33 min

The Story and Impact of The Physician Coach Support Organization With Dr. Diana Londoño Doctors Changing Medicine

    • Careers

Physical manifestations of burnout are the end-stage manifestation of chronic stress. Dr. Londoño underwent burnout twice, with the second one lasting almost a year and manifesting physically. Her husband once described her as a negative person who he wouldn't want to be around, and this was her final tocsin. She decided to venture into life coaching and is now supporting fellow Physicians.Dr. Diana Londoño is one of the 10% female urologists in the US. She is a Urology Specialist in Los Ange...

Physical manifestations of burnout are the end-stage manifestation of chronic stress. Dr. Londoño underwent burnout twice, with the second one lasting almost a year and manifesting physically. Her husband once described her as a negative person who he wouldn't want to be around, and this was her final tocsin. She decided to venture into life coaching and is now supporting fellow Physicians.Dr. Diana Londoño is one of the 10% female urologists in the US. She is a Urology Specialist in Los Ange...

33 min