The Story of Pinocchio
This is the story of a clever puppet, Pinocchio. Originally written as "The Adventures of Pinocchio" by Carlo Collodi, an Italian author, back in 1883, this narrates the story of a puppet that is carved by a carpenter Gepetto and who treat the puppet like his own son. But Pinocchio is determined to become a real boy and in the process, he learns a great many lessons. Every time he gets stuck in a difficult situation, he lies and lies but mysteriously he finds his nose growing longer with each lie he speaks. He also decides never to give in to his temptations again but his resolutions last only till the next available oppotunity. But finally, he learns his lessons and proves himself to be worthy of being a real boy. This story is retold from the original book with some editing to suit the taste of our listeners. Visit our website to know more: Connect with us on our social handles to get all content updates:
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