Robin Chadwell; photo courtesy of Robin Chadwell.Today’s guest is Robin Chadwell, who is helping spearhead a campaign for peace in the Middle East. A letter she has been circulating is garnering an increasing number of signatories as the situation for Palestinians, both in Gaza and in the occupied West Bank grows more dire by the hour.Robin Chadwell (she/her) is a farmer and caregiver for adults with developmental disabilities in Great Barrington, MA. When she isn’t working, she plays pick-up soccer, writes poetry, and watches reality TV. Show Intro Jay Velázquez: That is correct. In fact, this is episode 183 of the top left corner right here on The Greylock Glass, the Berkshires mightiest independent alternative news thing. Welcome. I’m your host, Jay Velázquez, known in an alternate zip code as the Mongrel. It’s great to have you with us on this November 1st. Rabbit. Rabbit. Rabbit. Good luck. 2023. It’s a Wednesday and if you looked out your window, you might have seen that it was a snowy Wednesday. Tell you what, those trick or treaters dodged the bullet last night, but boy was that a shocker. This morning, I know that. Climate scientists have predicted that because it’s going to be it is an El Nino year, that the winter is going to be milder. But if this is if this is how we’re going to lead into it, I don’t know, you know, could be could be anything and it’s anybody’s game anyway. Right. This is New England. This is what we get. We don’t get upset. Today is going to show us. Really. We’re actually not staying local, at least not in terms of the topic we’re going to be discussing the conflict. In Gaza right now, at least 8000. I think 400 Palestinians have been killed in Israel’s assault, which was a response to the attacks by Hamas on. Well, first military bases and then innocent civilians in the West Bank. And if innocent civilians in towns surrounding the Gaza Strip, some 1400 civilians were killed by Hamas fighters. And the retribution has been swift. It has been certain. And it is being called genocide by many, many level headed people. And this is a conflict that has the potential to spin way, way out of control, as we know. Israel is a nuclear armed state, though not officially. Iran may be a nuclear state. We’re not sure about that. We know that Pakistan is in support of Palestinian right now, and they’re definitely a nuclear armed state. And. Russia and China are. Not in favor of what’s going on. So we have all the makings of some geopolitical flash and. And spark, and we really would like to see that not happen. You know this this is a nice planet. I like this planet. I don’t want to see it exploded, but that is only going to happen, or that’s only going to be prevented if people speak up. And my guest today, Robin Chadwell, who is a farmer and caregiver for adults with developmental disabilities in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, Robin has. Um, started a letter and has. Written an open letter in support of a of a piece, and she has managed to get lots of signatories. I know she’s also got some help from from other folks in this endeavor, and she’ll describe that. The idea here is that she feels, as do the signatories of this open letter, that people have got to speak up if they don’t like what they see going on. Don’t like our the United States involvement in it? It is, after all, mostly our weaponry that is being used in this conflict that is killing innocents. We know that at least. Well, just about half of the population of the Gaza Strip are children, and pretty much half of the of the casualties can be expected to be children. We know that there have been around 8500 casualties so far. Civilian casualties. And that number rises. In fact,