Episode 9: Black holes and links
https://s3.amazonaws.com/prconnection/ep009.mp3 At last I get to work on the latest, ninth episode of The Puerto Rico Connection. But on the New Media class on Thursday 25th, there was no connection. Alan tried his best to give a talk to my students. Unfortunately the networks did not collaborate. My students and I tried every possible route: Wifi, Ethernet and cellular hotspots, to no avail. Blame the Internetz! Until Alan found the culprit, We know who to blame. El Orange Chupacabra — Alan Levine (@cogdog) April 26, 2019 See? In the previous post (Preparing for the 9th episode) there are the ideas Alan and I played with during our fine conversation. In fact, he was smart to gear it towards the recent first-image-ever of a black hole. From there, it was a freewheeling talk on what’s a photo of a black hole vs. an image; the singularity idea of a point in spacetime where not even light can escape from; and the digression to the limit when we discussed what would happen if we reduced the podcast’s timing to zero, little by little? It’s a joke, but mathematicians use this “limit” idea pretty often and with beautiful results. So, how would we open and close a recording which lasts exactly zero point zero time? If it were 0.0001 seconds, we might image being very very very quick. But with no time at all, would it still make sense? A line, if you reduce its length progressively up to zero, will become a point. It makes sense as a point but it’s difficult to see a point as an abstract line taken to the limit. But a recording? Of course it’s non-sense, but one it was fun to talk about! Anyhow, see the previous post to read a bit more on this. On the episode we talked about other stuff, of course. No spoilers here. And we said we would publish here the links we collect and share and we’d like to discuss on the air. We didn’t discuss them on this episode, though, since we hadn’t had a chance to read them beforehand. So, it’s for next time. Here, I’ll paste a copy of the feed coming from the shared tag prcon: www.diigo.com/rss/tag/prcon?tab=153 where the tab=153 means to get only the recent links. Now, the diigo page for these links (diigo.com/tag/prcon?tab=153) would not return the description of each link. Fortunately, the Firefox add-on Want My RSS does. And this is the result. To activate Hypothes.is and annotate this page please, click below, then activate the tool by clicking on the arrow at the northeast corner of the page: Annotate this Online tools for random words, Word to HTML, other free tools. 4/14/2019, 3:08:40 PM This website features text and html changing, converting, and generating tools designed to save you time making web pages or preparing content for web publishing projects or other groovy stuff. Or even use the site to make a random choice. If you’ve… Tags: IFTTT Pinboard webdesign a href="https://www.diigo.