Episode 230 : Welcome to this week’s episode of PI-perspectives. Today we have a special episode. Matt welcomes back Jim Gagliano. Jim had an amazing career with the FBI and then worked for CNN as a law enforcement analyst. The guys discuss the state of Law enforcement, investigations and the struggle to continue to operate in private practice as the political environment effects our professional relationships. Recently the Mayor of New York City was indicted and this has affected the New York City Police department. This episode touches on how to navigate as an investigator in these politically tense times. Please welcome Jim Gagliano and your host, Private Investigator, Matt Spaier Links: Matt’s email: MatthewS@Satellitepi.com Linkedin: Matthew Spaier www.investigators-toolbox.com Jim on Linkedin: James Gagliano Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund www.policedefense.org PI-Perspectives Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYB3MaUg8k5w3k7UuvT6s0g Sponsors: https://piinstitute.com/ https://pi-perspectivesinsurance.com/ https://www.trackops.com/ https://www.skopenow.com https://researchfpr.com/ FBI Tip Line https://tips.fbi.gov/home https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/newyork/about - (212) 384-1000
- 节目
- 频率两月一更
- 发布时间2024年10月7日 UTC 07:00
- 长度51 分钟
- 分级儿童适宜