Samantha Feher

CAPS LOCK is a podcast designed to help you live bigger, better, louder, and longer. Come back every Sunday at 8 AM ET for new episodes, or watch with video on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Threads: @lifeincapslock.


    How to Bounce Back When You're Feeling Down

    In this episode, Sam talks about how she's been feeling kind of flat and stuck in a rut over the past few weeks, even though she can't pinpoint exactly what's wrong. Then, she reflects on some wisdom from her mom, and shares an exhaustive list of tried-and-true things that actually help pull her out of it and make her feel like herself again when she's feeling down. Listen to this episode if you're just feeling kind of blah and you need a kick in the ass, a bed rot, a bestie day, some indulgent self-care ideas, or a little extra love. Key moments: 01:16 Wisdom from Sam’s mom 04:15 Two different kinds of feeling “down” 05:27 How to get yourself out of a rut 06:17 Three kinds of therapy that you might not have considered 07:40 Intellectualizing your feelings 08:51 EMDR therapy: eye movement desensitization and reprocessing 10:08 Somatic healing therapy 11:10 The first thing you should do if you’re feeling down (especially if you don’t know why you’re sad) 11:37 Something you didn’t know about circadian rhythm 13:42 Easiest and best strategy ever, works every time 99% of the time 13:56 Fun fact about nature and antidepressants 14:32 It’s getting kinda deep lol 18:34 Sam spits bars about how sometimes your best friend is actually the best therapist 20:29 How our friendships extend our lifespans 22:01 You’re not cooking enough 28:35 *Eye roll* but hear me out 29:44 The surprising way eating sugars and fats affects your mental health 33:16 How to actually journal in a way that’s not embarrassing 35:36 Why gratitude lists and journals don’t work and how to fix them 38:11 Advice from Sam’s boyfriend that she hated at first but then it changed her life 42:25 Indulgence can be wellness!!! Sam’s favorite indulgent self-care activities 45:09 Give yourself a break from the pressure of always trying to be your best self 45:39 BARSSS (life is short) Thanks for listening! New episodes are released every Sunday at 8 AM EST, so if you liked this episode, subscribe or follow to get notified about the next one. And please leave me a rating or review, so I can continue to improve the show. Talk soon! Follow along: Instagram:  TikTok:  YouTube:  Threads:  Resources for this episode can be found here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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    How to Make New Friends as an Adult

    In this episode, Sam explores why it's easier to make new friends as a kid, harder to make new friends as an adult, and necessary to keep trying no matter what part of life we're in. She makes recommendations for not only places and occasions to meet new people and turn them into friends, but also how to approach them in a way that's more likely to result in friendship. Sam drops a couple bars and original theories in this one, so make sure to share it with a friend. Listen to this episode if you recently moved to a new city, if you're in your splinter era, if you're the "single friend" and you need to make more single friends, or if you just want to start meeting new people. Key moments: 00:35 Epic storytime 05:14 The kind of person Sam is lol 06:40 Most thoughtful lil gift 07:37 Why it’s harder to make friends as an adult 08:44 Sam’s hot take about WFH 09:21 Why we aren’t making new friends 11:19 If you think you’re too busy 15:53 Sam’s theory about how friendships change as we get older 17:24 The two ingredients required for a good friendship 19:09 The #1 best way to make new friends 20:54 The crazy way Sam met one of her best friends 22:12 How to make friends through fitness 27:00 Non-fitness ideas 31:19 Sam’s favorite tip in the whole episode 31:41 How to execute it 39:21 One thing we don’t do enough 40:40 The most unexpected idea on this list 41:59 The future of CAPS LOCK (community events!) 45:59 Sam spits absolute bars 47:04 How to approach people IRL 52:40 The important key to every new friendship Thanks for listening! New episodes are released every Sunday at 8 AM EST, so if you liked this episode, subscribe or follow to get notified about the next one. And please leave me a rating or review, so I can continue to improve the show. Talk soon! Follow along: Instagram:  TikTok:  YouTube:  Threads:  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    1 giờ 3 phút
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    Miranda McKeon: Diagnosed With Stage III Breast Cancer at 19

    In this episode, Sam meets with Miranda McKeon. They talk about Miranda's breast cancer journey, from a stage III diagnosis at only 19, to fertility treatments, chemotherapy, unexpected challenges and silver linings, and how it changed her life. Key moments: 00:33 Introducing Miranda and her cancer story 01:37 How we met (cute, bestie vibes) 07:46 Growing up and being in adult spaces as a young person 11:22 Starting college during COVID 13:07 How she found out she had cancer 14:45 What the lump felt like 15:57 Getting the biopsy results 17:50 Processing the results from an airplane in San Francisco 18:28 Rebranding self breast exams 20:44 Miranda’s fertility journey (at only 22) 26:28 Things that surprised her about fertility treatment 27:35 The most traumatizing part of her cancer treatment 29:28 How Miranda’s cancer journey gave her perspective 31:40 The physical toll of having and treating cancer 32:24 Going through medically-induced menopause at age 22 36:52 What helped the most during treatment 40:37 The emotional rollercoaster of it all 42:53 Who and what got her through it 43:02 How antidepressants played a role 46:31 What she learned about herself 48:53 How Sam found out her mom had cancer 52:00 How beating cancer gave Miranda purpose 53:22 Sharing her story online 54:59 One part of cancer people don’t talk about enough 55:14 Why she worried about finding love after cancer 58:25 What does a cancer-preventative lifestyle look like? Thanks for listening! New episodes are released every Sunday at 8 AM EST, so if you liked this episode, subscribe or follow to get notified about the next one. And please leave me a rating or review, so I can continue to improve the show. Talk soon! Follow along: Instagram:  TikTok:  YouTube:  Threads:  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    1 giờ 11 phút
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    How to Stop Procrastinating and Increase Productivity

    In this episode, Sam explores why we procrastinate, as well as strategies for being productive at work, even when it feels impossible. She draws from science-backed research and personal experience to develop creative, accessible, and actionable techniques for increasing your productivity and output. Listen to this episode if you're feeling stuck or unmotivated, if you can't seem to stop procrastinating on important tasks, or if you're struggling to cross tasks off your to-do list. Key moments: 02:42 Do you feel guilty when you procrastinate? 03:48 Sam says it’ll be a quick episode and then proceeds to talk for 49 minutes 04:15 The science behind why we procrastinate 04:29 The role of your limbic system 05:21 The role of your amygdala 06:22 Temporal discounting (so real and so interesting) 07:33 The role of your prefrontal cortex 09:05 The reasons we procrastinate 09:29 Listen here if you need a boost of good luck lol 09:54 Lack of motivation? Try these hacks 10:16 Body doubling (most fun tip IMO) 14:01 The bribe/threat method 14:55 Overwhelmed? Too much to do? Here’s how to overcome that 15:11 Amazing tip for nailing a job interview 15:52 Wisdom from my mom that changed my life 16:22 Step-by-step process for being productive when you’re overwhelmed 17:10 This is the best motivation I’ve ever heard dead serious 18:06 The best planner/agenda on earth (linked below) 18:39 How to mobilize yourself to start working 18:50 Friction auditing (identifying friction in your workflow) 19:06 How to remove the friction from your workday 19:41 The unexpected power of journaling (from someone who thinks journaling is cringe) 23:10 When the task feels daunting or intimidating 23:30 The most important thing when the task feels intimidating 25:48 The task never takes as long as you think it will 26:58 Hacks for getting you to start in the first place 27:10 The 5-minute rule (not 5-second) ((Mel Robbins approved)) 28:25 The Pomodoro Method (Sam’s version) 28:46 Break snacks!!! (Not food-related lol) 31:58 We are so back—fear of failure vs. judgment 32:34 How to get over fear of judgment 32:38 Who should we be taking feedback from? 33:49 Who we should NOT take feedback from 36:05 Sam goes on a rare Bravo rant 39:02 Perfectionism, self-doubt, and procrastination 41:24 The power of the mini deadline 43:54 Procrastination and ADD or ADHD 44:04 ADD and ADHD brains are literally structured differently 45:34 ADD or ADHD paralysis 45:55 Symptoms of ADHD paralysis 46:06 Time blindness (SOOO real) 47:30 Reinforcement of avoidant behaviors 50:16 Upcoming CAPS LOCK episode topics (new!) Thanks for listening! New episodes are released every Sunday at 8 AM EST, so if you liked this episode, subscribe or follow to get notified about the next one. And please leave me a rating or review, so I can continue to improve the show. Talk soon! Follow along: Instagram:  TikTok:  YouTube:  Threads:  Sam's "break snack"/manic episode playlist: Intelligent Change Productivity Planner: Resources for this episode can be found here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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    The Truth About Vaping, Smoking, and Nicotine

    In this episode, Sam meets with Caroline Vasquez Huber and Hilary Dubin, the founders of Quit With Jones: a company designed to help you quit vaping by way of nicotine replacement therapy and cognitive behavioral support. They discuss what's actually inside a vape, how (in some ways) vaping can be worse than smoking cigarettes, and what's in it for you if you manage to quit. They also get to the root of nicotine itself—is it dangerous? How should it be used? What's up with ZYN? Listen to this episode if you vape, or also if you don't (Sam has never touched one, but had the time of her life making this episode lol). Key moments: 00:35 About the guests (our first duo!) 02:16 The current stats on vaping are SHOCKING 03:06 People are using cigarettes to quit vaping 04:57 How people get into vaping in the first place (+ personal stories) 07:00 Quick history lesson on vapes and vaping 07:52 Do vapes actually help you quit smoking? 09:33 The FDA’s stance on vapes and e-cigarettes 09:47 Which carcinogens are in your vape (terrifying!) 10:04 Scary fact about vaping vs. smoking cigarettes 10:38 Vape juice includes ingredients that are banned from cleaning products lol 12:34 The worst chemicals in vape juice 14:51 The actual (financial) cost of vaping 15:53 The impact of vaping on sexual and reproductive health (insane) 17:22 The impact of vaping on your skin and hair 18:56 Is nicotine dangerous on its own? 20:36 What nicotine does to your brain 21:47 Nicotine and the reward center in your brain (origin of tolerance and addiction) 23:33 The dangers of ZYN and other nicotine pouches 24:40 Why they decided to quit vaping (personal stories, so good) 25:20 How Caroline found out she was vaping the equivalent of 2 packs of cigarettes per day 30:33 The vaping fact that made Hilary quit for good 31:13 How to calculate how much nicotine you’re vaping 33:01 Why the existing cessation options weren’t working 35:25 Smoking, vaping, nicotine, and diet culture/weight loss 38:08 Why they started Quit With Jones 38:44 The psychological side of quitting or recovering from addiction 40:20 The Quit With Jones app (listen if you want to quit vaping) 42:01 How much money Hilary has saved this year by quitting vaping 43:18 Sam has a genius business idea (brag) 43:58 Data on how well Quit With Jones works 44:50 Eliminating the stigma around “relapsing” in smoking and vaping 47:39 The future of smoking, vaping, and nicotine use Thanks for listening! New episodes are released every Sunday at 8 AM EST, so if you liked this episode, subscribe or follow to get notified about the next one. And please leave me a rating or review, so I can continue to improve the show. Talk soon! Follow along: Instagram:  TikTok:  YouTube:  Threads:  Resources for this episode can be found here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    1 giờ
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    Everything You Need to Know About Caffeine

    In this episode, Sam goes on a caffeine deep dive after traumatizing herself with an energy drink on an empty stomach (lol). She explores the physical and mental effects of drinking caffeine, plus how much you should be having, when you should be having it, and what types you should look for. She shares some shocking findings about synthetic caffeine (BAD), as well as the possibility of using caffeine as a preventative tool to protect against Alzheimer's, dementia, and Parkinson's (GOOD). Listen to this episode if you want to optimize the way you use caffeine, or if you just want to feel and perform better at work or in the gym. Key moments: 01:10 What inspired this episode 01:45 Sam's mantra about symptoms 02:24 Storytime 10:15 Sam's exact caffeine routine 12:35 What 13:13 The difference between natural and artificial caffeine 14:01 How natural caffeine is processed for consumption (also fun nerd moment!) 15:41 How synthetic caffeine is made (INSANE) 16:51 Craziest thing Sam has ever heard about caffeine 17:25 Somehow it gets worse 19:25 What does caffeine do in your body? 20:00 Caffeine and the brain 20:15 How caffeine impacts your sleep 21:50 How caffeine impacts your cognition 22:53 Yerkes-Dodson law broken down (important) 23:56 How caffeine impacts your memory 25:30 Caffeine and your mental health 25:44 Caffeine and anxiety 26:35 How caffeine affects your emotional state 27:14 Caffeine and depression (unexpected) 28:21 Long-term impacts of caffeine on your brain 28:28 Caffeine’s role in preventing Alzheimer’s and dementia (this is bananas) 29:55 Caffeine’s role in preventing Parkinson’s 31:10 The short-term physical effects of caffeine on your body 32:07 Caffeine overdose 32:20 How caffeine helps us in exercise/at the gym 33:26 The long-term physical effects of caffeine on your body 34:39 The most popular caffeinated products and their pros/cons 34:47 The benefits of drinking coffee (and the best way to drink it) 35:55 The benefits of drinking tea (and what kind is best) 36:57 The truth about energy drinks 39:03 Caffeine pills 39:49 Yerbamate 40:56 Can you become addicted to caffeine? 42:24 Upcoming episode topics Thanks for listening! New episodes are released every Sunday at 8 AM EST, so if you liked this episode, subscribe or follow to get notified about the next one. And please leave me a rating or review, so I can continue to improve the show. Talk soon! Follow along: Instagram:  TikTok:  YouTube:  Threads:  Resources for this episode can be found here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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    How to Become a Morning Person

    In this episode, Sam (who has been a night owl her entire life) explains why she decided to try being a morning person, how she fell in love with it, and why being a morning person is kind of amazing. Then, she offers 20 tips, strategies, and life hacks for making yourself a morning person when you're not naturally inclined. Listen to this episode if you want to start waking up earlier, develop healthier habits, stop staying up too late, and feel less tired throughout the day. Key moments: 00:35 Some quick pod updates 02:13 Small but exciting CAPS LOCK milestones! 02:45 Prenuvo scan updates and $300 discount code 04:56 An amazing motivational quote 05:38 Intro to becoming a morning person 06:40 Sam’s morning person origin story 14:10 Sam’s wellness routine in 2025 15:41 Is being a morning person genetic? 17:23 Why is it better to be a morning person? 22:51 Sam’s experience becoming a morning person 28:09 The only drawback so far 28:48 Potential future episode topic? DM me your thoughts! 33:25 20 tips for becoming a morning person! 33:52 What is circadian rhythm? 35:43 The real reason blue light is bad for you 37:53 Sam makes a confession lol 40:04 2 things to do immediately when you wake up 42:43 A funny tip but one of the most motivating ones 44:09 Sam shares a surprising fact about caffeine 46:24 One of Sam’s favorite productivity life hacks 48:27 Hilarious morning person tip that Sam invented 50:07 Sam’s hot take on a common morning person tip 51:19 Sam’s exact sleep schedule for 2025 56:09 How what (and when) you eat affects your sleep 59:14 Sam spits absolute bars Thanks for listening! New episodes are released every Sunday at 8 AM EST, so if you liked this episode, subscribe or follow to get notified about the next one. And please leave me a rating or review, so I can continue to improve the show. Talk soon! Follow along: Instagram:  TikTok:  YouTube:  Threads:  $300 off your full-body Prenuvo scan: Resources for this episode can be found here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    1 giờ 9 phút
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    Aliza Kelly: How Astrology Impacts Your Life at Different Ages

    In this episode, Sam meets with celebrity astrologer Aliza Kelly. They discuss astrology for skeptics, what's going on in the stars right now (plus what it means for us all), and how the stars impact you at all different times throughout your life. Listen to this episode if you're not sure you believe in astrology, if you want to learn how to better understand and apply it to your life, or if you want to know more about the astrological significance of different times in your life. Key moments: 04:30 For people who don’t believe in astrology... 05:05 A shocking fact about astrology 11:55 The surprisingly short history of psychology and mental health 12:49 The biggest misconceptions about astrology 14:17 Why Aliza became an astrologer 19:04 How to use astrology as a tool and apply it to your life 19:53 Astrology and manifestation 21:54 Astrology as a wellness practice 24:45 Turning your passion into a business 28:00 What’s going on in the stars right now 28:33 Jupiter in Gemini and what it means for us 31:03 What Jupiter in Gemini did to Sam in 2024 lol 36:04 When your Saturn return really happens (it's not when you think) 37:15 Misconceptions about Saturn return 37:36 Astrological events we all experience (and when we'll experience them) 38:01 Why your late 20s are such an important time 38:55 What is your progressed lunar return? (Lesser known but important) 41:05 What is your nodal opposition? (Lesser known but important) 43:28 What does Saturn return mean for you? 45:53 This VERY popular astrology app is a scam 48:17 What apps you should use instead of that one 49:06 How to interpret your own chart Thanks for listening! New episodes are released every Sunday at 8 AM EST, so if you liked this episode, subscribe or follow to get notified about the next one. And please leave me a rating or review, so I can continue to improve the show. Talk soon! Follow along: Instagram:  TikTok:  YouTube:  Threads:  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    1 giờ
155 Xếp hạng

Giới Thiệu

CAPS LOCK is a podcast designed to help you live bigger, better, louder, and longer. Come back every Sunday at 8 AM ET for new episodes, or watch with video on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Threads: @lifeincapslock.

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