53 min

The Shame of Premature Ejaculation - (Raw & Real Talk Part 1‪)‬ Sex Upgraded

    • Sexuality

Millions of men struggle with premature ejaculation, but we RARELY talk about the reality of the struggle, and that's a problem. The impact on our lives and relationships can be massive and debilitating...For example, men who regularly struggle with premature ejaculation might also experience:Low self-worthLow self-confidenceHigh sexual shameHigh sexual anxietyIsolationHopelessnessDepressionPorn addictionOther addictions as coping mechanisms...IN THIS EPISODE...I'm joined by my friend Banks, ...

Millions of men struggle with premature ejaculation, but we RARELY talk about the reality of the struggle, and that's a problem. The impact on our lives and relationships can be massive and debilitating...For example, men who regularly struggle with premature ejaculation might also experience:Low self-worthLow self-confidenceHigh sexual shameHigh sexual anxietyIsolationHopelessnessDepressionPorn addictionOther addictions as coping mechanisms...IN THIS EPISODE...I'm joined by my friend Banks, ...

53 min