The Strange Advice Special - How to make drinking LESS feel better.

Radical Healing with Jessica Betancourt

Hi friend!

Thank you for being here and working on transforming your drinking behavior so that you can feel more aligned, creative, and excited. ; )

In todays episode, I am sharing 5 irregular things that have helped me find pleasure in being someone who drinks less - way LESS, and how you can have fun while doing it!

If you would like to take Mindful Drinking practice even deeper - here are some services that I offer:

8 Week private program to Heal your Relationship with Alcohol

6 Week online, on demand course to Re-Write your Story about Drinking

SALUD! A Mindful Drinking membership community for Spiritually inclined people.

A FREE Mindful Drinking Starter Guide

La Vida Salud on IG

To your health and healing!


#mindfuldrinking #sobercurious #dryjanuary #consciousconsumption

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