intuitive abilities and 14 years of coaching experience, he helps people see the choices they didn't realize they had, so they can create more freedom, success, presence, and happiness in their lives!
    In this episode you will hear:
    How does and Intuitive Life Coach manage their energy during these conflicted and stressful times? How do we quiet the fearful or negative voices in our head? What is Meta Cognition? Why must we have awareness around Trauma Triggers? When we heal is it always beautiful and easy?? How is this pandemic showing up as a catalyst for people to make changes and heal trauma? Why is it important to learn to “move” energy? How can we remain hopeful during times of trauma and fear and worldwide transitions? What is the importance of observation especially during this time of such polarity? What happens if we don’t take time to focus on positive ideas and solutions? Why must we think about what traumas may have created the consciousness behind someone who is creating corruption in our current world? Why is it important to release judgment of others so we do not pass this habit down to our children?

    • 1 hr 1 min
    Christy Whitman: The Prana Boost Show™ Episode #73 Interview with Featured Guest Prana Booster™ Christy Whitman

    Christy Whitman: The Prana Boost Show™ Episode #73 Interview with Featured Guest Prana Booster™ Christy Whitman

    What does it take to AWAKEN WITH PURPOSE? Featured Guest: Prana Booster™ Christy Whitman Hi Prana Boosters! Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you grew up learning spiritual principles to guide you along and help you to manifest all you desire in life? Join me as I spend time with my featured guest, Prana Booster™, Christy Whitman. She is a transformational leader, celebrity coach and law of attraction expert. Her new book, The Desire Factor, helps us to reframe Desire and empowers us with knowledge while basically giving us permission to connect with our heart's desires and start feeling, creating and dreaming again. Bio: Christy Whitman is a Transformational Leader, Celebrity Coach and Law of Attraction expert, as well as the two time New York Times bestselling author of The Art of Having It All. She is also the author of the international bestseller Quantum Success. Her forthcoming book The Desire Factor will be released April 21, 2021. Christy has appeared on the news, The Today Show, The Morning Show, Ted X, and The Hallmark Channel and her work has been featured in the media in various publications. She’s been featured in Goalcast, People Magazine, Seventeen, Woman’s Day, Hollywood Life, and Teen Vogue, to name a few. Christy is the CEO and founder of the Quantum Success Learning Academy & Quantum Success Coaching Academy, a 10-month Law of Attraction coaching certification program. Christy has helped certify over 3,000 life coaches and has helped countless others to unlock their power to manifest. She lives in Scottsdale with her husband Frederic and her two boys Alex and Maxim. Her new book, THE DESIRE FACTOR: How to Embrace Your Materialistic Nature to Reclaim Your Full Spiritual Power is amazing! Christy says, “This book will help guide readers through a deeper, more spiritually connected journey of taking those every day desires shared by all of us and using them to manifest a more personal, more dynamic sense of fulfillment. The new book offers readers and listeners the tools to find their happiness, abundance, and success by leveraging the desires they already possess.” https://christywhitman.isrefer.com/go/tdf/pranaboost In this episode you will hear: -Why have we been so programmed to believe that DESIRE is associated with words like selfish, evil and perhaps spoiled or greedy? -Why are we taught ‘not to want more’ or that it’s bad to want? -Why are we taught that on our way to our desire we will have to sacrifice something else? Or compromise??? -What are the 7 spiritual principles of Desire? -What is "split energy"? -How do you prevent people from limiting your desires without threatening the relationship? -How do we learn how to Master Our Own Energy?  -What does it mean, We Get What We Expect? -What if we change our thought or feeling consciously but subconsciously we hold limiting beliefs or fears or expectations about certain people or situations? How do we really shift our experience then? -How can we learn more about the role emotions play in helping us see where we are in relation to our Desire Factor? -What is the Vibrational Range of Emotions? -What is the Quantum Council and how did this relationship began? -Christy shares more about her kids being familiar with your her teachings and how she has inspired them to learn about becoming masters of their energy -We are often so focused on others and what they are doing...What are the benefits of turning inward and learning to master our own energy? -Can we DESIRE to create peace on our Planet or just in OUR WORLD? -What’s the one secret desire most people have? Quote from her book: The Desire Factor “I AM THE DIVINE IN HUMAN EXPRESSION. MY DIVINE SELF HAS CREATED ME TO BE FILLED WITH WELL-BEING, ABUNDANCE, SUCCESS, LOVE AND JOY. MY LIFE IS A COCREATION BETWEEN THE DIVINE AND ME. I HAVE DIVINE AUTHORITY TO MANIFEST THE FULFILLMENT OF ALL MY DESIRES, AND I USE THIS POWER RIGHTLY AND WISELY."

    • 1 hr 2 min
    Q&A With T&A-Episode #72 -16 Things We Have Learned Since Becoming Parents-The Prana Boost Show™ Podcast

    Q&A With T&A-Episode #72 -16 Things We Have Learned Since Becoming Parents-The Prana Boost Show™ Podcast

    Have you ever wondered what The Prana Boost Lifestyle™ really looks like? Join me & my amazing husband, soulmate, business partner, spiritual partner, best friend for an intimate discussion on The Prana Boost Show™ to learn about our mindful lifestyle & our new parenting paradigm that we are pioneering together. Here is your chance to hear from both of us to learn more about it from each of our perspectives. For a bit more about us you can read this: http://pranaboost.com/our-story/
    Today's topic was:  Q&A With T&A-Episode #72 -16 Things We Have Learned Since Becoming Parents-The Prana Boost Show™ Podcast
    IIn this episode you will hear: 
    Were Tina & Alan always conscious parents? What did Tina used to watch daily? Were we always vegan? What does it mean to surrender? Why is acceptance of your child so important?  How do you learn to trust your intuition and teach your children about listening to their own intuition too? Do I always have to solve everything for my child or teen?  What is Active Listening?  How can we hold space for our loved ones when listening? Why is it so important to learn about emotions?  Why is your family's emotional health just as important as their physical health?  Learn how important it is to always be open to learning as a parent/human Learn how connection is the foundation needed for every challenge we will face in life At approximately what age does the ego appear in our child?  Learn why we believe bullying starts in the home and the dangers of a dominant relationship? Why must we learn about Partnership Parenting?  Why is it important to learn to ask for help?  Why did we put our daughter's jammies on inside out?  What does it mean to Create A New Reality?  What does it mean to have a Spiritual Practice?  How can we as parents learn to recognize, experience and navigate grief?  What is #17 (the BONUS tip) on the list of 16 things learned since we became parents?   
    Please Subscribe to our Prana Boost YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/PranaBoost and/or Subscribe to iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/prana-boost-show-raise-your/id891216201?mt=2 to hear more about this topic and others as we will be bringing you more even more videos & cannot possibly share all of our thoughts, knowledge and experience in one show.
    You can submit questions for the show here: http://pranaboost.com/contact
    Stay Tuned as well for LIVE broadcasts where we will have audience participation & Q & A's as well. Namaste

    • 1 hr 27 min
    Prana Boosting™ With Tina-Episode #71 -4 Ways To Consciously Support Your Child or Teen-The Prana Boost Show™ Podcast

    Prana Boosting™ With Tina-Episode #71 -4 Ways To Consciously Support Your Child or Teen-The Prana Boost Show™ Podcast

    Hi Prana Boosters™, I am Tina Louise Balodi author of the children’s book Ms Alignment The Emotion Fairy™.
    Today’s episode is called 4 Ways To Consciously Support Your Child Teen…I’d like to introduce you to the 4 L's I created/invented for our family and now I am sharing with all of you. Here are some awesome ways to remind ourselves how we can best support our child at any age. I had to invent this in our family. It wasn’t taught to me...it was “on the job training.”
    4 L’s...LOOK, LISTEN, LEARN and LOVE. 💕
    Let’s set an intention to connect with our children in ways that feel emotionally and physically safe for everyone. Listen for a few examples in the video where I explain this more.
    If you decided you were interested in learning more, I am so happy to talk to you. Dm me on Instagram @pranaboost there is so much more to even share. AND YOU DON’t HAVE TO FIGURE IT OUT ALONE LIKE WE DID... I AM HERE TO HELP!
    I am so excited to hear what inspired action, miracles and dreams you will experience as you try these 4 Ways with your loved ones.
    In this episode you will hear: 
    How can I support my child or teen emotionally?
    What are the 4 L's? 
    What is the difference between observation and judgment? 
    Why is it important to connect with my child or teen and take an interest in what they like? 
    The importance of making sure my child or teen feels heard and listened to
    Do I always have to solve everything for my child or teen? 
    What are the dangers of criticism towards your child or teen? 
    What helps us connect to our child or teen?
    If you decided you ARE interested in learning more, I am so happy to talk to you   And another option if you would like to work with me directly and go deeper you can Work With Me and experience my Energy Healing and Coaching Sessions.
    Please Subscribe to our Prana Boost YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/PranaBoost and/or Subscribe to iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/prana-boost-show-raise-your/id891216201?mt=2 to hear more about this topic and others as we will be bringing you more even more videos & cannot possibly share all of our thoughts, knowledge and experience in one show.
    You can submit questions for the show here: http://pranaboost.com/contact
    Stay Tuned as well for LIVE broadcasts where we will have audience participation & Q & A's as well. Namaste

    • 10 min
    Prana Boosting™ With Tina-Episode #70 -10 Books To Begin A Journey Of Personal Transformation Part 1-The Prana Boost Show™ Podcast

    Prana Boosting™ With Tina-Episode #70 -10 Books To Begin A Journey Of Personal Transformation Part 1-The Prana Boost Show™ Podcast

    Hi Prana Boosters!
    I am Tina Louise Balodi author of the children’s book Ms. Alignment The Emotion Fairy™.
    I wanted to share a bit of our story with you about how I began my journey of personal transformation. First you might ask, why would anyone do this? Why does one even pick up a nonfiction or motivational, personal growth, self help, or spiritual book?
    They do this because they are seeking a change in their lives. I have always been interested in healing and transformation. I have always desired to create a life I love and I am excited about.
    -Maybe you have been dreaming of a new career, or a new relationship or you’d like to have more empowered relationships with your loved ones.
    -Maybe you need to learn about forgiveness, or how to set clear boundaries in your current relationships.
    -Maybe you would like to understand your feelings more and gain more control over the types of thoughts you have.
    -Maybe you are trying to heal your body physically in a more natural way.
    With reading and learning, you can discover patterns of behavior and trauma that are preventing you from really progressing in life and making changes when you desire it most.
    Reading can help us to literally “change our minds.”
    Even before I met my husband Alan (we have been together for over 26years now) I was a researcher and so interested in how and why people are they way they are. I was obsessed with The Oprah Winfrey Show.
    (Show DVD Collection)
    I am confessing that I actually even own her dvd collection. (I know, who even watches DVDs now?) I would watch every single episode with the intention of learning something. I knew I could learn something from everyone’s experience.
    Then my husband and I became entrepreneurs during college and I believe that really sparked our desire to learn even more about how to manage our thoughts, expand our lives and live differently than most of society. We began to hang out at Barnes and Noble all time. Reading was our favorite thing to do because it would help us shift our mindset and inspire us to believe in possibility and be even more creative and more connected to one another. We really wanted to have a successful relationship. Alan and I were both willing to expand our minds and read and continuously learn new things.
    Honestly then when we were going to become parents, my husband and I barely read parenting books. We soon realized that we didn’t resonate with most messages in those particular books about how to create our family and so instead we read tons of other amazing inspirational books and then applied all of these other books to invent our own unique parenting style.
    I have read over 1000 books and they have helped us create the most magical, loving marriage and family. This doesn’t mean everything is always perfect, but these books and new mindsets, help us transform our thoughts, manage our emotions, think more positively and give us coping skills for all of life’s challenges.
    I have so many favorites and I would love to share them all with you, (in time I will share even more) but for today I looked through my collection and thought I would share a handful of books that might be fun to start with to help you begin to change your own life, inspire you go after your dreams and help you manage life with less stress and more joy.
    Let’s begin:
    Awaken The Giant Within by Anthony (aka Tony) Robbins
    Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks (The Teachings of Abraham)
    The Power of Intention by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
    Get Over It by Iyanla Vanzant
    The Four Agreements Don Miguel Ruiz
    You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay
    The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success Deepak Chopra
    The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
    A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle
    The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown
    Dr. Wayne Dyer said, “When you Change The Way You Look At Things, The Things You Look At Change.” I love this quote because it’s so true and reading helped me so much to see things differen

    • 30 min
    Prana Boosting™ With Tina-Episode #69-Our Emotional Experience Running From California Wildfires-The Prana Boost Show™ Podcast

    Prana Boosting™ With Tina-Episode #69-Our Emotional Experience Running From California Wildfires-The Prana Boost Show™ Podcast

    Hi Prana Boosters! I am Tina Louise Balodi author of the children’s book Ms. Alignment The Emotion Fairy™. As if we didn't have enough traumatic, crazy, insane experiences in 2020 so far...well on October 26, 2020 at 9:03 a.m. one of our best friends/neighbors called and basically told us "GET OUT NOW...WE'RE BEING EVACUATED FOR FIRES!"  I was like "what? us? who? now?  I flew out of bed, work everyone and basically panicked, but packed up what we could, got everyone in the car and got OUT of our home. Our neighborhood was a mess...soooo windy, smoky, smelled terrible. It was truly unbelievable and terrifying.  I, of course went metaphysical, starting to talk to the Angels and my spirit guides asking anyone who would listen to step in. LOL We had adrenaline running and worry coursing through our bodies, but still had faith that somehow it might all end up ok and stay safe. I describe how this situation was for us as Prana Boosters™ and Parents and people who understand vibration and a vibrational UNIVERSE, but still...c'mon we were running for our lives! 
    In this episode you will hear: 
    How did we handle the stress and what would we grab on our way out? 
    What did it feel like to be evacuated along with 91K other residents in our city? 
    Did we break down during the crisis or after? 
    Does a spiritual practice "prevent" experiences in life from happening?
    Why would we need to take care of ourselves mind, body, and spirit after a traumatic event?  
    What was this experience like for our puppy, Angel Melody?
    Why do we need to be mindful of our pet's energy too?
    Can traumatic events help us be even more grateful afterwards?
    Please Subscribe to our Prana Boost YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/PranaBoost and/or Subscribe to iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/prana-boost-show-raise-your/id891216201?mt=2 to hear more about this topic and others as we will be bringing you more even more videos & cannot possibly share all of our thoughts, knowledge and experience in one show. You can submit questions for the show here: http://pranaboost.com/contact Stay Tuned as well for LIVE broadcasts where we will have audience participation & Q & A's as well. Namaste

    • 23 min

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5
8 Ratings

8 Ratings

Ukejen ,

Joyful and non-judgemental parenting tips

I love the show and I especially liked your guest Awesome Dad, Eric Greene. I also really liked the episode on how your daughter inspired the two you to become consciously sober. You offer advice but in a joyful and non-judgmental way. As a result, people have the space to try these ideas out.

Guccione77 ,


Feels so good to know there are other possibilities to parenting, so thankful I found this beautiful podcast! Can’t wait to learn more! ♥️👍🏼♥️

Teacher74 ,

Love it! ❣️

I just started to listen this lovely family, and I’m already hooked up with them. The peace and tranquility that they transmit is contagious. I just can wait to listen all the podcast that I have missed. Thank you Balodi family for this great podcast. Keep spreading positivity and good vibes 😊✌🏼

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