100 episodes

Conversations at the intersection of faith and true crime hosted by private investigator and church safety advocate Lori Morrison.

The Unlovely Truth Lori Morrison

    • True Crime
    • 4.8 • 61 Ratings

Conversations at the intersection of faith and true crime hosted by private investigator and church safety advocate Lori Morrison.

    Arson, Theft, and Gunfire: It’s Not a Movie, it’s Church S6E16

    Arson, Theft, and Gunfire: It’s Not a Movie, it’s Church S6E16

    I’m so glad you’ve joined me at the intersection of faith and true crime here at The Unlovely Truth. Security issues are hiding in every church - do you know where to look for them? I’m your host, church safety advocate Lori Morrison. Our churches need to be the safest places in our communities, so our mission here is to find actionable steps that will make our churches sanctuaries of physical, emotional, and spiritual safety. To give you tools to help make that happen in your church, we’re going to investigate real crime stories from real churches. I’ve got three cases for us to investigate today, so let’s dive right in. 
    Highlights from this episode include:
    Shots were fired at Grace New Covenant Church in Bellefontaine Neighbors, Missouri. Why did the shooter pick that church?
    Two sets of rules for handling money is a sure fire way to have money mis-handled.
    Arson isn’t the answer to disagreements
     Let's look at James 3:3-6 from the HCSB:
    Now when we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we also guide the whole animal. And consider ships: Though very large and driven by fierce winds, they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs. So too, though the tongue is a small part of the body, it boasts great things. Consider how large a forest a small fire ignites. And the tongue is a fire. The tongue, a world of unrighteousness, is placed among the parts of our bodies. It pollutes the whole body, sets the course of life on fire, and is set on fire by hell.
    That is very strong language! But I think it's good for us to remember. What damage we can do with our words. We can shame people. We can blame people. We can tear them down. But we can also do the exact opposite. If horses can be made to obey with a small bit in their mouth, if a ship can be guided where the pilot wants it to go with a small rudder, we can use that small part of our bodies, our mouth, our tongue, to use good words to build people up. To bridge gaps. 
    And to help those who need us.
    Let me know what you thought of this episode! Send me an email a lori@theunlovelytruth.com or message me on social media. I love it when people are willing to have hard, but impactful conversations that strengthen physical, emotional, and spiritual safety at the intersection of faith and true crime.
    Visit my website to access more episodes. If you would like to contact me about booking me as a speaker, or ask about my coaching services, please email me at lori@theunlovelytruth.com. 
    Ways you can support the work of The Unlovely Truth:
    Share the episode
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    Check out my Amazon Author Page to find resources on personal safety, and safety training for churches. 
    Shots fired at a Missouri church
    Pastor says he didn't mis-use church funds
    Church arsons said to be over theological issue

    • 10 min
    The Best and Worst Part of Church: Community S6E15

    The Best and Worst Part of Church: Community S6E15

    I’m so glad you’ve joined me at the intersection of faith and true crime here at The Unlovely Truth. Security issues are hiding in every church - do you know where to look for them? I’m your host, church safety coach Lori Morrison. Our churches need to be the safest places in our communities, so our mission here is to find actionable steps that will make our churches sanctuaries of physical, emotional, and spiritual safety. To give you tools to help make that happen in your church, we’re going to investigate real crime stories from real churches. I’ve got three cases for us to investigate today, so let’s dive right in. 
    Highlights from this episode include:
    Woman stalked by a man from church
    Gateway Church allegedly covered up other abuse
    Man facing charges after spraying water on protesters at his church
    Proverbs 27:12 GNT
    Sensible people will see trouble coming and avoid it, 
    but an unthinking person will walk right into it and regret it later.
    I’m not doing any victim-blaming here. I just love quoting Proverbs because they state things in such a memorable way. There are so many verses in the Bible that show God’s compassion for people who have been taken advantage of by others. He doesn’t blame them and neither do I. But I do want us to think about being proactive rather than reactive when it comes to safety in our churches.
    How many times does a man have to behave inappropriately in a church setting before we say enough is enough? I’ve heard plenty of stories about confronting women for how they dress, or actions from their past but what about confronting inappropriately aggressive behavior in men? I’m also not slamming men. Some of the Godliest people I know are faithful and upright men. But the vast majority of the time they are the perpetrators in the cases we discuss. Let’s be more sensible like Proverbs says and avoid the trouble they cause by confronting the behavior they display. 
    It’s time to stop making excuses. It’s time to elevate the protection of innocents. It’s time to speak up and it has to start with the people in the pews. We’ve given decades to the people in positions of power to get it right, and too many of them have failed us. We need true shepherds, not shifty influencers. Not flashy speakers. Not charming snakes. Are you ready to demand that leaders in your church be true shepherds?
    Let me know what you think of this episode! Send me an email at lori@theunlovelytruth.com or message me on social media. I love it when people are willing to have hard, but impactful conversations that strengthen physical, emotional, and spiritual safety at the intersection of faith and true crime.
    Visit my website to access more episodes. If you would like to contact me about booking me as a speaker or ask about my consulting services, please email me at lori@theunlovelytruth.com. 
    Ways you can support the work of The Unlovely Truth:
    Share the episode 
    Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn 
    Check out my Amazon Author Page to find resources on personal safety, and safety training for churches. 
    Church stalker
    More trouble for Gateway Church
    Man assaulted protesters

    • 10 min
    Create In Us a Clean Heart: S6E14

    Create In Us a Clean Heart: S6E14

    I’m so glad you’ve joined me at the intersection of faith and true crime here at The Unlovely Truth. Security issues are hiding in every church - do you know where to look for them? I’m your host, church safety advocate Lori Morrison. Our churches need to be the safest places in our communities, so our mission here is to find actionable steps that will make our churches sanctuaries of physical, emotional, and spiritual safety. To give you tools to help make that happen in your church, we’re going to investigate real crime stories from real churches. I’ve got three cases for us to investigate today, so let’s dive right in. 
    Highlights from this episode include:
    Watch out for what gets posted on your church’s website
    Church employee arrested on child porn charges
    The Episcopal Church gets it right
    Visit my website to access more episodes. If you would like to contact me about booking me as a speaker, or ask about my consulting services, please email me at lori@theunlovelytruth.com. 
    Ways you can support the work of The Unlovely Truth:
    Share the episode 
    Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn 
    Check out my Amazon Author Page to find resources on personal safety, and safety training for churches. 
    Church website publishes application for militia
    Church worker arrested for possessing child porn
    Go Episcopalian Church!
    Hebrews 4:12-13 (CEV)
    God's word is alive and powerful! It is sharper than any double-edged sword.
     His word can cut through our spirits and souls and through our joints and marrow, 
    until it discovers the desires and thoughts of our hearts. Nothing is hidden from God! 
    He sees through everything, and we will have to tell him the truth.
    I was so happy to happy a good story to share today! Even so, it occurred to me that each of our three cases had something in common. Each one pointed to the heart condition of each of our main characters. In the first two cases, it was a heart full of evil intent disguised by an association with a religious group. In the last, it was a man with a heart bent towards justice and a willingness to actually do something. 
    I’d like to think that God’s word is the deciding factor here. His Word itself describes the power that it has, even the power to discover what is in our hearts. We can’t know for sure what is in these people’s hearts, but God can, and we can certainly evaluate the fruit they are producing. If you are seeing the kind of fruit our first two cases brought to light, I hope you’ll speak up. That will show amazingly good fruit being produced in your life, 
    Let me know what you thought of this episode! Send me an email a lori@theunlovelytruth.com or message me on social media. I love it when people are willing to have hard, but impactful conversations that strengthen physical, emotional, and spiritual safety at the intersection of faith and true crime.

    • 10 min
    Truth, Lies, and Insurance: S6E13

    Truth, Lies, and Insurance: S6E13

    I’m so glad you’ve joined me at the intersection of faith and true crime here at The Unlovely Truth. Security issues are hiding in every church - do you know where to look for them? I’m your host, church safety advocate Lori Morrison. Our churches need to be the safest places in our communities, so our mission here is to find actionable steps that will make our churches sanctuaries of physical, emotional, and spiritual safety. To give you tools to help make that happen in your church, we’re going to investigate real crime stories from real churches. I’ve got three cases for us to investigate today, so let’s dive right in. 
    Highlights from this episode include:
    A very practical problem churches can encounter when they aren’t doing to enough to respond to and prevent abuse by leaders and volunteers
    An artist behaving badly still has works displayed by Catholic Church
    Why was a man charged with multiple violent felonies still listed as a church staff member 5 months later?
    Ephesians 5:1-3 NIrV
    You are the children that God dearly loves. So follow his example. Lead a life of love, just as Christ did. He loved us. He gave himself up for us. He was a sweet-smelling offering and sacrifice to God. There should not be even a hint of sexual sin among you.
     Don’t do anything impure. And do not always want more and more. 
    These are not the things God’s holy people should do.
    Paul spent chapter 4 describing how Christians should live our lives. He continues this in chapter 5, and really boils it down here. God loves us enough to die for is in the person of Christ, and that should be enough to make us want to be like him. Then the first thing Paul tells us NOT to do as we try to lead this life of love is to be sure there is no sexual sin among God’s people. Yet as I research crimes connected to our churches, the vast majority of cases are about sexual sins by leaders within the church
    Maybe that’s what the media focuses on because of its gossipy appeal, its “see, I told you they were all hypocrites” vibe - but whatever the reason, it’s a self-inflicted wound. The truth is that, as a whole, churches don’t screen leaders well enough. We don’t confront early red flags with great enough speed or diligence. And we continue to cover up for abusers and try to make victims just go away. 
    I hope your church is doing everything right in this area. My concern is that most churches think they are doing a great job, only to have a scandal erupt that leaves everyone wondering “How did this happen”. Don’t be afraid to ask your church leaders what policies and procedures they have in place so that your church isn’t going to be mentioned on my podcast.

    Visit my website to access more episodes. If you would like to contact me about booking me as a speaker or ask about my consulting services, please email me at lori@theunlovelytruth.com. 
    Ways you can support the work of The Unlovely Truth:
    Share the episode 
    Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn 
    Check out my Amazon Author Page to find resources on personal safety, and safety training for churches. 
    Loss of insurance halts ministry and worship services
    Should a man accused of multiple rapes have his art displayed by the Catholic church?
    Tip: don't list accused pedophiles as staff members

    • 13 min
    Moral Failure or Crime? S6E12

    Moral Failure or Crime? S6E12

    I’m so glad you’ve joined me at the intersection of faith and true crime here at The Unlovely Truth. Security issues are hiding in every church - do you know where to look for them? I’m your host, church safety coach Lori Morrison. Our churches need to be the safest places in our communities, so our mission here is to find actionable steps that will make our churches sanctuaries of physical, emotional, and spiritual safety. To give you tools to help make that happen in your church, we’re going to investigate real crime stories from real churches. I’ve got three cases for us to investigate today, so let’s dive right in. 
    Highlights from this episode include:
    Texas mega-church pastor Robert Morris’s resignation
    Judge criticizes church over their handling of predatory volunteer
    A different church has a wonderful response to handling predatory pastor 
    Act 14:8-11 NIV
    In Lystra there sat a man who was lame. He had been that way from birth 
    and had never walked. He listened to Paul as he was speaking. Paul looked directly at him, 
    saw that he had faith to be healed and called out, “Stand up on your feet!” 
    At that, the man jumped up and began to walk. When the crowd saw what Paul had done, 
    they shouted in the Lycaonian language, “The gods have come down to us in human form!”
    I’ll bet most of you recognize this story, and some of you even have the kid’s Sunday School song about it running through your head now. I want us to focus less on the healing and more on what the people’s reactions are. They immediately wanted to worship Paul, and Barnabas who was with Paul, as gods themselves instead of praising the God Paul and Barnabas served. 
    Don’t we still do that today? I see and share so many stories of leaders in the church who have fallen, and yet they are treated like they are the ones who are victims. They need to be held accountable. But what about us? So here is a question I think we all should ask ourselves: do we bear some responsibility when we place leaders on pedestals and refuse to believe they could commit evil and even predatory acts? 
    I hope you’ll email me or reach out on social media to let me know what you think! I love it when people are willing to have hard, but impactful conversations that strengthen physical, emotional, and spiritual safety at the intersection of faith and true crime
    Visit my website to access more episodes. If you would like to contact me about booking me as a speaker, or ask about my consulting services, please email me at lori@theunlovelytruth.com. 
    Ways you can support the work of The Unlovley Truth:
    Share the episode 
    Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn 
    Check out my Amazon Author Page to find resources on personal safety, and safety training for churches. 
    Robert Morris resigns, church leader responds
    Judge takes pastor to task
    Story where church get it right

    • 11 min
    The Yeast of the Pharisees: S611

    The Yeast of the Pharisees: S611

    I’m so glad you’ve joined me at the intersection of faith and true crime here at The Unlovely Truth. Security issues are hiding in every church - do you know where to look for them? I’m your host, church safety advocate Lori Morrison. Our churches need to be the safest places in our communities, so our mission here is to find actionable steps that will make our churches sanctuaries of physical, emotional, and spiritual safety. To give you tools to help make that happen in your church, we’re going to investigate real crime stories from real churches. I’ve got three cases for us to investigate today, so let’s dive right in. 
    Highlights from this episode include:
    Former Christian School teacher arrested, charged with several kidnappings, armed robberies and a carjacking
    Church treasurer steal hundreds of thousands of dollars from church
    Pastor steals churches. Not FROM churches, but steals actual churches
    Our Scripture passage for this episode:
    Luke 12:1b-3
    “Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees—their hypocrisy. The time is coming when everything that is covered up will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all. Whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered behind closed doors will be shouted from the housetops for all to hear!”
    Jesus had just spent the last part of the preceding chapter reminding his disciples how Israel’s  religious leader had rejected their long awaited Messiah. He pronounces several “woes” on these leaders - one being that they tithe but neglect justice. Sometimes we do the same thing, don’t we? We give our money to the church but we’d rather not look to closely at things that make us uneasy. When we do that, are we being hypocrites just like the Pharisses? Will we be held to account when secrets are eventually revealed and we could’ve done something to stop injustice but we didn’t? That’s a little scary to me - no, actually it’s a lot scary. Scarier than stepping up to call out injustices we see. I’m ready to speak up more - are you with me?

    Visit my website to access more episodes. If you would like to contact me about booking me as a speaker, or ask about my consulting services, please email me at lori@theunlovelytruth.com. 
    Ways you can support the work of The Unlovley Truth:
    Share the episode 
    Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn 
    Check out my Amazon Author Page to find resources on personal safety, and safety training for churches. 
    Former church school teacher turned felon
    Church treasurer helps himself
    Pastor steals churches

    • 12 min

Customer Reviews

4.8 out of 5
61 Ratings

61 Ratings

Hooks2Crook ,

I know her well!

Thank you Lori for your bravery to shed light on difficult stories. Season 4 Episode 4 is powerful and offers hope throughout both ladies stories. Again thank you so much for being a PI (person of impact.)❤️

Lori A from Texas ,

Fascinating, Enlightening,

I only recently discovered this podcast, but I am so thankful I did. I appreciate how the host shares stories of true crimes with insight and sensitivity, bring forth a spiritual truth as she does. I enjoy hearing from the Private Investigator perspective, but even more so I enjoy hearing from a Person of Impact perspective.

TJM in TN ,

Excellent podcast

Well communicated and interesting while shedding light on unsolved cases and some everyday situations we all need to be on guard for.

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