The Road to Success

Female Leadership Academy
The Road to Success

What are the stories and experiences behind the successful top leaders in Denmark? This is explored in “The Road to Success,” a podcast by the Female Leadership Academy. The host and founder, Maria Anker Andersen, interviews successful top leaders in business about how they got to where they are today, along with the experiences and advice that come with choosing a career and/or leadership. The purpose of “The Road to Success” is to empower men and women to take control of their careers through the experiences and stories of inspiring role models. In this way, we aim to inspire our listeners to pursue the dreams and career paths they desire. The third season shows how the mindset of top executives, role models, and experts around physical and mental health shapes their performance and well-being. We uncover how finding balance is difficult and how different priorities in life work for different people.

  1. 3天前

    Jesper Nygård - CEO of Realdania

    Meet Jesper Nygård, CEO of Realdania. Jesper has a distinguished leadership career in philanthropy, sustainability, and urban development. With a Master of Science in Governance from Roskilde University, his professional journey began in diverse roles, including substitute teacher, taxi driver, and mail worker. Early in his career, Jesper specialized in IT policy at the consulting firm EKJ before transitioning into influential board and chair positions across multiple organizations. He has played a key role in institutions such as the KAB Foundation, BRF Kredit, City Renewal Denmark, C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, the Danish Architecture Center, and the European Foundation Centre, among others. Currently, Jesper serves as the CEO of Realdania, a philanthropic organization dedicated to supporting projects that shape the built environment, reinforcing his commitment to sustainable urban development and societal impact. In this conversation, Jesper and Maria discuss various topics, including Jespers' approach to leadership, the power of being good to people around you, and the importance of giving back to others and society. Learn more about Female Leadership Academy Website: Instagram: Linkedin: Learn more about Jesper Linkedin: Learn more about Realdania Website: Linkedin: Instagram: Podcast Crew Podcast Soundbites: Laurits Nørgaard Podcast Editor: Rodrigo Arrieta About The Host Maria Anker Andersen is a young leader who fast-tracked her career in management consulting but dropped the career race to focus on developing meaningful organizations that contribute to a better planet and society. Hence, the non-profit Female Leadership Academy and the slow-fashion brand REIGN OF GAIA were born. Sign up to our Events & Become a Member (free)

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  2. 1月25日

    Pernille C. Lotus - CEO & Founder of Beyond Breath

    Pernille C. Lotus is the founder of Beyond Breath and former CEO of WeAreCube, one of the largest influencer agencies in the Nordics. After nine years of relentless work in the corporate world, Pernille took a step back to reflect on her path. Struggling with physical pain and feeling like a diminished version of herself—a stressed mother, a disengaged partner, and an absent leader—she knew change was needed. In December 2023, Pernille boldly decided to leave her well-paying CEO role and dedicate herself fully to her passion: becoming a breathwork instructor and meditation teacher with Beyond Breath. Join this conversation to uncover Pernille's inspiring journey from CEO of a leading influencer agency to breathwork instructor. Discover what drove her bold career shift, the lessons she learned along the way, and how she is now on a mission to make the world a better place—by helping individuals reconnect with themselves and unlock their true potential. Learn more about Female Leadership Academy Website: Instagram: Linkedin: Learn more about Pernille Linkedin: Learn more about Beyond Breath Website: Linkedin: Podcast Crew Podcast Soundbites: Laurits Nørgaard Podcast Editor: Rodrigo Arrieta About The Host Maria Anker Andersen is a young leader who fast-tracked her career in management consulting but dropped the career race to focus on developing meaningful organizations that contribute to a better planet and society. Hence, the non-profit Female Leadership Academy and the slow-fashion brand REIGN OF GAIA were born. Sign up to our Events & Become a Member (free)

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  3. 1月22日

    Asbjørn Kastaniegaard - Managing Partner at CLARITY PARTNERS

    Meet Asbjørn Kastaniegaard. Asbjørn's career journey is truly remarkable. He began with nearly a decade in shipping at Maersk before transitioning to Bain & Company, where he spent ten years in various roles, ultimately becoming a partner. From there, he moved into the financial sector as Head of Long Term Equity Investments at Kirkbi for two years. He later returned to consulting as Managing Director and Partner at BCG for over four years. Most recently, Asbjørn co-founded CLARITY PARTNERS, focusing on M&A and strategy consulting, showcasing his dynamic leadership and expertise. In this conversation, Asbjørn and Maria explore topics such as building resilience, charting your own path, and the importance of mental and physical fitness as key drivers of well-being. Learn more about Female Leadership Academy Website: Instagram: Linkedin: Learn more about Asbjørn Linkedin: Learn more about CLARITY PARTNERS Website: Linkedin: Podcast Crew Podcast Soundbites: Laurits Nørgaard Podcast Editor: Rodrigo Arrieta About The Host Maria Anker Andersen is a young leader who fast-tracked her career in management consulting but dropped the career race to focus on developing meaningful organizations that contribute to a better planet and society. Hence, the non-profit Female Leadership Academy and the slow-fashion brand REIGN OF GAIA were born. Sign up to our Events & Become a Member (free)

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  4. 2024/10/09

    Jacob Aarup-Andersen - Group CEO of Carlsberg Group

    Meet Jacob Aarup-Andersen, CEO of the Carlsberg Group. Jacob holds a degree in Economics from the University of Copenhagen. He began his career in investment banking at Goldman Sachs, followed by many years in the financial sector, ultimately becoming the Group CFO at Danica Pension. Jacob then served as Head of Banking Denmark and was a member of the Executive Leadership Team at Danske Bank. This was followed by his role as Group CEO at ISS A/S, and now, as CEO of the Carlsberg Group. In addition to his role at Carlsberg, Jacob lends his expertise to several supervisory and advisory boards, including SEB and IESE Business School. In this conversation, Jacob and Maria discuss a range of topics, including Jacob’s approach to leadership and how to develop your own set of leadership principles, the importance of emotional intelligence in leadership, the role of FSN (Fitness, Sleep, Nutrition) and structured routines in achieving optimal performance. They also explore why selecting the right boss is crucial for career development, the importance of being driven by curiosity and passion in your professional life, and what a social contract entails. Learn more about Female Leadership Academy Website: Instagram: Linkedin: Learn more about Jacob Linkedin: Learn more about Carlsberg Website: Linkedin: Instagram: Podcast Crew Podcast Soundbites: Laurits Nørgaard Podcast Editor: Rodrigo Arrieta About The Host Maria Anker Andersen is a young leader who fast-tracked her career in management consulting but dropped the career race to focus on developing meaningful organizations that contribute to a better planet and society. Hence, the non-profit Female Leadership Academy and the slow-fashion brand REIGN OF GAIA were born. Sign up to our Events & Become a Member (free)

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  5. Brian Christiansen - Partner & Chief Sustainability Operating Officer at PwC


    Brian Christiansen - Partner & Chief Sustainability Operating Officer at PwC

    Meet Brian Christiansen, Partner at PwC Denmark. Brian has an educational background in accounting from Copenhagen Business School and started his career at KPMG, where he spent approximately 16 years. Afterwards, he spent around 3 years at Novo Nordisk before continuing his career at PwC, where he has been for nearly 15 years and counting. He currently holds the position of Partner at PwC and Chief Sustainability Operating Officer. In this conversation, Brian and Maria discuss various topics, including the idea that there is no "right" or "wrong" way to build a career since we are all unique individuals, the importance of cultural awareness and understanding people through their own perspectives, and the value of being honest with yourself about your dreams, speaking up about them, and staying curious. Learn more about Female Leadership Academy Website: Instagram: Linkedin: Learn more about Brian Linkedin: Sponsors Podcast Soundbites: Laurits Nørgaard Podcast Editor: Rodrigo Arrieta About The Host Maria Anker Andersen is a young leader who fast-tracked her career in management consulting but dropped out of the career race to focus on developing meaningful organizations that contribute to a better planet and society. Hence, the non-profit Female Leadership Academy,, and the slow-fashion brand REIGN OF GAIA were born. Sign-up to our Events & Become a Member (free)

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  6. Camilla Ottesen - TV host, Journalist, & Board Member


    Camilla Ottesen - TV host, Journalist, & Board Member

    Meet Camilla Ottesen—one of Denmark's most well-known TV hosts and journalists. Camilla has an educational background in journalism, and you probably know her from popular TV shows like Fangerne på Fortet (The Fort Boyard), Ønskehaven (The Wishing Garden), and as the host of Melodi Grand Prix. Additionally, in her later career, she completed a board education course and now serves on the board of a consulting firm. Camilla Ottesen loves being physically active and is deeply involved in sports. To better understand her own and others' training, she has also trained as a personal trainer alongside her TV work and teaches barre training, among other things. In this conversation, Camilla and Eline discuss topics such as the importance of prioritizing tasks during busy periods, staying grounded by managing your expectations for what you need to do, focusing on what truly makes you happy, and remembering to enjoy everyday life. Learn more about Female Leadership Academy Website: Instagram: Linkedin: Learn more about Camilla Linkedin: Sponsors Podcast Soundbites: Laurits Nørgaard Podcast Editor: Rodrigo Arrieta Podcast Production: Tuborg Fondet Sign-up to FLARuns & Become a Member (free)

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  7. Gustav Salinas - Iværksætter og sundheds-influencer (DA)


    Gustav Salinas - Iværksætter og sundheds-influencer (DA)

    OBS: Denne episode er på dansk. Herudover, har der været tekniske problemer under optagelserne, så lyden er ikke ligeså god som den plejer. Dog ville vi ikke udelade episoden, da vi synes der var så mange gode guldkorn og magiske input fra Gustav, så vi har fikset og udgivet episoden efter bedste evne. De kommende episoder vil have den normale gode lyd, som i kender. Tag godt imod Gustav! Byd velkommen til Gustav Salinas, som er en alsidig iværksætter med en solid baggrund inden for sundhed, boligudlejning, og mediebranchen. Med sine rødder som en kendt reality-personlighed, har han brugt sin platform til at skabe flere succesfulde initiativer. Gustav har bl.a. udgivet en succesfuld bogserie om sund livsstil, udviklet en populær sundhedsapp, skabt et profitabelt ejendomsudlejningsimperium og grundlagt en virksomhed inden for sukkerfri slikprodukter. Gustav har et forfriskende syn på livet og et utroligt mindset omkring, hvordan man konstant skal fokusere på at søge mulighederne, frem for se barrierne, fordi det kan bringe én helt utroligt langt - om det er iværksætteri eller karriere, så er det et budskab vi alle kan lære af. I denne samtale vender Gustav og Maria emner som vigtigheden af at kunne sige 'pyt pyt' og komme videre fra de udfordringer eller afslag man møder på sin vej, vigtigheden i at have gode folk omkring sig og også være klar til at skille sig af med dem som over tid ikke bidrager til ens udvikling og rejse - selvom det kan være svært, samt konstant at fokusere på at gøre sig umage. Lær mere om Female Leadership Academy Website: Instagram: Linkedin: Lær mere om Gustav Linkedin: Sponsorer Podcast Soundbites: Laurits Nørgaard Podcast Editor: Rodrigo Arrieta Podcast Produktion: Tuborg Fondet Om værten Maria Anker Andersen er en ung leder, der hurtigt avancerede i sin karriere inden for management consulting, men satte sin karriere på pause for at fokusere på at udvikle meningsfulde organisationer, der bidrager til en bedre planet og samfund. Derfor blev non-profitten Female Leadership Academy, og slow-fashion-mærket REIGN OF GAIA født. Tilmeld dig FLARuns & bliv medlem (gratis)

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What are the stories and experiences behind the successful top leaders in Denmark? This is explored in “The Road to Success,” a podcast by the Female Leadership Academy. The host and founder, Maria Anker Andersen, interviews successful top leaders in business about how they got to where they are today, along with the experiences and advice that come with choosing a career and/or leadership. The purpose of “The Road to Success” is to empower men and women to take control of their careers through the experiences and stories of inspiring role models. In this way, we aim to inspire our listeners to pursue the dreams and career paths they desire. The third season shows how the mindset of top executives, role models, and experts around physical and mental health shapes their performance and well-being. We uncover how finding balance is difficult and how different priorities in life work for different people.









