10 episodes

Purpose Peeps, this Podcast is all about The #Sparked Life, Your #Sparked Life! We all have a spark, the thing in us that makes us come alive. You know the famous quote by Howard Thurman, "Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” This Podcast unlocks what makes us come alive and to take inspired action to just do it.

You will hear from other Sparked Purpose Peeps who are in different phases of their path to purpose, some are purpose curious in awareness. Others are having intentional practice with what is keeping them sparked. Others are our teachers and guides that are innovating and creating solutions to support us in this sparked life.

Your host, Dena Wiggins, is a Purposed Resultant, MBA and Certified Purpose Coach. She is passionate about unlocking sparked purpose peeps to fill organizations and transform them into lighthouses that shine solutions into the marketplace no matter the weather or seas of change. She is a purpose equalizer whose imperative is to leave no Purpose Peep behind as we evolve to the purpose economy.

The #Sparked Life Dena Wiggins

    • Education
    • 4.6 • 5 Ratings

Purpose Peeps, this Podcast is all about The #Sparked Life, Your #Sparked Life! We all have a spark, the thing in us that makes us come alive. You know the famous quote by Howard Thurman, "Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” This Podcast unlocks what makes us come alive and to take inspired action to just do it.

You will hear from other Sparked Purpose Peeps who are in different phases of their path to purpose, some are purpose curious in awareness. Others are having intentional practice with what is keeping them sparked. Others are our teachers and guides that are innovating and creating solutions to support us in this sparked life.

Your host, Dena Wiggins, is a Purposed Resultant, MBA and Certified Purpose Coach. She is passionate about unlocking sparked purpose peeps to fill organizations and transform them into lighthouses that shine solutions into the marketplace no matter the weather or seas of change. She is a purpose equalizer whose imperative is to leave no Purpose Peep behind as we evolve to the purpose economy.

    Following Your Inner Spark With Joyce Weru

    Following Your Inner Spark With Joyce Weru

    Purpose Peeps,

    We often hear phrases and buzz words that sound amazing and yet we may have limited knowledge of what it really means to experience or embody what sparked us in the words or between the words.  We hear words like resilience, nimbleness, pivoting, the ambiguity that easily lose power and potency without the stories of the experiences of unlocking the meaning and the journey that gives the words high placement as we co-create and write our life stories.

    Unlocking Principle: We travel to understand the words that spark us and touch our soul.

    When I met Joyce, within our first conversation, I knew she journeyed these words and life experiences–they became a part of who she is! I knew immediately that she had a sparked life perspective worth sharing.  Joyce has an aura of authenticity and “loving what she is doing” that takes her on many courageous risk experiences that show up throughout her life, including her work life.  Did you catch that sparked life placement?

    How do you start a coaching practice at the beginning of a pandemic? How do you balance being a solopreneur and a single mom who is homeschooling during a pandemic? How do you wear many leadership hats within your community of peers and not burn out but burn up and spread out through a flame of intention? Listen and find out!

    Joyce is the Founder of Rise Above Coaching, an executive and leadership coaching firm based in Washington, DC that works with international NGO’s and Associations.  Joyce has coached people from all levels of the workforce and cultural backgrounds, from senior executives to entry-level professionals. Being born and raised in Kenya and moving to the US, her story tells a real journey of resilience and following your inner star no matter how scary that journey appears. Her energy and warmth are liberating. Joyce serves on the Board of Directors for the District of Columbia Society for Human Resource Management (DC SHRM). She partners with Metro DC International Coaching Federation and leads their Racial Equity Community of Practice.  Joyce holds a master’s degree in human resources management and a master’s in business administration from the University of Maryland University College. She is certified as a Senior Professional in Human Resources® (SPHR). Joyce has also received the designation of Certified Executive Leadership Coach by Georgetown University’s Institute for Transformational Leadership. Joyce is also a founding member of the Lean In Sparked Women of Purpose Circle.  Learn more about Joyce at www.riseabovecoaching.com listen to her CEO interviews here.

    Dena Wiggins (she/her) is a Best-Selling Transformational Author and MBA informed Purpose Doula. She wholeheartedly believes that purpose is the birthright of humanity and intentionally refers to all of humanity as Purpose Peeps.  Dena’s sweet spot of service is to transform the many ways of living survival as a lifestyle into the many ways of living thriving lives of purpose.  This shift is vital to members of BIPOC communities who have experienced systemic oppression as well as doing our individual and collective parts to the end intentional oppression that is the antithesis of th...

    • 38 min
    Life Shifts With Brandon Peele

    Life Shifts With Brandon Peele

    Purpose Peeps,

    During these unique times, you may be experiencing some emerging truths.  These truths bubble up on the inside and shake up our lives.  You may be thinking, do I really need any more disruption during a global pandemic and unprecedented social justice uprising, and whatever else is on our watch? It is during these times you can gain clarity on what you take a stand for and tap into what will sustain you during the marathon required for significant change.

    Like the lotus flower that grows through muddy waters, these emerging thoughts are unclear, perhaps nudges that something is shifting.  And this process does not come with an instruction manual and can be beautifully messy!

    During this episode, we have Purpose Peep, Brandon Peele with us.  Brandon lives and breathes purpose. Listen as Brandon takes us through some recent inner shifts.  We touch on some of the inner work that is happening within us that is shaping our responses to the clarion calls for we hear sounding loudly for change.

    Purpose Peeps, there is homework! Apply Brandon’s heart-centered advice to arrive at your authentic and intentional action towards your vision of flourishing.


    Brandon Peele (he/him) is a Midwesterner, best-selling author, international speaker, the Vice President, People Science at ion Learning. He has written / co-written 4 books on purpose activation and worked with many organizations to activate purpose-led and inclusive cultures. He has also taught at several universities and has had his work featured in media outlets such as Forbes, U.S. News and World Report, and Conscious Company Magazine.

    Brandon is a PGI Certified Purpose Guide™, Imperative Certified Purpose Leader™, serves on the Council of the Global Purpose Leaders and has an MBA in Leadership from Columbia Business School. He lives in San Diego with his wife, Stephanie.  To connect with Brandon, visit his website www.BrandonPeele.com.

    Dena Wiggins (she/her) is a Best-Selling Transformational Author and MBA informed Purpose Doula. She wholeheartedly believes that purpose is the birthright of humanity and intentionally refers to all of humanity as Purpose Peeps.  Dena’s sweet spot of service is to transform the many ways of living survival as a lifestyle into the many ways of living thriving lives of purpose.  This shift is vital to members of BIPOC communities who have experienced systemic oppression as well as doing our individual and collective parts to the end intentional oppression that is the antithesis of thriving lives of purpose.  Her style is to be a voice of shared experience meeting clients where they are on their sacred path to purpose journeys with empowering frameworks reflective of her lived experiences, Divine guidance, and learnings in–spirituality, facilitation, purpose, and strategy–all working in service of clients delivering their purposeful expression into the world.  Learn more and grow in connection at www.denawiggins.com.

    • 31 min
    The Connection Between Purpose & Race Relations With Donald Jenkins

    The Connection Between Purpose & Race Relations With Donald Jenkins

    2020 continues to be a year of vision in which the world is seeing injustices with new eyes and developing a passionate voice and stand for systemic change, especially in the area of race relations.  As the world witnessed the brutal murders of two Black men via video, the outcry has been heard around the world.  An authentic question for the sparked life community is how do these events live within our sparked life?

    Donald Jenkins, the CEO of Purpose Development Institute has a unique answer to that question.  His perspective is that this time in history is revealing the Purpose Deficit Disorder™ that is at the root of the problem of racism.  Focusing on our purpose development in a way that draws from our deep wells of purpose is the key to unlock the grit, commitment, and tools to galvanize the action steps and momentum beyond the protests.

    How did Mr. Jenkins develop this insight? How did he tap into his deep wells of purpose? In this episode of The #Sparked Life, we will hear the purpose story behind the soulution that led to the movement.  What movement?  Check out Donald Jenkin’s book, Building The Super Race™: Shaping Race Relations Through Purpose Development.  Get the book to learn the six steps to sustainable change in race relations. www.pdiatl.com


    Donald Jenkins is co-founder and CEO of Purpose Development Institute in Atlanta, Georgia.  Mr. Jenkins has spent 30 years and well over 20,000 hours researching deficiencies in human development and growth to create solutions for helping people and organizations reach the highest growth potential.  His vision for the Super Race™ Movement is to mobilize the world to explore the genius of purpose to end social injustices.

    Check out our COVID19 Sparked Life Support here.

    Dena Wiggins is a Transformational Author, Consultant, Certified Purpose Coach & MBA. She takes an unwavering stand for your purpose. Dena unlocks purpose in sparked Purpose Peeps facilitating businesses and organizations to transform into lighthouses that shine solutions into the marketplace, no matter what. As a Purposed Resultant, she combines her experiences and passion for spark, purpose, and strategy to create impactful solutions that deliver your results that matter. Learn more about her Unlock The Keys To Your Success And Turn Them Into Results® programs and A Life of Purpose® Products that shift your sparks (or ahas) into action at www.denawiggins.com.

    IKIGAI As A Purposed Resultant Program

    Freemiums For Your Purpose

    The Purpose Place: Activating Purpose In Younger Purpose Peeps

    A Life of Purpose Products

    • 45 min
    When Tragedy Births Purpose with Kenneth Barnes, Sr.

    When Tragedy Births Purpose with Kenneth Barnes, Sr.

    When the unthinkable happens, we are built to respond in fight, flight, or freeze.  Our bodies are wired to slow down, conserve energy, and limit our view to what is right in front of us. Remarkably, when tragedy happens, there are some Purpose Peeps who shift to evolve tragedy into some of the most purposeful action. Somehow they shift to see possibility in the middle of impossible grief.

    As we are months into the world’s response to the COVID19 pandemic, many of us are experiencing the extreme stressors of the attack on human life as well as the painful requirements to reduce its impact.  During this time, the ailments of our time are revealed in full view as the capacity of the world is too full and stretched to cover them.

    During the last weeks, the world mourned with the family of Ahmaud Arbery as we watched the video of his murder amongst intense public outcry.  Let me ask the question that is the elephant in the room, does the sparked life matter and exist within such difficult and challenging times?  While the world is in survival mode, is thriving an option?

    Thanks to a friend sharing his heartbreak about Ahmaud’s murder, I was reminded of a part of my purpose story, my family history, that is so painful I locked it away.  Locked away with that pain and trauma is also the story of a family hero who in the face of indescribable pain, weaved an amazing story of love, purpose, and social advocacy.

    I am thrilled that The #Sparked Life Podcast’s first interview format features a painfully complex and beautiful purpose story that will help us answer some of the big questions many have during this challenging time of history.  Please open your hearts and hear a story of a tragedy that birthed purpose and societal change with Mr. Kenneth Barnes, Sr., Community Leader, Purpose Prize Fellow, Founder of Reaching Out to Others Together (ROOT Inc.) and father.  Here how the unthinkable allowed him to coin the term, Chronic Traumatic Stress Disorder™  (CTSD) that built a platform for change in how we view and treat youth who are repeatedly traumatized by gun violence.


    Other Podcast FormatsOther Podcast Formats

    Check out our COVID19 Sparked Life Support here.

    Dena Wiggins is a Transformational Author, Consultant, Certified Purpose Coach & MBA. She takes an unwavering stand for your purpose. Dena unlocks purpose in sparked Purpose Peeps facilitating businesses and organizations to transform into lighthouses that shine solutions into the marketplace, no matter what. As a Purposed Resultant, she combines her experiences and passion for spark, purpose, and strategy to create impactful solutions that deliver your results that matter. Learn more about her Unlock The Keys To Your Success And Turn Them Into Results® programs and A Life of Purpose® Products that shift your sparks (or ahas) into action at www.denawiggins.com.

    IKIGAI As A Purposed Resultant Program

    Freemiums For Your Purpose

    The Purpose Place: Activating Purpose In Younger Purpose Peeps

    A Life of Purpose Products

    • 45 min
    Survival Is Not The Eneny

    Survival Is Not The Eneny

    Purpose Peep,

    Have you heard statements that pit surviving against thriving?  Some sound like, “go from surviving to thriving.” I went so far in one of my tag lines to say, “end survival as a lifestyle to thrive in your life of purpose.”  During my exploration of yes/and strategies,  I heard the divide and could see another possibility.

    Surviving and thriving are not at war with one another or at opposite ends of a spectrum.  We are wired to kick into survival mode when needed and to return to our homestate when the danger is no longer present.  The issue lies in staying in survival mode in a defensive posture, which can be problematic to thriving in life, which requires being open, vulnerable and available to our path to purpose journey and experiences.

    I realized my desired outcome for myself and clients is not to end survival as a lifestyle but to transform survival as a lifestyle by letting it be just what it is–a temporary strategy.  We are all living through temporary survival strategies as our response to the COVID19 pandemic.  Life will shift as we live and heal through this experience.

    I believe that as we co-create our new normal, what we learn and cultivate during this time will become the bedrock, the strong foundation, for what will come.  In this episode, let’s unlock and face our survival patterns of old and hold them up to the light of now and who we are becoming as Purpose Peeps.

    Listen here.

    Check out our COVID19 Sparked Life Support here.

    Dena Wiggins is a Transformational Author, Consultant, Certified Purpose Coach & MBA. She takes an unwavering stand for your purpose. Dena unlocks purpose in sparked Purpose Peeps facilitating businesses and organizations to transform into lighthouses that shine solutions into the marketplace, no matter what. As a Purposed Resultant, she combines her experiences and passion for spark, purpose, and strategy to create impactful solutions that deliver your results that matter. Learn more about her Unlock The Keys To Your Success And Turn Them Into Results® programs and A Life of Purpose® Products that shift your sparks (or ahas) into action at www.denawiggins.com.

    IKIGAI As A Purposed Resultant Program

    Connecting With Purpose Compilation Newspaper

    Freemiums For Your Purpose

    The Purpose Place: Activating Purpose In Younger Purpose Peeps

    A Life of Purpose Products

    • 34 min
    The Elephant In The Room Of Your Sparked Life

    The Elephant In The Room Of Your Sparked Life

    Purpose Peeps,

    Many of us are experiencing an uninvited guest in our sparked life–it’s an elephant in the room!  The more we try to ignore it, bypass it, positive think it, optimism it, or try to jump on its back and drive it out; it looks at us and enters another room in our lives.

    COVID-19 is the Divine storm and its disruption is the elephant moving through the rooms of our lives. Daily we see rooms we thought were off-limits being entered.  That signals the depth of shifts and changes required to weather this storm.

    So how do we still live our sparked lives, now, while also being present to the Divine storm that brought the elephant in our rooms? We are learning our way through and being present for answers that are bubbling up.  This episode shares a few that are popping up in our no BS zone!

    Let’s unlock:

    * The nature of Divine storms

    * The purpose of elephants in our rooms

    * What Divine storms reveal

    * The importance of putting on our safety vests

    * How to tap into our sustaining factor

    * How our faith muscle is being strengthened

    Purpose Peeps, no homework this time.  We are all doing the work in adjusting our lives, hearts, and perspective as we weather this storm–together.  What’s bubbling up for you?  What sacred truths are you living out loud through this experience? How is your faith muscle being strengthened? Check out the episode on iTunes and other mediums.

    Dena Wiggins is a Transformational Author, Consultant, Certified Purpose Coach & MBA. She takes an unwavering stand for your purpose. Dena unlocks purpose in sparked Purpose Peeps facilitating businesses and organizations to transform into lighthouses that shine solutions into the marketplace, no matter what. As a Purposed Resultant, she combines her experiences and passion for spark, purpose, and strategy to create impactful solutions that deliver your results that matter. Learn more about her Unlock The Keys To Your Success And Turn Them Into Results® programs and A Life of Purpose® Products that shift your sparks (or ahas) into action at www.denawiggins.com.

    IKIGAI As A Purposed Resultant Program

    Freemiums For Your Purpose

    The Purpose Place: Activating Purpose In Younger Purpose Peeps

    A Life of Purpose Products

    • 47 min

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