105 episodes

The Strong and Capable, hosted by Brigette Heller, a nationally syndicated speaker and semi finalist of The Next Great American speaker, is a show about becoming emotionally, mentally and spiritually resilient in a world that is increasingly chaotic. In this show we talk real, we laugh, we overcome and we evolve.

If you're tired of waking up to a life you don’t enjoy, if you question what your purpose is and if what you do even matters, If you are ready to light the spark within and become the human you're meant to be, start listening today. It’s time to become STRONG AND CAPABLE.

The Strong and Capable with Host Brigette Heller Brigette Heller

    • Education
    • 4.9 • 61 Ratings

The Strong and Capable, hosted by Brigette Heller, a nationally syndicated speaker and semi finalist of The Next Great American speaker, is a show about becoming emotionally, mentally and spiritually resilient in a world that is increasingly chaotic. In this show we talk real, we laugh, we overcome and we evolve.

If you're tired of waking up to a life you don’t enjoy, if you question what your purpose is and if what you do even matters, If you are ready to light the spark within and become the human you're meant to be, start listening today. It’s time to become STRONG AND CAPABLE.

    How to say YES to the things you want with Felicia Romero and Brigette Heller S.5 E. 9

    How to say YES to the things you want with Felicia Romero and Brigette Heller S.5 E. 9

    Local fitness go-to Felicia went to Arizona State where she played softball. She also has
    her Masters degree in Exercise and Wellness from the University.
    ● 8 time fitness cover model including Oxygen magazine, Muscle and Fitness Hers and
    Flex magazine.
    ● She opened up her first gym at 22 years old and over the years has built and ran her
    gyms until 2 years ago when she sold Fit Method to create more time freedom in her life
    and build her online business to help people all around the nation.
    ● She has had stints on reality TV, local and national TV and with her most recent reality
    TV experience on Fit To Fat To Fit that aired on LIfetime where she had to gain and lose weight for her sister who lost over 80 lbs in the process. She also is a regular on Fox 10 news, Arizona Family, CBS and NBC.
    ● Today, Felicia mentors entrepreneurs and fitness coaches helping them build their brand and business online through her new program The Wealthy Wellness Coach and Host of the Hi Felicia Podcast and founder of Luna True Nutrition.

      📍 your thoughts can change and your opinions can change over time And you grow as a human and what you thought, at one time in your life changes because of a certain situation that you've been through or a new tool that you've learned and how to cope and deal- Felicia

    - we just spend so much time questioning what we already know, if we would just allow ourselves to sit in the belief and peace of knowing. How much noise can we cut out? - Brigette

    -  remembering is. The quickest portal to becoming  and the reason that's important is because, despite what you have gone through, what the world has thrown at you, or the world has told you what you should be, what society has, has deemed right or isn't right, or what social media and, you know, random people on the internet are telling you what's wrong, what isn't wrong.

    It's actually, you already know, you just have to remember. And we only remember through, for me, the tools that have helped me is honestly getting back to childlike behavior, to fun, to dreaming, to slowing down, Remembering is the quickest portal to becoming exactly who you're meant to become, right? We, it's already within us. There's amazing tools out there. There's things that can help us, the things that can catalyst us or, or move things quicker. But like, honestly, it's everything you have is already inside of you.

    You just have to believe and trust and have the faith that you can do it or it's there for you.- Felicia

    - you lean into the curiosity that breeds creativity and creativity creates possibility.- Brigette

    How to connect with Felicia:


    How to Connect with Brigette:



    • 48 min
    What the world needs now... HOPE S.5 E.7

    What the world needs now... HOPE S.5 E.7

    Brigette Heller, Host of The Strong and Capable Podcast, takes a moment to reflect and share authentically how the Journey is never easy, but that HOPE is always the anchor to peace.


    📍 Fear is exhausting. Doubting yourself is exhausting. You need to do things that are life giving, life bringing. And fear, confusion, doubt, self loathing, no. These deplete you, they empty you, they shorten your life emotionally, spiritually, physically, mentally.

    And you need the strength and the life that comes from goodness, from love, from light, from hope.

      📍 Pay attention to the things that keep showing up. Sometimes they're divine messages, divine downloads, as we like to call them.

    And sometimes they're unresolved things that need to be healed. They're ready for it. You're ready for the healing. Okay. So pay attention.

      📍 isn't it amazing. How powerful light is that there's all this darkness and yet the silver lining always exists

      📍 there are key moments in our life where we know we are different.

    And what I'm offering to you today is that difference is what makes you beautiful

      📍 Hope Summit is about connecting those who spread and give hope with those seeking hope.

    Hope summit is about creating an environment where we can spark that light of hope within the individual who is. With us in this moment, hope summit is about taking that light and fanning the beautiful flame so that it can expand and grow into a fire. It's about lighting the world with light.

      📍 This is a crossroads and this crossroads is filled with the light. And so as I remember that girl who was nine, who all she saw was light.

    In the darkness, I'm realizing that in the world today, where there is so much darkness, we need those who seek light. We need those who embrace light. We need those who are light. And we need to band together to create more hope and light in this world. Because it exists. Love exists, hope exists, light exists, peace exists.

      📍 that's what the world needs to know. You can be falling apart in every way and still have hope and peace inside of yourself.

    That you are meant for more than the chaos you exist in. You are meant for more than anxiety and depression and hurt and abuse. You deserve light, hope, love, forgiveness, kindness. And so this summit is about creating that and I felt the need to get on here for all of you who are like, I don't always know who I am.

    I don't always know why I've been through these things. I don't always know why I've had to suffer. And I'm here to tell you. That your suffering has made you who you are. It probably wasn't fair. It probably wasn't right. I'm not in your life. I have no, authority to speak on your hurt and your pain and your suffering.

    But I do know Pain, hurt and suffering. And I know that if you will give hope a chance that something Unique will come to you that only you can do in the way you can do it doesn't mean other people haven't done it It means you will do it in a way that's unique to you and that the world needs your specific kind of light

      📍 hope is coming. Light is coming. You are not alone. You are strong and capable. That spirit within you is a fighter. So fight the good fight. Know that you are loved, that you are light, and that you are needed in this world

    To Connect with Brigette:

    Email: Info@thestrongandcapable.com

    IG: Brigette.heller

    FB: The Strong and Capable


    • 14 min
    Taking off the Mask of Addiction With Danny Deaton and Brigette Heller S.5 E.6

    Taking off the Mask of Addiction With Danny Deaton and Brigette Heller S.5 E.6

    Once homeless, incarcerated and shackled by addictions that nearly took his life, Danny Deaton is now a husband, father of three, and 16 years clean and sober. Danny is the founder of Living Proof Recovery Services; a company whose mission is to save families who are losing the battle of addiction inside their home. Seeing the lack of resources and support for families affected by addiction, Danny determined to become the resource. He and his wife Emily have produced the world’s first comprehensive program to educate and support families and spouses of addicts. They also host the Your Living Proof Podcast where they discuss addiction, marriage, faith, and family life. Danny’s motto is “Our Secrets Keep Us Sick”, a phrase he attributes to saving his life and continues to bless him today. He passionately shares this message in schools, churches, rooms of recovery and communities around the country.

    I believe that Satan, the opposition is very opportunistic- Danny Deaton

    The thing about addictions is they're progressive.- Danny Deaton

     we're here to help. But if you're not ready, I've told God that he can have you.- Danny Deaton

     really that every step of that process was just learning how to like, to sit in discomfort and to see myself for who I was.- Danny Deaton

      📍 the program of recovery, regardless of what you, where you go, what facility it is, what the approach is. It's really about reconnecting. They use the term. I'm a higher power, right? Cause a lot of people it's so intimidating to even put a name on it, but it's reconnecting and being able to latch on to a power greater than yourself that can restore you to sanity.- Danny Deaton

    And then,  of course, once you've become something new within that container, then you have to go out and Do something. Now you have purpose- Brigette Heller

      📍 right now, the number one leading cause of death individuals, 18 to 45. And I'm talking by a mile. The number one is overdose to fentanyl. And we're talking of everything. It actually overdose to fentanyl is. Has more deaths right now, people 18 to 45, then car accidents and heart disease combined.- Danny Deaton

     📍 What I say is the greatest threat to the world in it of addiction is a family who effectively learns to intervene and how to support a person in a full program recovery. So we created the playbook for families.- Danny Deaton

       📍 can't help everybody. What am I going to do? I'm going to go and help people like my family. When I was stuck, teach them what my family learned because my addiction of many years came to a halt in a matter of months. Once my family learned how to effectively intervene, how to stand united.

    And to stand up against the bully of addiction- Danny Deaton

      📍 I don't know a single person who has addiction, whether it's cocaine or it's sugar, that isn't seeking relief.

    Addiction is usually someone who is seeking relief.- Brigette Heller

    To Connect with Danny Deaton: 

    IG: @yourlivingproof 


    To Connect with Brigette Heller

    IG: @brigette.heller   


    Email: Brigette@thestrongandcapable.com

    • 41 min
    How to Find Hope, When Hope Feels Lost S. 5 E. 5

    How to Find Hope, When Hope Feels Lost S. 5 E. 5

    Brigette Disscusses 3 toxic ideas in the world right now that are keeping people from healing and the help they need to heal. She Also shares a few thoughts on what is happening in Israel right now and also how we can find hope when hope feels gone. 

    Quotes from the show:

     we are meant to love, not to hate. And so when hate is prevalent, when hate is winning, when hate is so vicious and in our face, it's heartbreaking because we're meant to love, we're meant to be liked, we're meant to serve and encourage and lift and create.

    We're meant to explore. And when hate rules, none of these things happen.

    And yet, we are feeling these intense emotions. And so living this Duality of feelings versus doing can be very hard and very tiring. So I guess the first thing I want to say before I share this message is give yourself a chance to rest. Understand that anything you're feeling right now is real and if it's adding to your already struggles.

    You are not alone. Please don't be alone. Please seek out a divine source. Please seek out community. Please do not do it alone. Humans are not meant to do this journey alone and If you're like, I don't need that, I just need space, then give yourself the space to feel, maybe journal, go into a place and let your feelings be felt and seen and heard and acknowledged.

      I think it's probably strong emotions for a lot of us. And so we have learned that separation is safety. If I don't say my opinion and if I don't share my thoughts, then I am safe from ridicule, from hurt, I am safe from opinions, and I will be able to keep my tribe because we are so deeply ingrained with it.

    We're tribal. We need our tribe. We want our tribe. We want to feel wanted, needed, and loved. Like, this is so ingrained in us. And so we would do anything not to upset our perceived tribe, whatever that looks like. Whether it's our social media contacts, our church community, our work community, it doesn't matter.

     there's truth everywhere. So the truth actually lies in the middle, usually of our extreme opinion versus someone else's.

    Exploration and curiosity allow us to see that more clearly, and have empathy, for others

    2.  this next lie that we are being sold that is so unhealthy, so toxic for our generation.

    And that's that. Actions can be justified if there's enough hate, enough hurt, enough trauma, that actions are justified.

     the rise of the anti hero has become such a celebrated figure. This is not what we should be glorifying. It's not healthy for us. And it adds to that, I call it the middle finger to the world, it adds to that thought of, Well, I'm, I'm traumatized, so I did this, so if you don't get me, middle finger to you.

    No, no! If you can understand you're traumatized, go get that stinking help! We need more healers! Not more haters. So there is no justification to harm spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, someone who is abusive in those areas. There is no justification of their struggle that makes them allowed to hurt other people.

    There is no justification. I'm sorry. We have to stop that. Do they need help? Yes. Can we help them get help? Yes. But we are creating more victims when we justify. That the hurt people hurt people and it's just part of life 

     To Connect with Brigette: 

    IG: @brigette.heller

    FB: THe Strong and Capable

    Email: Brigette@thestrongandcapable.com

    • 28 min
    Taking on thoughts and emotions with Jody Moore and Brigette Heller S. 5 E.4

    Taking on thoughts and emotions with Jody Moore and Brigette Heller S. 5 E.4

    After having her first two kids, Jody Moore struggled with work/life balance, embracing motherhood, and liking herself. As an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints she felt guilty for not loving the role of mother and wife, and turned to life coaching for help. The transformation she experienced not only helped her at work and at home, it strengthened her testimony of Christ leading her to dive into learning the tools of coaching and to leave her position as a corporate leadership coach to launch her own coaching practice. Jody is certified through The Life Coach School and completed Master Coach Certification in 2018. Today, as an LDS Life Coach, Jody has helped tens of thousands of people through her top-rated podcast Better Than Happy as well as her coaching membership program Be Bold. She has 4 children ages 7 – 17 and resides in Spokane, Washington with them, her husband, and their French bulldog Finn, mini cavapoo Milo, and cat Oscar.

     📍 when we're ready to hear the truth, the truth can can be a gift.- Jody Moore

      📍 when we get our identity,  from whether it be a job or, being a mom, whatever it is,  if our, all of our fulfillment and our validation and our identity comes from that thing, we do.

    That thing is likely going to change at some point, right? Either like you and I, we got laid off or, , the kids are going to leave the house at one point. And then you realize, wait a second that I can't build my foundation on the thing I do. That is never was my identity or your identity. We just thought it was, and that's good to know so that you can build it.- Jody Moore

    Like you said, on something more solid. Yes. So the visual I like for identity, like world identity versus divine identity is a Picasso painting because it's just out. You look at it. You're like, what's funky about this. I don't know what to do with that. And, you know, because I was like a funny nose over here, that's purple.

    And then a green eye or just everything's wacky. And then when you are. world identity, your jobs, your identity as a parent or not parent or dog mom or whatever you are. When it shifts, then it feels even more awkward than the original Picasso painting. But your divine identity is not like that at all.

    It's this layer underneath that is just solid and always. The same and I have this picture of it's really beautiful painting of an angel and she's all this light and colors around her and it's so you can see the colors of the Picasso painting to this angel with the colors around her and those are pieces of her but they are not her -Brigette Heller

      📍 I don't even have to figure out the thoughts in the beginning, at least.

    And in many cases, I just need to stay empowered. Like look at me, frustrating myself with whatever I'm believing right now about this situation that has been. Not only like in my family and  my daily life, but even in growing my business, just knowing that I'm creating all my feelings. And then those feelings are determining who I become, what I do next and what I then create in my life. -Jody Moore

       📍 if you can understand something, yeah, so complicated and simplify it, that means you actually understand it. And I think that's really when it comes to thoughts and feelings and all of this, it sounds simple, but until it becomes simple, you don't understand it. You don't understand it. We try and deep dive all the time and we got to stay surface first, be aware and then move on it. -Brigette Heller


      To Connect with Jody Moore:


    To get her Free E-book: Better Than Happy:  


    To Connect with Brigette Heller:


    IG: Brigette.heller

    FB: The Strong and Capable

    Email: brigette@thestrongandcapable.com

    • 42 min
    The Journey of Becoming Strong and Capable- 100th Episode Celebration with Brigette Heller and Jazzael Taylor

    The Journey of Becoming Strong and Capable- 100th Episode Celebration with Brigette Heller and Jazzael Taylor

    We flipped the script for this Episode Friend and Connected in Christ Co-host Jazzael Taylor comes on the show to interview Brigette Heller in this 100th episode celebration!

    How did the podcast start? Whats been hard about it? Why do you keep podcasting? What are you goals for The Strong and Capable? And what legacy do you want to leave for your kids? Just a few of the questions Jazzael throws down and Brigette answers with her always authentic self showing up and being real.


    " it was God and Google"- Brigette on how she learned to podcast and kept going.

    People want to share their story. They want to share their message wether they are writing books or not, we all want to be seen and heard ad valued for our experience.- Brigette

    My goal with The Strong and Capable is to always help people love themselves.

    Being strong is not the same as being perfect. Being Perfect comes from a place of fear, but strength comes from a place of courage, bravery and peace.

    No day is promised, so if something happened to me today, my most important thoughts, or most of them. are recorded in a hundred episodes. The thoughts on whoe we are as humans, how to be wildly brave, how to work through your mindset, hot to remember who you are when you feel lost. They are all recorded in these episodes.

    To get connect with Brigette:

    Instagram: Brigette.heller


    FB: The Strong and Capable

    • 43 min

Customer Reviews

4.9 out of 5
61 Ratings

61 Ratings

mtsweetone ,


Brigette is such an amazing person. She helps you reflect internally and become the strong and capable woman you truly are!

Let’s Unpack That w Alex&Grace ,

Super encouraging!

I love how Brigette and her guests dive into real-life topics and struggles based on their own, authentic, personal experiences - and from these, they share such invaluable wisdom and insights that help you step into freedom, be equipped with hope and encouragement, and live by faith in your own life. Such a gem of a podcast!!

bullenkeli ,


Love that I found this podcast! Excellent information and a great listen.

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