90 episodes

Hosted by Nathan McGurl, the Founder of the Study Buddy.

Studying at home can be a trying time for students - and their parents. How do they reach their potential? Am I helping or hindering? Should I be doing more or doing less?

This podcast talks to a range of experts, parents and students about studying, with practical tips on surviving and thriving in study and revision at home.

Produced by Pineapple Audio Production.

The Study Sessions: from The Study Buddy Pineapple Audio Production

    • Education

Hosted by Nathan McGurl, the Founder of the Study Buddy.

Studying at home can be a trying time for students - and their parents. How do they reach their potential? Am I helping or hindering? Should I be doing more or doing less?

This podcast talks to a range of experts, parents and students about studying, with practical tips on surviving and thriving in study and revision at home.

Produced by Pineapple Audio Production.

    On Preparing for the GCSE Journey

    On Preparing for the GCSE Journey

    You can almost hear the collective sigh of relief from those of us who’ve now come to the end of the exam period road. Now, all we have to do is wait for the results. But amongst us there are year 10 parents, the next cohort of GCSE studying families, considering the trek ahead as they leave the relative comfort of year 10 to the adventure that is exam year. So just what is the best foot forward on this journey?

    To end season 3 of The Study Sessions Podcast we're thinking about the next cohort and how to prepare for success. Nathan McGurl, founder of The Study Buddy, is joined by Rachel Stuart - academic coach and founder of The Mindset Lab. 
    In this episode we'll be covering: 

    ·        Is the summer a good time to think about academic goals?
    ·        How do you go about setting academic goals?
    ·        How much should students/parents think about mock previous exams in preparing for 2023 GCSEs?
    ·        Are there coaching ‘tricks’ that parents can use to help motivate their children?
    ·        What should students (and parents) have in place to start the next academic year on the right foot?

    This podcast series talks to a range of experts, parents and students about studying, with practical tips on surviving and thriving in revision and exams. Why not take a look back over the last three seasons' episodes for a wealth of tips and advice?

    Find out more about The Study Buddy at www.thestudybuddy.com

    Produced by Pineapple Audio Production. 

    • 29 min
    On what happens after GCSEs

    On what happens after GCSEs

    The end of exams brings with it an almost palpable lifting of a weight. The hard work has been done – or not – and now all you have to do is wait. And I say “all” like it’s easy in itself. For some this waiting period can be a little fraught too. So what are the best ways to approach this hinterland between exams, results and our little darling’s next steps?

    This week I’m delighted to be joined by Andy Scott-Evans. And is the Head Teacher of Becket Keys Church of England School in Essex where he has been head for nearly 10 years.

    In this episode we ask:

    Do you think it’s worth trying to pick over the bones of their freshly sat exam?
    There’s a temptation to say “oh well they don’t really matter” if things haven’t gone well. Weighing the relative importance of GCSEs for students
    How best to use the time between now and results (and start of term)
    Should students be mindful of their CVs during this time?
    Advice for results day and aftermath

    • 31 min
    On good advice during the exam period

    On good advice during the exam period

    If there’s one thing more stressful than revision for students – and us parents – then it’s the actual exam period. Many of us will feel like life is on a knife edge not knowing what to do for the best. Just how can we move past the fluctuating moods and bouts of anxiety, to try and make this a productive period? 

    The exam season has started in earnest – or should that be in anger?!  It’s an important and tricky time to navigate. All three seasons of our podcast have been hopefully building to this moment. With episodes ranging from coping with stress, through to the importance of a good diet. In response to some of the common questions The Study Buddy gets asked, I've cherry-picked a few gems from the last 87 episodes to help.

     In this episode we cover: 

    My child doesn't seem to care at all.
    My teen wants only 8s and 9s 
    Where is the pressure coming from and should we tackle that?
    How can I help my child when it gets too much? 
    Should we be preparing our child for the worst, just in case?
    Is it too late now to be doing anything?
    It’s exam day, what should they eat?

    In this third season of the podcast, Nathan - founder of The Study Buddy - will be talking to parents, students and teachers about GCSE and A Level exams in 2022. Sharing these real-life experiences will confirm we're not alone and should also provide plenty of advice and tips when it comes to supporting our own teens.

    If you would like to take part in a future episode please drop us a line: hello@thestudybuddy.com

    The Study Buddy is an innovative method for managing GCSE and A-Level revision in the run-up to exams. For more information about The Study Buddy's approach to organising study, time management and revision skills visit thestudybuddy.com

    Produced by Pineapple Audio Productions.

    • 25 min
    On apprenticeships as an alternative to university- "Get The Jump"

    On apprenticeships as an alternative to university- "Get The Jump"

    There’s a broad presumption that after school there’s A levels and then onto university for a degree. A lot of young people just seem to get swept along on this fast-flowing river of higher education. But with increasing options and alternatives, are we doing enough to make sure that our teens know what else is out there for them?

    This week Nathan, founder of The Study Buddy, is chatting with Faith. Faith has taken the decision not to go off to university and instead has taken up an apprenticeship. In fact a financial crime apprentice at Lloyds Bank. Faith is also featured in the Government’s ‘Get the Jump’ Skills for Life campaign. 

    Get The Jump" Skills For Life is an initiative aimed at helping 14-19 year olds understand the choices available to them as they take their next step in education and training, and inspiring them by highlighting some of the future jobs these could lead to. Visit gov.uk/get-the-jump for more information on the different routes that are available – after the episode, of course!

    In this episode, we hear Faith explain her reasoning for following the apprenticeship route, despite an expectation that Uni is the next step for teens after college. Faith talks openly and enthusiastically about her chosen path - and it's really refreshing to listen to!

    In this third season of the podcast, Nathan - founder of The Study Buddy - will be talking to parents, students and teachers about GCSE and A Level exams in 2022. Sharing these real-life experiences will confirm we're not alone and should also provide plenty of advice and tips when it comes to supporting our own teens.

    If you would like to take part in a future episode please drop us a line: hello@thestudybuddy.com

    The Study Buddy is an innovative method for managing GCSE and A-Level revision in the run-up to exams. For more information about The Study Buddy's approach to organising study, time management and revision skills visit thestudybuddy.com

    Produced by Pineapple Audio Productions.

    • 25 min
    On common questions in the run up to exams

    On common questions in the run up to exams

    It’s not long now until the exams. It’s a time when nerves can get frayed, and tensions run high. This is the stage of revision that is most marked by the rhetorical questions like my personal favourite: Shouldn’t you be revising? Wouldn’t it be great if there were answers out there for the issues that plague us…

    In this week's episode, The Study Buddy founder, Nathan McGurl, is answering some of the most common questions we get asked about revision and the run-up to exams. He is joined by his GCSE-facing daughter, Emily, who shares the student perspective too.

    We cover: 

    How much revision teens should be doing
    Lack of care and concern about the exams
    Teens saying they're revising, but not actually doing much
    Students putting things off until the last minute
    Focusing on one subject (or ignoring a subject)

    In this third season of the podcast, Nathan - founder of The Study Buddy - will be talking to parents, students and teachers about GCSE and A Level exams in 2022. Sharing these real-life experiences will confirm we're not alone and should also provide plenty of advice and tips when it comes to supporting our own teens.

    If you would like to take part in a future episode please drop us a line: hello@thestudybuddy.com

    The Study Buddy is an innovative method for managing GCSE and A-Level revision in the run-up to exams. For more information about The Study Buddy's approach to organising study, time management and revision skills visit thestudybuddy.com 

    Produced by Pineapple Audio Productions.

    • 33 min
    On revision techniques that work with Kate Jones

    On revision techniques that work with Kate Jones

    “I’ve been revising for ages” is often something that battle weary parents will have heard when asking how it’s going. As if lapsed time, spent near an open book or with a YouTube video playing a good use of time. But to be fair, it’s not just the procrastinators and the avoiders that struggle with the actual how of revising, even conscientious students can get lured into spending hours prettifying notes or highlighting textbooks, without knowing what value it does or doesn’t add. So, just what are the dos and don’ts when it comes to making the most of that precious revision time?

    In this episode Nathan is joined by Kate Jones - in her second Study Sessions appearance. A History teacher by trade, Kate is the author of several education books, with a focus on cognitive science and in particular retrieval practice.

    This week we are taking a practical look at some of the revision techniques that will help your teen's performance in the exams. Including flashcards, blurting and brain dumps, elaboration and past papers.

    In this third season of the podcast, Nathan - founder of The Study Buddy - will be talking to parents, students and teachers about GCSE and A Level exams in 2022. Sharing these real-life experiences will confirm we're not alone and should also provide plenty of advice and tips when it comes to supporting our own teens.

    If you would like to take part in a future episode please drop us a line: hello@thestudybuddy.com

    The Study Buddy is an innovative method for managing GCSE and A-Level revision in the run-up to exams. For more information about The Study Buddy's approach to organising study, time management and revision skills visit thestudybuddy.com 

    Produced by Pineapple Audio Productions.

    • 47 min

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