The Unexpected (Summer) Sabbatical

Life Notes from Chair 17

Ever thought you could - or would - take an unplanned sabbatical? Neither did we. But sometimes, those life curve balls end up being the best thing EV-er. Join CH this week as she reflects on what turned out to be the unexpected summer sabbatical - embracing the chance to pause, step-back and recharge. She looks back on her hesitance to make the decision, the debate within herself of should she or shouldn't she (thanks, Captain Jack Sparrow), and how the encouragement from friends and peers ultimately helped her give HERSELF the permission to take a much-needed break.

Show Notes

  • CH makes a playful reference to the "Up is Down" scene from 'Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End' where Captain Jack Sparrow is talking to miniature versions of himself - one on each shoulder - as he ponders (among other things) his future. For those not familiar, you can view the scene here.
  • For those not familiar with the term sabbatical, or how it is officially defined, check out the Wikipedia listing.








