Harvest Church

Harvest Church Pastors
Harvest Church

We are a strong, faithful church for evangelizing the world. The Gospel of Jesus Christ being preached and taught to each one, so that every person would know Him, not just about Him. We are a church that shepherds, trains and raises up godly men and women who would become disciples and leaders. Each one would thus be equipped, consecrated and anointed to minister to the Body of Christ and to the world through the power of the Spirit with supernatural signs. We are a place of refuge – a church of love and compassion, reaching out to all who are hurting, oppressed and downtrodden. We would be a church of mission – reaching beyond our walls into the local area, region and to the nations around the world. We are a church of mercy and restoration, that those in need; body, soul, mind and spirit would find their salvation, healing and wholeness in Jesus Christ and His Word. We would be a church where Jesus Christ is Lord, a place where the Holy Spirit has full reign. We are a church built upon the firm foundation of the Word of God. Simply stated, our heart is learn more about God through His Word and put into practice all that we learn. The Scriptures act as both a guide and an anchor for everything that we do. 220 Pittsburgh Street | Derry, PA 15627

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We are a strong, faithful church for evangelizing the world. The Gospel of Jesus Christ being preached and taught to each one, so that every person would know Him, not just about Him. We are a church that shepherds, trains and raises up godly men and women who would become disciples and leaders. Each one would thus be equipped, consecrated and anointed to minister to the Body of Christ and to the world through the power of the Spirit with supernatural signs. We are a place of refuge – a church of love and compassion, reaching out to all who are hurting, oppressed and downtrodden. We would be a church of mission – reaching beyond our walls into the local area, region and to the nations around the world. We are a church of mercy and restoration, that those in need; body, soul, mind and spirit would find their salvation, healing and wholeness in Jesus Christ and His Word. We would be a church where Jesus Christ is Lord, a place where the Holy Spirit has full reign. We are a church built upon the firm foundation of the Word of God. Simply stated, our heart is learn more about God through His Word and put into practice all that we learn. The Scriptures act as both a guide and an anchor for everything that we do. 220 Pittsburgh Street | Derry, PA 15627








