The Source Understanding of Cheating and Stopping it

Elevated Consciousness

Have you ever wondered why cheating and abuse happen in intimate relationships?

And why is it that things like this seem to follow people relationship after relationship?

what if there were a guarantee that no matter what, these things could never happen to you?

It’s time to dig into the source science and find out exactly what happens to make these things happen in our lives.

This is going to be an episode that finally brings peace of mind to some of the most dreaded issues of a relationship. 

In This Episode:

  • Understanding the key role of the subconscious, the 8 areas and contagions with what create in our lives 
  • Further breaking down the idea that our creator fields are the only thing that dictates how people treat us or what they say to us 
  • Walking through the process of how people get stuck in negative repeating patterns with partners/relationships no matter what they do
  • Why accepting that “I created this” is the only way to open up your full ability to change situations in your life 
  • Dissecting one of the major ingredients for creating an experience of being cheated on, how exactly this gets subconsciously written in our creator field, and incorporating the 8 ares/the law of reflections to illustrate the process of actually creating the situation
  • Where this pattern originates, grows and how it gets missed 
  • How all of this information and having the right information unlocks your incredible power to dictate what experiences happen and don’t happen to you in relationships
  • Adding in science to start instilling the knowing that you are 100% complete so you can take this one ingredients that causes a person to cheat off the table for good
  • Start reprogramming your knowing that’s it’s not about proving to someone you’re worth it but knowing your true worth, how complete you really are and embracing your creator field abilities 

If you don’t want to wait on your conscious expansion and learning you can go to and check out all of our amazing free content.

If you resonate with this topic, you feel you have the foundations, and you’d like to know it all to do it all, here is where you need to be for that next level: 

Relationship Mastery Course:

Reflections Mastery Course:

Intuitive Relationship Fix Analysis:

If you don’t know where to start, start with getting complimentary intuitive insight.








