134 episodes

The Structural Engineering Channel (TSEC) focuses on helping structural engineering professionals stay up to date on technical trends in the field. Our hosts for the show, Mathew Picardal, PE, and Cara Green, EIT interviews engineers ranging from recent engineering graduates to professionals from top engineering organizations on professional development topics for structural engineers to facilitate career advancement.

Topics covered include but are not limited to performance-based design, fasteners and connections, post-tensioned structures, smart structures, tsunami modelling, earthquake engineering, software solutions, seismic design, blast resistant design, wood, business issues and professional development for structural engineers, how to specify things effectively, and more.

The Structural Engineering Channel Mathew Picardal, PE, SE & Rachel Holland, P.E.

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    • 4.2 • 19 Ratings

The Structural Engineering Channel (TSEC) focuses on helping structural engineering professionals stay up to date on technical trends in the field. Our hosts for the show, Mathew Picardal, PE, and Cara Green, EIT interviews engineers ranging from recent engineering graduates to professionals from top engineering organizations on professional development topics for structural engineers to facilitate career advancement.

Topics covered include but are not limited to performance-based design, fasteners and connections, post-tensioned structures, smart structures, tsunami modelling, earthquake engineering, software solutions, seismic design, blast resistant design, wood, business issues and professional development for structural engineers, how to specify things effectively, and more.

    TSEC 134: How to Successfully Overcome Obstacles in Bridge Design Projects

    TSEC 134: How to Successfully Overcome Obstacles in Bridge Design Projects

    In this episode, we talk with Brianne Kliphardt, EIT, a bridge design engineer at AECOM, about the world of bridge design engineering. From discussing the difference between superstructure and substructure to offering advice for engineers on overcoming obstacles in bridge design projects, this conversation covers it all.

    ***The video version of this episode can be viewed here.***

    Engineering Quotes:

    Here Are Some of the Questions We Ask Brianne:

    As a bridge engineer with several years of experience, what are your daily responsibilities?

    Can you describe what bridge design entails?

    What made you choose bridge design over building design?

    What do you find most exciting about bridge design?

    Did any mentors or role models influence your path to becoming an engineer?

    As someone eager to learn and grow, what skills are you currently working on developing in your career?

    What's the difference between superstructure and substructure?

    When hiring a senior bridge engineer, what qualities and skills does your company look for in a candidate?

    What advice would you give to a young person interested in becoming an engineer, particularly in bridge design or related fields?

    Here Are Some of the Key Points Discussed About How to Successfully Overcome Obstacles in Bridge Design Projects:

    As a bridge engineer, Brianne tackles daily tasks like calculations using Mathcad and Excel, creating CAD plans, and working with her team to solve design challenges and respond to contractor queries.

    Bridge design involves creating, analyzing, and engineering structures that span obstacles like rivers or highways. Engineers use software for calculations and CAD for drafting, ensuring projects meet safety and efficiency standards, whether building new bridges, rehabilitating existing ones, or expanding infrastructure.

    Brianne chose bridge design over building design due to her childhood passion for math and art, sparked by a moment questioning a bridge collapse in a movie. This led her to realize that applying these skills to engineering, specifically in bridge design, was her calling.

    The most exciting part of bridge design is its tangible impact on the landscape, where completed projects stand as testaments to engineering achievement. The industry's dynamic nature, with ongoing advancements and challenges, encourages creativity and innovation among engineers.

    Mentors and role models have been instrumental in Brianne's journey to becoming an engineer. From her grandfather's early influence nurturing her problem-solving skills to supportive professors in college, along with mentors at her previous company and her current manager, they have provided crucial support and guidance, shaping her career and strengthening her confidence.

    Brianne is actively enhancing her skills in substructure and seismic design, crucial for projects on the West Coast. While she feels proficient in concrete superstructure design, her focus now is expanding her expertise in structural design overall.

    In bridge engineering, substructure refers to foundational elements like columns and cross-beams while superstructure encompasses girders, decks, and diaphragms, the components above the substructure. Understanding these distinctions is key to grasping the anatomy of a standard bridge design.

    When hiring a senior bridge engineer, firms typically seek candidates with strong technical leadership and mentorship skills. They look for individuals who hold or are eligible for an SE license and can effectively collaborate in a team-oriented, in-person environment.

    For young individuals interested in engineering, especially in bridge design or related fields, it's crucial to find a supportive team where you can freely share ideas and excel.

    • 29 min
    TSEC 133: Networking Skills That Will Contribute to Engineering Career Growth

    TSEC 133: Networking Skills That Will Contribute to Engineering Career Growth

    In this episode, we talk with Matthew Cristi, a talented design engineer at KPFF Consulting Engineers and a dedicated First Lieutenant in the United States Air Force. Matthew shares his unique journey of juggling a dynamic engineering career while serving in the Air Force Reserves. He also reveals the secrets of effective networking skills for career growth and offers practical advice for young engineers aiming to make their mark in the industry.

    ***The video version of this episode can be viewed here.***

    Engineering Quotes:

    Here Are Some of the Questions We Ask Matthew:

    What values and influences do you believe drove your motivation and focus, resulting in your successful early career?

    Is your uncle a structural engineer for Disneyland?

    Were you the ASCE Student Chapter President at CSUN during your undergrad?

    How has your networking skills from your time as ASCE president at CSUN continued to impact your career, and what advice do you have for engineers about effective networking skills?

    What tip would you give engineers who want to expand their network?

    After Stanford, what led you to join the Air Force, and how have those unique experiences impacted your engineering career?

    As a design engineer, how does your work designing military bases in the desert fit into your schedule and team dynamics?

    During weekend training for readiness, do you also work on projects, calculations, and blueprints, or is it primarily physical training?

    What advice would you give young engineers starting out or seeking to make a significant impact in their field?

    Here Are Some of the Key Points Discussed About Networking Skills That Will Contribute to Engineering Career Growth:

    Witnessing firsthand the determination and passion of a role model, such as Matthew's mother who sets and achieves ambitious goals like running marathons in their mid-forties, has strongly influenced the drive and focus that propelled Matthew's successful early career.

    Matthew's uncle began his career as a structural engineer for Disneyland before transitioning into other roles within the industry, offering valuable guidance and mentorship along Matthew's professional path.

    Matthew served as the ASCE Student Chapter President at CSUN during his undergraduate years, a role that provided him with leadership experience and opportunities to engage deeply with civil engineering initiatives.

    Networking during Matthew's time as ASCE president at CSUN has been crucial for his career, expanding his connections and providing ongoing mentorship. His advice for engineers emphasizes the importance of networking actively, attending industry events, and building genuine relationships to advance professionally.

    Engineers should focus on using LinkedIn, maintaining a professional social media presence, and carrying business cards. They should also attend industry events, join organizations, and seek mentorship to expand their network effectively.

    After Stanford, Matthew joined the Air Force for unique experiences that have greatly influenced his engineering career, providing valuable insights into teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving in challenging environments.

    Designing military bases in desert environments as a design engineer involves careful scheduling and teamwork coordination. It requires adapting to unique challenges like remote locations and specific infrastructure needs, requiring flexible work arrangements to ensure project success.

    During weekend training in the Air Force Reserves, engineers develop beddown plans for airfields, planning utilities, infrastructure, and preparing for operational readiness through calculations and blueprint work.

    For young engineers starting out or aiming to make a significant impact,

    • 30 min
    TSEC 132: How Breakthrough Programming Tech Is Shaping Structural Engineering

    TSEC 132: How Breakthrough Programming Tech Is Shaping Structural Engineering

    In this episode, we talk with Santosh Vangala, a structural engineer at AECOM, about how programming tech is transforming structural design, the importance of mastering engineering software early in your career, and the future of the structural engineering industry.

    ***The video version of this episode can be viewed here.***

    Engineering Quotes:

    Here Are Some of the Questions We Ask Santosh:

    What are some challenging yet fulfilling projects you've worked on?

    How have you utilized your knowledge of encoding and Python in your structural designs?

    What common mistakes have you observed that scripting helped mitigate in terms of ensuring accurate column load takedown and foundation calculations?

    How do engineers unfamiliar with Python start using it at work, and how did you introduce its use in your workplace?

    How can companies address quality control and coding proficiency concerns when introducing scripting tools, and what strategies can engineers use to promote wider adoption?

    Can you suggest resources for engineers new to programming tech tools in structural engineering to implement automated quality control checks effectively?

    Could you tell us about being recognized as a top young professional by the Engineering News-Record (ENR)?

    Where do you see the future of structural engineering heading in the next few years?

    Where do you see the role of the structural engineer heading, with automation and artificial intelligence (AI) potentially reducing the need for multiple engineers?

    What's your final piece of advice for structural engineers looking to make a significant impact in their field?

    Here Are Some of the Key Points Discussed About How Breakthrough Programming Tech Is Shaping Structural Engineering:

    One of the most challenging yet fulfilling projects Santosh worked on was taking over management of a project after his supervisor left the company unexpectedly. It provided valuable lessons in managing scope creep and coordinating with various trades, ultimately contributing to his growth in project management and adaptability.

    Santosh uses Python and encoding skills to automate structural design tasks, improving accuracy and efficiency in creating construction drawings and calculations.

    Scripting with Python has reduced errors in column load takedown and foundation calculations by automating these processes, ensuring more accurate structural designs.

    Engineers unfamiliar with Python can start by learning basic scripting skills to automate tasks and extract data. Python was introduced in the workplace by demonstrating its efficiency in automating structural design processes, emphasizing its role in enhancing accuracy and efficiency.

    To address quality control concerns, companies should implement rigorous script review processes involving senior engineers. Engineers can promote wider adoption by providing training on scripting tools and highlighting their benefits in enhancing efficiency and reducing errors in design and analysis tasks.

    New engineers in structural engineering scripting tools can start with Coursera's "Introduction to Python 3 Programming" from the University of Michigan. They can also find practical guidance on implementing automated quality control checks with Python and Revit APIs through PyRevit's YouTube tutorials.

    Being recognized as a top young professional by ENR acknowledges significant contributions in the field, reflecting both personal achievements and the support of a talented team. It shows the importance of community involvement and mentorship, promoting the impact of giving back beyond daily professional responsibilities.

    In the near future, expect significant advancements in automation, AI, and sustainable building practices in engineering.

    TSEC 131: Powerful Ways to Address the Hidden Gaps in Engineering Education

    TSEC 131: Powerful Ways to Address the Hidden Gaps in Engineering Education

    In this episode, we talk with Bill Woodburn, founder and chairman of the board at Engineering Tomorrow, about the creation and impact of Engineering Tomorrow and the significant talent gaps in engineering education.

    ***The video version of this episode can be viewed here.***

    Engineering Quotes:

    Here Are Some of the Questions We Ask Bill:

    What made you decide to start your company, Engineering Tomorrow?

    Can you give a brief background on Engineering Tomorrow and what you do there?

    How can teachers become involved in your program?

    What significant gaps in engineering education do you encounter, and how is Engineering Tomorrow working to address them?

    How did your roles at GE and your experiences in other companies prepare you for designing and building Engineering Tomorrow?

    What are the main barriers to entering engineering today, and do you see your students overcoming them?

    What meaningful impact have you observed Engineering Tomorrow having on the students and teachers you work with?

    What are some of the most popular classes you offer?

    Can you elaborate on the impact Engineering Tomorrow is having, and how can someone interested in getting involved do so?

    Do you think having these classes in high school would have made it easier for us to choose a career in engineering?

    What advice do you have for new engineers starting their careers?

    Here Are Some of the Key Points Discussed About Powerful Ways to Address the Hidden Gaps in Engineering Education:

    The decision to start Engineering Tomorrow came from a desire to help underserved high school students by exposing them to engineering principles. By focusing on grades 9 to 11, the aim was to inspire more students to pursue engineering, providing them with a strong foundation in math and science.

    Engineering Tomorrow provides 22 hands-on labs in fields like aerospace and biomedical engineering for high school students. These labs make math and science exciting by connecting them to real-world applications, reaching hundreds of thousands of students online.

    Teachers can join the Engineering Tomorrow program by signing up on the website to receive free kits and lesson plans, with the program handling most logistics. This makes it easy for teachers to incorporate into their classrooms.

    High school students often lack exposure to real-world engineering applications of their math and science lessons. Engineering Tomorrow bridges this gap in engineering education by providing hands-on experiences that show students how subjects like physics, chemistry, and calculus are used to solve real engineering problems.

    Bill's roles at GE and experiences in other companies equipped him with strategic thinking, budget optimization skills, and team-building expertise. These experiences helped him organize and create effective teams, leading to the successful design and implementation of Engineering Tomorrow.

    Engineering faces barriers like limited exposure to different disciplines and a lack of resources or mentorship. Programs like Engineering Tomorrow offer hands-on experiences and mentorship, helping students overcome these hurdles and pursue engineering careers.

    Engineering Tomorrow has made a significant impact on both students and teachers, fostering increased engagement and enthusiasm for STEM subjects among students while providing teachers with a comprehensive curriculum and dynamic learning experiences.

    Some of the most popular classes offered by Engineering Tomorrow include electric car design, water reuse, space labs, and machine learning projects. These classes engage students in hands-on learning experiences that ignite curiosity and cultivate practical problem-solving skills in STEM education.

    TSEC 130: The Revolutionary Aftermath of the Devastating Baltimore Bridge Collapse

    TSEC 130: The Revolutionary Aftermath of the Devastating Baltimore Bridge Collapse

    In this episode, we talk with Roberto Leon, P.E., Ph.D., professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Virginia Tech, about the aftermath of the Baltimore Bridge collapse, including what the future holds for its reconstruction and the broader implications for infrastructure resilience.

    ***The video version of this episode can be viewed here.***

    Engineering Quotes:

    Here Are Some of the Questions We Ask Roberto:

    Can you provide an overview of the Baltimore Bridge collapse, including its immediate impact on both infrastructure and the community?

    What are the full financial repercussions, both immediate and long-term, of a port shutdown caused by traffic congestion?

    Was the Baltimore Bridge collapse due to a design flaw or just a terrible accident?

    Can stronger bridge designs, exceeding recommended standards, prevent collisions even if they're not always implemented?

    Considering the bridge's code design standards, how old is the bridge and was it built to meet those standards?

    Did older bridge codes, like the one for the Baltimore Bridge, have a lower chance of withstanding a ship collision compared to today's standards?

    How do engineers balance the need for safety in structures like bridges with the cost of building them to withstand extremely rare events?

    Will the Baltimore Bridge collapse force the industry to rethink bridge designs for better collision protection?

    Why do we need engineers to explain the importance of safety features in bridges, since we naturally expect them to be safe anyway?

    Do cable-stayed bridges offer advantages in design flexibility or visual appeal that make them preferable for this replacement project?

    Given the need for a fast replacement, can building this bridge on an accelerated timeline be done safely and efficiently?

    With a fast-tracked timeline and potential hidden costs in the foundation, how can planners ensure this multi-billion-dollar bridge project stays on budget?

    If public awareness of bridge vulnerabilities led to increased funding, what additional protective measures could be implemented?

    With a four-year closure disrupting the community, how does this bridge rebuild timeline compare to similar past collapses?

    How will the community cope with the four-year bridge closure, affecting commutes, work access, and daily needs?

    How can engineers bridge the gap between technical expertise and public understanding?

    What advice would you give young engineers?

    Here Are Some of the Key Points Discussed About the Revolutionary Aftermath of the Devastating Baltimore Bridge Collapse:

    The collapse of the Key Bridge in Baltimore, caused by a ship grounding, disrupted port access and communication channels, impacting local infrastructure and businesses and affecting the community's transportation and economy.

    A port shutdown due to traffic congestion can have immediate and long-term financial repercussions. In the short term, businesses incur losses from disrupted operations, while the long-term consequences may include shifts in shipping routes, leading to decreased port usage and a potential economic decline for the affected region.

    The Key Bridge collapse in Baltimore was caused by a collision with a fast-moving, fully loaded ship rather than a design flaw, which illustrates the challenge of balancing safety and cost in infrastructure planning.

    Stronger bridge designs that exceed standards can reduce damage from collisions, even if not always used. Engineers often recommend safety improvements, like those seen in the Sunshine Skyway Bridge.

    The bridge is almost 50 years old and was built to meet the design standards of its time. Its through-truss design efficiently carried loads with minimal material,

    • 56 min
    TSEC 129: Innovative Ways to Incorporate Mass Timber in Earthquake-Resistant Designs

    TSEC 129: Innovative Ways to Incorporate Mass Timber in Earthquake-Resistant Designs

    In this episode, we talk with Ben Moerman, P.Eng., M.Eng., Ph.D., and project structural engineer at StructureCraft, about earthquake-resistant designs and sustainable construction with mass timber. He shares insights on how mass timber can enhance safety during earthquakes and the challenges it poses compared to steel and concrete. We also explore new technologies for earthquake-resistant structures and sustainable building practices.

    ***The video version of this episode can be viewed here.***

    Engineering Quotes:

    Here Are Some of the Questions We Ask Ben:

    How did you transition from studying general engineering to specializing in a unique field like advanced earthquake engineering at a higher level?

    What kind of research did you do at the University of Canterbury, especially given the relevance of seismic lessons from Christchurch to earthquake-prone regions like Southern California?

    Are the experimental research findings from your time at the University of Canterbury now being used in new buildings, and how did they transition from academia to practical application?

    In New Zealand, do they favor performance-based design or integrate research directly into building codes when designing new structures with materials like mass timber?

    Why is mass timber considered beneficial for earthquake-resistant designs?

    How do you apply earthquake engineering principles in your daily work?

    What are the pros and cons of mass timber versus concrete and steel?

    Have you worked on any recent projects where your expertise in earthquake engineering significantly influenced the design or construction process?

    What software or technology has most benefited your work, especially considering the need for advancements compared to the concrete and steel industries?

    How do you believe your work with mass timber contributes to sustainability goals in our industry?

    How do engineers incorporate the research and development outputs from design firms into their projects?

    How long does the vibration testing process typically take, and is it done reactively for immediate issues or proactively for future projects?

    How are seismic research and resiliency strategies for mass timber being adopted globally, and which regions would benefit most?

    What advice would you give to engineers interested in specializing in earthquake engineering or those new to the field?

    Here Are Some of the Key Points Discussed About Innovative Ways to Incorporate Mass Timber in Earthquake-Resistant Designs:

    Ben pursued a master's degree in earthquake engineering to specialize in seismic design and mass timber. He chose Oregon State University and the University of Canterbury for their strong programs in these areas, and was particularly drawn to Canterbury's expertise shaped by significant earthquakes in 2010 and 2011.

    Ben was drawn to Canterbury's research on post-tension timber systems for low-damage design, which inspired his work to improve cross-laminated timber (CLT) shear wall lateral capacity using stronger connections and a unique coupled wall system with steel links between CLT panels. This project included a major large-scale test to confirm these enhancements.

    Ben's research findings from the University of Canterbury are being used in new buildings, especially in New Zealand. This transition from academia to practical application involved collaborations with industry partners like ENGCO, which applied the research on high-capacity connections using mixed-angle screw hold downs in seismic regions, directly integrating these innovative techniques into construction projects.

    In New Zealand, when designing new structures with materials like mass timber, they prioritize performance-based design over directly integrating research ...

    • 35 min

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